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Nandlall calls on US State Dept to sanction US-based Guyanese for inciting violence


People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Executive member Anil Nandlall has renewed his calls to the US State Department to sanction US-based Guyanese who are inciting violence and racial hostility in Guyana.

PPP/C Executive Anil Nandlall

On this note, through his weekly column, “The Unruly Horse”, Nandlall noted that there is a small but vociferous contingent in the diaspora, safely in their homes, who are expressing their racist and seditious rankings daily.
“It is suspected that a ‘strongman’ within the Ministry of the Presidency, is goading them on, for he feels that Granger is under the greater influence of his family and that is preventing him from fully boarding this malevolent political train, destined for national destruction,” Nandlall stated.
He stated that he had already publicly called for the United States State Department to sanction these despots living in the US.
“I hereby renew this call. They are actively inciting politically and racially inspired violence in this land from the safe haven of the United States”, the former Attorney General added.
However, he noted that there is a bunch of extremists within the fringes of the People’s National Congress Reform who are exploiting a very weakened, egotistical and vulnerable David Granger and are pushing him in a dangerous direction.
“In the past, both Desmond Hoyte and Robert Corbin successfully managed to neutralize them; some even expelled, others disciplined and sidelined. In one instance, Corbin was forced to publicly label them “wild men”. As a result, the PNC survived. They even managed to win government in 2015. This group is at [it] again.”
Nandlall highlighted that a part of the strategy of the group is to stroke Granger’s fragile ego.
“In so doing, they build up in his head, that the path which they are encouraging him to traverse will achieve for him, not only self-greatness but will also “deliver his people to the promised land.”
“The sanctimonious persona that he is, Granger is imbibing the kool-aid, hence his current intransigence,” Nandlall added.
He added that as a historian, Granger should understand that his legacy will be the only footprint by which he will be judged by future generations.
“Perhaps not him, but certainly his grandchildren will feel the anguish and humiliation of his misdeeds. They do not deserve this. At least, their father spoke out against it. But the human being is a cruel specie. They will simply forget those few public statements and will judge based upon their own sufferings.”
As such, he believes that Granger will be internationally alienated after being sanctioned. This will not only affect him but his family and people.
“Those very ones who are encouraging him now, will avoid him like a plague then, as they will not wish what he will have to suffer, upon their worst enemy. The other fundamental truth is that the one in the Ministry of the Presidency who is sponsoring these radical acolytes is driven by self-interest more than anything else.”
Meanwhile, addressing Hamilton Green and his calls for Granger to shun Guyana’s Constitution and laws in an effort to stay in power, Nandlall noted that this will ultimately see a suspension of the Constitution, including the fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizenry and a highjack of the rule of law.
“In other words, he is urging Granger to govern by tyranny and not through the will of the people; to commit a coup and rule by executive edict, not by law and the Constitution.”
He added that Green, who is receiving a comfortable Prime Ministerial pension, may not be around to see the consequences of his reckless statements which he later said was a “slip of tongue”.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

Sanctions are in order. The PPP/C has shown maturity and great restraint during the past 4 months in keeping the peace. 

The past 4 months? More like just before and since the NCM. The PPP, moreso Jagdeo has played Granger and his cabal like fiddles. He got them to foolishly proclaim "bring it on" and while they were busy yukking it up in parliament, they had no awareness that one of their own had already crossed over the trench and into the victors' tent. Then the PPP got the CCJ to issue a ruling against Granger for his illegal appointment of Patterson and while everyone was mistakenly thinking that Granger was tagging Jagdeo along it was actually Jagdeo whose calculated patience got this particular person appointed Chairperson and as much as she drags her feet on everything, she has stuck to the law and Granger as late as mid June foolishly believed that she was going to violate the laws for him. While Granger was busy pretending he was going to Cuba for medical treatment, Jagdeo was busy making contact with every power around the world without personally standing in front of them. Granger even foolishly believed that he has CARICOM in his hands until they issued a damning report against him and his cabal. When we were all worried about the riggers tampering with the ballot boxes, Jagdeo, Ali and the other PPP representative were yelling "lets go to the boxes". At every move Jagdeo outsmart Granger. No doubt Granger is still squatting in the OP but he has had to contend with doing so with no real power for some 19 months and counting. And when he leaves which he will have to do soon, Jagdeo would have again quietly outsmarted him and his cabal by foolishly allowing him to solidify his gangsterism which will ensure the PNC never get into government again.

And they say Jagdeo didn't know what he was doing.


Nagamootoo said that the Opposition did not have the votes to carry the NCM. Nagamootoo talks too much. "Bring it on"

Charrandas, no.

Yes Yes Yes

And Nagamootoo said it can't happen.


The PNC are so terrible that Joe Hamilton sounds like a refined stateman. Amazing how the PPP reformed this gentleman.



Look here Nandalall, shut yuh skont up. When you were the law in Guyana you din care a rats azz for citizens. You were above the law. Try to remember the lone man carrying a placard begging you for justice. 

Iz ppl like you and the current cohorts of the PPP that gat the country in this mess. You did not criticize Ramotar and Jagdeo when they were carrying on just as Granger and Harmon. Did you question the harm they were doing to the country, nah wan razz, only coolie power. Well! coolie man the blackman gat you skont where you appear to be ketching some sense.

