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During debate on former Presidents’ Benefit and Other Facilities Bill… : NANDLALL NAILS NAGAMOOTOO : -  unmasks him during attempt to mislead the HousePDFPrintE-mail
Written by  Chamanlall Naipaul  
Friday, 25 January 2013 23:24

MINISTER of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall ‘nailed’ Alliance For Change (AFC) executive member, Moses Nagamootoo yesterday in the National Assembly when he attempted to mislead the House during the debate on the Former Presidents (Benefit and Other Facilities) Bill 2012 piloted by former Finance Minister Carl Greenidge of  A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).Nagamotoo, in his presentation during the debate of the Bill, claimed that he was in opposition to the passage of legislation in 2009 providing for emoluments and benefits to former President Bharrat Jagdeo and had requested a division of votes in which he voted against it. However, Nandlall in his response strongly challenged Nagamootoo’s claim and produced the Hansard (Transcript of the sitting of the National Assembly)  of the April 30, 2009, which showed him voting for the 2009 legislation which sent the House, which was at the time in a boisterous mood, into a state of silence. At that time when he had voted, Nagamootoo was still a member of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP). Nagamootoo was taken by surprise and could not explain why he ‘lied’ to the house. He was laughed at by both members of the government and opposition, even as he denied the details of the Hansard. Nandlall chastised the opposition for telling the electorate during the 2011 elections campaign that they will repeal the legislation which guarantees certain benefits to the former President, but which cannot be done. He told the House that the opposition will have to apologise to the electorate for misleading them on the issue, explaining that any future legislation cannot be retroactive and therefore cannot affect the benefits of the former or current Presidents  because, according to the Constitution of Guyana, they will enjoy benefits, when they demit office, which were in existence at the time they acceded to office. Nandlall, in a scholarly presentation, quoted extensively from the Constitution of Guyana (Articles 142 and 144) and legal authorities from the Caribbean and the Commonwealth to support his contention that certain benefits for former Presidents are guaranteed. He said any attempt to change this “borders on lunacy” and will not be in accordance with the Constitution. Nandlall also noted that while the opposition was attempting to cap the benefits of former presidents based on affordability by the state, they were silent on the capping of benefits of the  Leader of the Opposition which are similar to that of the President. The Attorney -General argued that any former President should be treated with dignity, because during their tenure in office, they have to work extremely hard and beyond the call of duty and therefore cannot be compared to that of an ordinary worker.

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Attorney General should be made a Senior CounselPDFPrintE-mail
Written by  PETER FRASER  
Friday, 25 January 2013 19:37

I WOULD like to recommend to President Donald Ramotar that  Attorney-at-Law and current Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General Mr. Mohabir Anil Nandlall be appointed  a Senior Counsel with immediate effect. Mr. Nandlall has demonstrated that he is a great jurist of eminence. His erudition and his arguments in court are illuminating and easy to follow. Nandlall has shown  that he is a person with great strength of character  who can rank with the best of his peers as  shown in the many cases in which he continues to be successful while representing the interest of the Government in the High Court.The Attorney General is prepared to argue his case cogently and courageously, challenging some of his seniors who cannot match his panache, which has not gone unnoticed by some of his less able but more ambitious colleagues. With his impressive credentials and someone who, in my opinion is far ahead of his time, I am kindly asking that the President confer on Mr. Nandlall  the title of Senior

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Now, putting aside all fun a joke.  Oh Nandalala fuh Prez? 


Guyana will become the "land of much rum and drunkards" if this happens.

Will become?? You there right??

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Attorney General should be made a Senior CounselPDFPrintE-mail
Written by  PETER FRASER  
Friday, 25 January 2013 19:37

I WOULD like to recommend to President Donald Ramotar that  Attorney-at-Law and current Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General Mr. Mohabir Anil Nandlall be appointed  a Senior Counsel with immediate effect. Mr. Nandlall has demonstrated that he is a great jurist of eminence. His erudition and his arguments in court are illuminating and easy to follow. Nandlall has shown  that he is a person with great strength of character  who can rank with the best of his peers as  shown in the many cases in which he continues to be successful while representing the interest of the Government in the High Court.The Attorney General is prepared to argue his case cogently and courageously, challenging some of his seniors who cannot match his panache, which has not gone unnoticed by some of his less able but more ambitious colleagues. With his impressive credentials and someone who, in my opinion is far ahead of his time, I am kindly asking that the President confer on Mr. Nandlall  the title of Senior

How Oh Nandalala pay Peter and Paul well to write for him.


