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Rice farmers fear the worst; AFC Councilor maintains he was stripped naked by Police

July 11, 2014 4:26 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


By Tracey Khan – Drakes

AFC Executive Members, Beverly Alert, Moses Nagamootoo and Councilor, Naith Ram. [iNews' Photo]

AFC Executive Members, Beverly Alert, Moses Nagamootoo and Councilor, Naith Ram. [iNews' Photo]

[] – Essequibo Rice Farmers are not out of the woods yet and fear the worst is yet to come since a huge surplus of paddy remains in the system from the previous crop due to a lack of market.


Only recently, a peaceful protest by farmers in Essequibo turned violent for payment from rice millers, with several police officers being assaulted and some 19 rice farmers charged and their equipment ceased.

Alliance For Change (AFC) Councilor in Essequibo, Naith Ram said this is causing an excess and the farmers fear the present crop is heading towards a disaster.

“Over 115,000 tons of paddy still remains in the system which will be brought forward into the new crop. This raises the question of supply and demand the price for paddy in the new crop is in trouble; it will affect thousands of rice farmers and their family in the region.

The farmers’ concerns remain the same and includes untimely payments, interest on money owed to them by millers, poor drainage, enforcement of the grading system and the most recent challenge – post dated checks.

Ram also expressed concerns about the post dated cheques that were issued to farmers after their protest action and explained that they can only cash the cheques until the end of August. This trend, he said has been a tactic of the Government.

Naith Ram displays his underwear which he claimed the Police stripped during the recent protest in Essequibo.

Naith Ram displays his underwear which he claimed the Police stripped during the recent protest in Essequibo.

The farmers are again demanding government’s help for full payment of their produce and guarantee markets and fair prices. The AFC councilor also rejected claims by the Government that farmers were drunk on the day of the protest. He also vehemently denied stripping himself and blamed law enforcement officers for this.

Ram walked with the clothes he was wearing that day and showed how it was ripped and blood stains were all over.

The farmers, after protesting were paid two days later. Another farmer for the past 30 years, Bridgelall said farmers who were main supporters of the People’s Progressive Party Civic saw the government’s true colors at the recent protest action after they were treated like criminals.

The farmers maintained that protesting was their only option for results since on many occasions they sought to meet with the relevant authorities and were only given promises with no results. Four framers today joined the AFC at its weekly press conference and expressed their sentiments.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I made a post earlier about a Rice Development Board and Gil supported a board represented by Farmers. Is where de minister hiding on this matter ?

There is a huge market for rice products. Rice is gluten free. Previously people were wrongfully diagnosed with IBS and had all kind of wrong surgery performed only to find out after years of suffering that they are Gluten Intolerant. Just google and see how rice is converted to noodles, flour, cakes .... etc, and packaged.


Hats off to the AFC on this one.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Laad Ah Mercy. A Drunken IDIOT did striptease and TK and Moses getting excited. HEHEHE  These FOOLS have fallen to a new LOW!!!!!!!!!!

A drunkee call another drunk.  What sad sorrow!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I made a post earlier about a Rice Development Board and Gil supported a board represented by Farmers. Is where de minister hiding on this matter ?

There is a huge market for rice products. Rice is gluten free. Previously people were wrongfully diagnosed with IBS and had all kind of wrong surgery performed only to find out after years of suffering that they are Gluten Intolerant. Just google and see how rice is converted to noodles, flour, cakes .... etc, and packaged.


Hats off to the AFC on this one.

Those who attack Burnham for banning wheat flour should take note.

In 1983, while doing some research at Freedom House, I came across a report  in the Thunder newspaper of 1961 in which Premier Cheddi Jagan urged Guyanese to cook with local rice flour instead of imported wheat flour. I showed the report to Gail Teixeira and she showed it to Dr Jagan in my presence.

Gail said: "Comrade Cheddi, how we attacking the PNC for promoting rice flour and here it says you yourself promoted it?"

Dr Jagan resorted to dialectics in his answer.

One more point. I know as a fact that an Essequibo PPP parliamentarian had bought a mini-mill to grind rice into flour. His wife earned a handsome income milling rice flour under their bottom-house for customers.

The use of rice flour is common in India. Rice flour makes better mohanbhog than wheat flour.


