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The estimated 1,000 delegates of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) were Saturday due to decide whether to approve or reject a motion for the Cheddi Jagan International Airport the Burnham-Jagan- Timehri International Airport in honour of Guyana’s two independence architects.

“The struggle for independence was supported and shaped by the two leaders of the country- the late Honourable President Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham and the late Honourable Dr. Cheddi Jagan,” states the motion.

The Atlanta Chapter of the PNCR’s North American Group wants the 20th Biennial Delegates Congress to rename the airport because Burnham was leader when the Timehri Airport was constructed and the Timehri International Airport is part of the infrastructure and named after Guyana’s Indigenous People.

The Cheddi Jagan International Airport  began commercial operations in 1945, when it was known as the Atkinson Aerodrome, and was used for military purposes. It was renamed the Timehri International Airport in May 1969, following expansion from 1965 to 1968 and then renamed the Cheddi Jagan International Airport in May 1997, two months after Jagan died of a heart attack.

According to the motion moved by the Atlanta Chapter’s chairwoman, Carol Trim-Bagot and seconded by its Chairman, Denis Austin, the renaming woill “keep the importance of the two founding fathers”. That group wants the Congress to “rise up to vote to move this resolutions to the Cabinet and the Parliament of Guyana”

The two-page motion states that the Timehri Airport was renamed to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport to honour the contribution of Jagan to Guyana, but Burham “played a major role in he political, social and economic development of Guyana” such as in the areas of infrastructure such as roads, highways and bridges, free education fro nursery to university and free health care.

Noting that Burnham was also one of the founding fathers of the 15-nation Caribbean Community, the Atlanta Group of the PNCR’s North American Region noted that the gateway to Guyana is named after Jagan but Burnham’s “leadership and commitment to the people of Guyana are equally important to the Guyanese community and our Caribbean counterparts”.


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"According to the motion moved by the Atlanta Chapter’s chairwoman, Carol Trim-Bagot and seconded by its Chairman, Denis Austin, the renaming woill “keep the importance of the two founding fathers”. That group wants the Congress to “rise up to vote to move this resolutions to the Cabinet and the Parliament of Guyana”


These two are visionless,no need to change the name of the Airport,there is enough division between the two major races.

Last edited by Django

So a coolie and a black man should be given the honour by replacing the Buck name with that of theirs? What next? Jagdeo to replace Berbice? It's bad enough that MacKenzie and Wismar get called Linden. I man hang on to my birth certificate that says MacKenzie. The later ones say Linden, which is an insult.

Django posted:

"According to the motion moved by the Atlanta Chapter’s chairwoman, Carol Trim-Bagot and seconded by its Chairman, Denis Austin, the renaming woill “keep the importance of the two founding fathers”. That group wants the Congress to “rise up to vote to move this resolutions to the Cabinet and the Parliament of Guyana”


These two are visionless,no need to change the name of the Airport,there is enough division between the two major races.

Division? One name probably spurred division. Two names should please both parties. Whichever name comes before the hyphen doesn't matter to me. 

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

"According to the motion moved by the Atlanta Chapter’s chairwoman, Carol Trim-Bagot and seconded by its Chairman, Denis Austin, the renaming woill “keep the importance of the two founding fathers”. That group wants the Congress to “rise up to vote to move this resolutions to the Cabinet and the Parliament of Guyana”


These two are visionless,no need to change the name of the Airport,there is enough division between the two major races.

Division? One name probably spurred division. Two names should please both parties. Whichever name comes before the hyphen doesn't matter to me. 

I would accept BJIA as LFSB was/is my hero.  He put abie coolies pon tap, according to Caribj!

Baseman posted:  

I would accept BJIA as LFSB was/is my hero.  He put abie coolies pon tap, according to Caribj!

LFSB made all of you flee to foreign lands and become rich.  

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

"According to the motion moved by the Atlanta Chapter’s chairwoman, Carol Trim-Bagot and seconded by its Chairman, Denis Austin, the renaming woill “keep the importance of the two founding fathers”. That group wants the Congress to “rise up to vote to move this resolutions to the Cabinet and the Parliament of Guyana”


These two are visionless,no need to change the name of the Airport,there is enough division between the two major races.

Division? One name probably spurred division. Two names should please both parties. Whichever name comes before the hyphen doesn't matter to me. 

Well bhai,many PPP supporter see Burnham as evil and Jagan god like,linking their names to rename the airport will cause. janjat.

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:  

I would accept BJIA as LFSB was/is my hero.  He put abie coolies pon tap, according to Caribj!

LFSB made all of you flee to foreign lands and become rich.  

Hey, Stockholm syndrome!

Gilbakka posted:

Pending the outcome of the resolution this I will say: dem people back home don't like to tek advice from overseas Guyanese. The resolution came from overseas PNC group.