How can a country consider Oh Nandalala infront of legal luminaries like Nigel Hughes and Khemraj Ramjattan.


Guyana really gone to the dogs if a drunkee is now Senior Counsel.


Oh the poor people of Guyana-black, brown, yellow and red. Ayuh gonna have to wuk ur fingers to the bone for the new zamindars.


Indian ppl need to know y they became indentured. It was the zamindars who squeeze them wid high land taxes to support their affluent life styles. And now, it followed these poor souls, all the way to Guyana. The greed of the Brahmins. 


It is no wonder the people of Guyana in crime, kick back and bribes-there are no role models. The politicians have no sense of dignity. 



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Now, putting aside all fun a joke.  Oh Nandalala fuh Prez? 


Guyana will become the "land of much rum and drunkards" if this happens.

Will become?? You there right??

Kuli ppl duz kill indiscrimately. Wid all the indoes eyeing the Presidency, it would surprise me none if I read that some of them die mysteriously. Sawh got killed just like dat. Christian died at Freedomn House just from eating duck curry and dahl puri.



Originally Posted by Nehru:



Nandalall for President





As you know, the way things work in the PPP---Bhai Ramo will be handpicking his successor--after he completes 2 terms, of course.




Cheddi handpicked Janet; Janet handpicked Barath; Barath handpicked Ramo; and Ramo will handpick his successor.


Nandalall is sharp--he made mince meat out of that lying shythound Moses.


Ashni is also in line.




Of course, by the time Bhai Ramo completes his 2 terms in office---he may pass the baton to one of his 3 children






They need to get rid of the 'handpicking' thingy.  Frank Anthony and Priya Manickchand seem to be doing  lots in their positions compared to most of the other Ministers. Maybe they can be presidential material as well!


Wasn't Nandlall and Puran the attorneys for all the drug lords in Guyana before he became Attorney General?


Didn't he hook up his mother in law with a drug mule wuk before she get ketch in Miami?

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nandalaal is a bettuh dan Ramo? Is wuh happen to Rohee?

I presume Rawbert better than all of them, even Ashni

Nandalla is a better karijokey singer than Rawbaat.


Did some fool say Nandababa fuh Prezie??????????


Nandalall who has very very close ties to Deportees in the Narco, Smuggleing, Thiefing Passport and Backtracking Ring.


Is Nehru talking about the same Nandababa in the news below......




Female deportee nabbed with missing passports

July 16, 2008 | Filed Under News

Female deportee nabbed with missing passports

July 16, 2008 | By | Filed Under News

A prominent city businesswoman and another man are in police custody following the discovery of a number of brand new Guyana passports that were among the set stolen from the Central Immigration and Passport Office almost two years ago. The couple was nabbed when the police stopped the vehicle over a traffic violation in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge. A search of the vehicle revealed several items among which were the brand new passports, which bore the serial numbers from among those that were stolen. The businesswoman and her accomplice were questioned and could not give investigators a proper explanation of how they came to be in possession of the stolen passports.

It is believed that the businesswoman, who was previously jailed in the United States of America for trafficking in cocaine, is an integral member of a local backtracking ring.

Kaieteur News understands that she spent last night at the East La Penitence Police Station while her accomplice was housed at the Brickdam lock-ups.

Investigations are continuing.


Bibi Rahaman Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums Political ... (3)Stolen Govt Passports beeing Distributed by Bibi Rahaman.Nandaall's Mother-In-Law. ... [ ]


Ramotar, Nandalal & "The Lady in Red" GDF Old Years Nite Party.

Serious got fools who thinking like that.....I think this gon be them choice
Last edited by Former Member

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