Last edited by Former Member

The PPP has not recognized that sharing out free laptops will not put food in the belly of the people or in any meaningful way change their lives.


They will take those same laptops and read all the negative articles about them and wake up and recognize what a pile of thieves they really are.


Ramjattan proposes a very solid idea here to help rice farmers. Will the PPP take it and run with it or make the same mistake they have been making since 1992? my bet is they will make the same mistake and continue to bury themselves.


Ramjattan proposes revolving fund for rice farmers

Posted By Staff Writer On July 12, 2014 @ 5:16 am In Local News | No Comments

AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan is proposing that a revolving fund be created for rice farmers in Region Two so as to ensure they are not kept waiting for their money from rice millers in the future.

The proposal came during Thursday’s sitting of the National Assembly and stems from the continued cries of Region Two farmers who say millers in the region continue to pay them late for their produce. The late payments were one of the reasons for the protest in the region last Friday, during which rice farmers were allegedly abused by police officers and several tractors were impounded.

A total of 19 persons were charged after protestors blocked the road and refused requests bypolice to disperse.

Naith Ram, an AFC Councilor and President of the Essequibo Paddy Farmer’s Association told Stabroek News that he and two other farmers were assaulted by the police during a confrontation. He claimed that his “pants were torn down. I was almost naked and all my privates were exposed. I have bruises on by buttocks, and other parts of my body.”

The police force says permission was given to the Essequibo Paddy Farmers’ Association to hold the protest march and a meeting after at the Anna Regina High Bridge. It noted that the protest march, which had about 200 participants, was peaceful and by the conclusion of the meeting around 12.30pm, most of the persons left.

However, the force says some persons remained and began drinking and later in the afternoon, around 5.15pm, those who were drinking and others that included Ram, boarded their vehicles, including tractors and trailers, and proceeded to drive at a very slow rate along the middle of the main roadway in the vicinity of the villages of Reliance and Land of Plenty, Essequibo Coast. It was stated that this action resulted in a backup of traffic as other motor vehicles could not pass, and the protestors continued their action despite efforts by police ranks to get them to drive on the left hand side of the road. The force said efforts by ranks to get the vehicles removed from the roadway were met with bottle, bricks and other articles being hurled at them by the crowd.

Before the altercation came to an end police resorted to the use of tear gas and 19 persons who were participating in the demonstration were arrested. They have since been charged.

Ramjattan told the National Assembly on Thursday that the protest action would not have occurred if farmers, who were not paid on time despite their numerous complaints and the numerous efforts of the National Assembly had not been treated the way they were. He particularly lamented the alleged stripping of Ram, at which point Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) MP Neil Kumar shouted to Ramjattan that those who were stripped did so themselves because they were drunk. At one point Kumar even suggested that Ramjattan provided the alcohol.

Kumar shouted this remark, as well as several others like it several times before Ramjattan came to the end of his presentation. In closing his presentation, Ramjattan told the National Assembly that all charges brought against the farmers for their actions should be dropped, and he added the tractors and trailers which were impounded should be released into to custody of their owners.

Also, to ensure that farmers, some on which are reportedly owed millions, Ramjattan proposed the setting up a revolving fund to facilitate the payment of rice farmers for their next crop, and the crops to follow.

At an AFC press conference yesterday, MP Moses Nagamootoo said the protest was not meant to cause any disruption but to highlight the concerns of the farmers who were being ignored. “The AFC wishes to say very clearly that we do not want to politicise the livelihood of farmers but we support their cause for fair play, that when they sell their produce they must be paid. That’s what the government is there for, to protect the producers and also to ensure that here is market for the produce,” he said.

Harper asserted that the issue must be viewed from a holistic perspective, she said “Paddy farmers in Essequibo are equivalent to the sugar farmers in Berbice and the bauxite workers in Linden.” She explained that the money made by these farmers is circulated within the local economy, “they are the lifeblood of Essequibo, so when they don’t get their money it is like blocking a main artery.” According to her, this is not a new experience for the country, or the Guyanese economy she said, “We have seen what happened to linden when bauxite production went down. We don’t want a repetition of that. Something must urgently be done to ensure that we have markets for the produce.”

