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Local business group Nand Persaud and Company Limited will shortly unveil what is said to be the largest solar energy project in the country to date with 220 kilowatts of energy expected to be generated to power the group’s call centre at Tain, Corentyne.

Over 700 solar panels on the Nand Persaud International Communications (NPIC) Inc building will be used to generate the power, co-owner of the company Rajendra Persaud told Stabroek News yesterday. While he was unable to give a precise figure at the time, he said that the investment was in the region of $100 million. The entrepreneur said the project is expected to be officially unveiled in about two weeks’ time.

According to Persaud, 220 kilowatts of power will be generated and this will be used to power the call centre during the day. He said they will rely on the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) at night. The call centre operates for about 15 hours on a daily basis.

The roof of Nand Persaud International Communications Inc at Tain covered with solar panels
The roof of Nand Persaud International Communications Inc at Tain covered with solar panels

The entrepreneur said they hope to sell excess power to GPL and are currently waiting on the utility company to install a special connection that would enable this.

Installation of the solar panels were done by local electricians supervised by Peka Solar and Renewable Energy Inc of the US.

Persaud said that a lot is riding on this pilot project. He pointed out that the group consumes a lot of power and has several other locations. Other subsidiaries of the Nand Persaud Group include Nand Persaud and Sons and Amazonia Rice Investments Inc, focused on rice and rice milling; NPG Bag Factory and Seed Processing Plant at Wellington Park, Corentyne; the Nand Persaud Trucking Services; the Nand Persaud Spare Parts Centre and the Nand Persaud Auto dealership which specialises in the importation of combines, tractors, trucks, pick-ups and cars.

The businessman said that any further expansion of using solar energy at the group’s other locations would depend on the results of the pilot project. “We have to look at the economics,” he said. “If it looks good, yes, we are going to invest.”

Nand Persaud and Company Ltd is well known as the manufacturers of the Karibee brand of white and parboiled rice with its rice milling complex, located alongside the public road at Number 36 Village, being one of the most commanding landmarks along the entire Corentyne Public Road.

According to the company’s website, NPIC is another major investment. The call centre was established in 2002 at Tain, Port Mourant and there is now a branch at Diamond on the East Bank Demerara. It offers employment to approximately 500 persons. These call centres offer Business Process Organization (BPO) and Telemarketing Services to clients from around the world.

According to the website, in just 13 years, NPIC call centres have become major players in the Information Technology market, providing an efficient service that has proven to be on par with other call centres in the developed world, winning several prestigious international service awards. It says that NPIC makes an ideal partner for organisations looking for reliable nearshore service with uncompromising integrity, quality and value.

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Nehru posted:

Nice, great work by hard working, visionaries.

This family run business should be a model for every business owner in Guyana.

Among the many plus for these visionaries are they are keeping up with technology to propel their growth.

I wish elected officials in Guyana can come to the realization that business are run lean and clean and Government should do same.  Bottom line is to be fair and make proper decision in the best interest of the country.

What we have seen from both the past and present Government is a tendency to give contracts to family, friends and people who support them and not who contractors who can actually do the job.

Prior to the elections we were hearing about an impartial bidding board for all Government contracts, what ever happened to that?  

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:


Prior to the elections we were hearing about an impartial bidding board for all Government contracts, what ever happened to that?  

And the hypocrisy of the coalition gov't should be Jagdeo's focus.  But instead he engages in malevolent behavior in order to divide out of a mistaken view that this helps the PPP.

The man has learned nothing.


Nand Persaud is rice man. He has a large rice operation at #35 village. I am sure he has second thoughts about the current government and decided to develop something else as a backup.

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Nice, great work by hard working, visionaries.

Prior to the elections we were hearing about an impartial bidding board for all Government contracts, what ever happened to that?  

Moses and Ramjattan have forgotten about that promise. They are feeding at the trough. 

Billions have gone untendered. Friends of the AFC/PNC.

Nothing has changed. Guyanese got an exchange.


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