True dat. 

Django posted:



These two are visionless,no need to change the name of the Airport,there is enough division between the two major races.

That is exactly why the name of the airport should be changed back to Timehri international.  The current name favors one ethnic group. Once Burnham left the PPP Cheddi was no longer favored by the non Indian population.

Baseman posted


I would accept BJIA as LFSB was/is my hero.  He put abie coolies pon tap, according to Caribj!

Yes Burnham's destruction of the black population is definitely a reason for you to love him.

Labba posted:

How bout Joey Jagan International Airport since he is Cheddi son and Forbes gaad son?  Hey hey hey...small mind does fuss over small tings...

And put a picture of a joint beside his name. Or just name it Dopey International Airport.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Labba posted:

How bout Joey Jagan International Airport since he is Cheddi son and Forbes gaad son?  Hey hey hey...small mind does fuss over small tings...

And put a picture of a joint beside his name. Or just name it Dopey International Airport.

Hey hey hey 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Labba posted:

How bout DrugB International Airport since nuff nuff drugs does pass dey. Hey hey hey...

DrugP is better. DrugP is for Drugs Passed. DrugB  is for Drugs Busted.

Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

"According to the motion moved by the Atlanta Chapter’s chairwoman, Carol Trim-Bagot and seconded by its Chairman, Denis Austin, the renaming woill “keep the importance of the two founding fathers”. That group wants the Congress to “rise up to vote to move this resolutions to the Cabinet and the Parliament of Guyana”


These two are visionless,no need to change the name of the Airport,there is enough division between the two major races.

Division? One name probably spurred division. Two names should please both parties. Whichever name comes before the hyphen doesn't matter to me. 

I would accept BJIA as LFSB was/is my hero.  He put abie coolies pon tap, according to Caribj!

If Burnham was your hero, I suggest you visit a psychiatrist post haste ! Burnham was the biggest k-k-hole ever to be spawned in Guyana; and perhaps the western world ! That moron made Guyana the laughing stock of the Caribbean by transforming it into a nation of beggars. The hard-headed jackass wasted millions and millions of dollars on valueless undertakings like 'National Service' and 'Knowledge Sharing Institute', the latter being a tool to keep his thieving thugs, henchmen, election riggers and other like-minded jackass supporters comfortable while he continuously spouted meaningless shyte like 'party paramountcy' ! In all off this, the dumb, ugly ass-hole strutted around with pomp and arrogance because he had all comforts and conveniences for himself while the average man was desperately struggling to find food; yes food ! I still have vivid memories of endless lines of people waiting endless hours  under the burning tropical sun to buy half of a half pint of cooking oil, a few ounces of butter, laundry detergent, an ounce or two of cheese or other such basic consumer commodities .... whenever those became available for very short periods of time! While all of this was normal daily routine for most Guyanese, that hideous piece of shit enjoyed every conceivable commodity and luxury. I still have vivid memories of a reception that I was invited to attend when he and a number of his goons visited Antigua while I was working there. His arrogance and pompousness were on full display for all to see when he spoke if he knew how to extricate Guyana from the cesspit that he himself had plunged our beautiful country into ! I remember a group of us struggling to restrain one of our countrymen there who was intent on clobbering his ass with his half-empty beer bottle !  This piece of raw excrement, who blatantly and shamelessly rigged every single election that his brainless PNC participated in, was trying to tell Guyanese nationals that Guyana was booming and that they ought to return home post haste ! I still remember the expression on his 'fugly' face when someone asked him why he was smoking a foreign cigarette; Kent and not Broadway or Lighthouse ! This is the dumb shithead who made Guyana the primary rival to Haiti for the coveted title of the "most impoverished nation in the western hemisphere" ! This oversized ape blatantly and shamelessly rigged every election that his thieving, brainless PNC contested. Virtually all of the institutions that he established have since 'disappeared' as a consequence of shameless theft and looting by members of his PNC and cancer, none too soon, devoured him as well. The PPP worked hard, Jagan followed by Jagdeo, and was able to repair much of the mischief and damage that this despot left when he croaked so those who are chattering about Granger and his PNC should think long and hard about the wounds that the 'dumber-than-dumb' PNC inflicted on Guyana !


I endorse the name change to Burnham/Jagan Intl Airport. Give Burnham what is due to him. Burham's name resonates a million times since I have have been on GNI.    United we stand, divided we fall.

Prince posted:

I endorse the name change to Burnham/Jagan Intl Airport. Give Burnham what is due to him. Burham's name resonates a million times since I have have been on GNI.    United we stand, divided we fall.

Who gives a rat's ass what you endorse? Your two lil jill endorsement is worth gadha ke kaka. What is wrong returning the name Timheri?


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