Commenting on the future of the rice industry, Ram, who was also present, noted that there is currently a huge surplus of paddy left in the system from the previous crop. “This is causing a glut and the present crop is heading towards a disaster,” he said, estimating that over 115,000 tonnes of paddy remains in the silos from the last crop. He believes that this will negatively influence the price for the new crop as there will be more supply than demand, which has the potential to disrupt the lives of all rice farmers and their families. “We are the single largest private sector business in Guyana and demand government’s help for full payments and guaranteed market at fair prices,” he said.

Comprehensive plan

Meanwhile, main opposition APNU yesterday said in light of the protests, stakeholders should be consulted and a comprehensive plan on bettering the rice industry drafted even if it done through a commission of inquiry .

“APNU has received numerous complaints from paddy farmers. These complaints indicate that there are sufficient grounds for the PPP/C Administration to convene a Commission of inquiry into the impediments to the efficient management of the industry and to make recommendations for the improvement of the livelihood of the nation’s paddy farmers,” APNU leader David Granger said yesterday at a news conference.

An official coalition statement said APNU was alarmed at the spate of the protests in the rice industry, while noting that the protest last Friday was the fifth such protest by paddy farmers this year.

It noted that the issue of payment problems had been highlighted in the National Assembly last year, when protesting paddy farmers had previously converged on the precincts of the Public Buildings to meet APNU and AFC parliamentarians. According to APNU, the protestors delivered a petition of over 1,000 signatures to the Minister of Agriculture, requesting him to ensure prompt payments are made for their paddy. However to date the same problem recurs and it is evident that much is not being done for the sector.

The coalition laid the blame on the ruling administration, saying that it exercises control of the industry through the ministry of Agriculture, the Guyana Rice Development Board and the Guyana Rice Producers Association. “It must therefore bear full responsibility for the current and chronic chaos affecting it,” APNU said.

APNU believes that while much income is generated through Guyana and Venezuela’s Petro Caribe agreement, it has fuelled increasing production of the product that can leave farmers with surpluses of rice and which can see them losing in the end. This reality coupled with the fact that rice is a competitive global commodity, with many countries trading in the grain, APNU said it is time for Guyana to seek out new markets both regionally and internationally.

Meanwhile, Region Two resident and Leader of the Rice Producers Association Action Committee, Jinnah Rahman told the press conference that he and many farmers countrywide were fed up with the way the farmers were treated by the ruling administration. He said that he was not afraid to speak out for reform in the sector as complaints over the years have been ignored.

He pointed to a document which his organisation has drafted demanding a sustainable rice industry.

In the document, the group calls for the establishment of an Intervention Fund to protect and secure the livelihood of all rice farmers. It also demands the immediate reestablishment of the Guyana Agriculture and Development Bank which, should have industry professionals sitting on the board as directors. This demand stems from the view that current interest rates at commercial banks were too high and with a development bank farmers will be able to establish small percentage interest rates.

The document also calls for the urgent replacement of current Minister of Agriculture Dr. Leslie Ramsammy and says that it was time he stopped using millers as scapegoats for the mismanagement of the sector.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I made a post earlier about a Rice Development Board and Gil supported a board represented by Farmers. Is where de minister hiding on this matter ?

There is a huge market for rice products. Rice is gluten free. Previously people were wrongfully diagnosed with IBS and had all kind of wrong surgery performed only to find out after years of suffering that they are Gluten Intolerant. Just google and see how rice is converted to noodles, flour, cakes .... etc, and packaged.


Hats off to the AFC on this one.

Those who attack Burnham for banning wheat flour should take note.

In 1983, while doing some research at Freedom House, I came across a report  in the Thunder newspaper of 1961 in which Premier Cheddi Jagan urged Guyanese to cook with local rice flour instead of imported wheat flour. I showed the report to Gail Teixeira and she showed it to Dr Jagan in my presence.

Gail said: "Comrade Cheddi, how we attacking the PNC for promoting rice flour and here it says you yourself promoted it?"

Dr Jagan resorted to dialectics in his answer.

One more point. I know as a fact that an Essequibo PPP parliamentarian had bought a mini-mill to grind rice into flour. His wife earned a handsome income milling rice flour under their bottom-house for customers.

The use of rice flour is common in India. Rice flour makes better mohanbhog than wheat flour.


Appam made with rice and coconuts is popular in South India.


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