Incapable of creating a progressve government. When I have to make comparisons of men like you, the power you had to make lasting changes of the Guyanese society and your outburst on tape, I say good for Granger, he is alyuh company. Doan give a flying 6666 for the people.   

@Django posted:

How will the State Department begin to take such actions on US citizens ?

Nandlall is out of his mind , the PPP is made up of DICTATORS.

Don’t worry, BLM cannot protect them when the feds are ready for them.  Inciting terrorism is a crime here in the US.

Jackass Jeffries has some gall saying attorney Barr undermining democracy. The BLM clowns need to be reined in.

@Django posted:

How will the State Department begin to take such actions on US citizens ?

Nandlall is out of his mind , the PPP is made up of DICTATORS.

@Former Member posted:

Don’t worry, BLM cannot protect them when the feds are ready for them.  Inciting terrorism is a crime here in the US.

Jackass Jeffries has some gall saying attorney Barr undermining democracy. The BLM clowns need to be reined in.

Banna try something else . Nandlall spewing nonsense.

@Django posted:

How will the State Department begin to take such actions on US citizens ?

Nandlall is out of his mind , the PPP is made up of DICTATORS.


Can Nandlall explain the death of Courtney Crum-Ewing? What about those thousands of Afro-Guyanese men? What about the sudden "suicide" of his then driver, Reaz Holladar, the same driver that brought an action against Mingo, then suddenly died?

His followers can continue covering their eyes to the true nature of PPP/C. No way they will be in power while those with blood on their hands remain in power, leading the party. 

Ali and Brigadier Mark Philips are the puppets behind a devious set of henchmen. 

Last edited by Rochelle
@Former Member posted:

Sanctions are in order. The PPP/C has shown maturity and great restraint during the past 4 months in keeping the peace. 

Nandalall spewing pure unadulterated nonsense.

@Django posted:

How will the State Department begin to take such actions on US citizens ?

Nandlall is out of his mind , the PPP is made up of DICTATORS.

They were not born in the U.S.A..They are supporting terrorism and racism in Guyana.

Long Live Democracy.

@Rochelle posted:


Can Nandlall explain the death of Courtney Crum-Ewing? What about those thousands of Afro-Guyanese men? What about the sudden "suicide" of his then driver, Reaz Holladar, the same driver that brought an action against Mingo, then suddenly died?

His followers can continue covering their eyes to the true nature of PPP/C. No way they will be in power while those with blood on their hands remain in power, leading the party. 

Ali and Brigadier Mark Philips are the puppets behind a devious set of henchmen. 

Girl You sounding angry, frustrated and desperate. Is everything ok?

@Rochelle posted:


Can Nandlall explain the death of Courtney Crum-Ewing? What about those thousands of Afro-Guyanese men? What about the sudden "suicide" of his then driver, Reaz Holladar, the same driver that brought an action against Mingo, then suddenly died?

His followers can continue covering their eyes to the true nature of PPP/C. No way they will be in power while those with blood on their hands remain in power, leading the party. 

Ali and Brigadier Mark Philips are the puppets behind a devious set of henchmen. 

Courtney Crum-Ewing’ death was sanctioned by the PNC and they tried to pin it on Pretty Boy Rodrigues.

Why didn’t Granger conduct an inquiry into the deaths of hundreds, then thousands, then hundreds of thousands of Afro-Guyanese men ? What nonsense you are peddling.

The coalition is all about fraud, lies , dishonesty and indecency.

Long Live Democracy.

@Django posted:

How will the State Department begin to take such actions on US citizens ?

Nandlall is out of his mind , the PPP is made up of DICTATORS.

@BGMAN posted:

They were not born in the U.S.A..They are supporting terrorism and racism in Guyana.

Long Live Democracy.

You can do better than that.

@Rochelle posted:


Can Nandlall explain the death of Courtney Crum-Ewing? What about those thousands of Afro-Guyanese men? What about the sudden "suicide" of his then driver, Reaz Holladar, the same driver that brought an action against Mingo, then suddenly died?

His followers can continue covering their eyes to the true nature of PPP/C. No way they will be in power while those with blood on their hands remain in power, leading the party. 

Ali and Brigadier Mark Philips are the puppets behind a devious set of henchmen. 

@Former Member posted:

Girl You sounding angry, frustrated and desperate. Is everything ok?

The World Health Organization announced that they have identified a new disease. It is called the Guyanese Election Ate My Brain disease of 2020. The assigned name is GEAMBid-20. Symptoms first surfaced on the morning of March 3rd and grows more severe over time. It spreads primarily online and is therefore more infectious than COVID-19. Where COVID’s R0 is ~3, GEAMBid’s R0 is ~100 with some superspreaders going significantly above this number.

Key symptoms are an absence of critical thinking and a convulsion into irrational behaviour.

I urge all of you to be alert and stay safe out there.

@BGMAN posted:

They were not born in the U.S.A..They are supporting terrorism and racism in Guyana.

Long Live Democracy.

Where ignorance is bliss.  Since when because you are a US citizen you are free to do as you wish, promote terrorism and incite violence?

Last edited by Former Member

A couple on this PNC breeding ground better hide, living in the US is easy target. Just maybe, some may have restless nights, wondering who is at the door, is it ICE on a hot Summer night.


@Former Member posted:

Where ignorance is bliss.  Since when because you are a US citizen you are free to do as you wish, promote terrorism and incite violence?

Call for help ,some folks loosing their minds.

The discussion is about Sanctions for US Citizens by the State Department.

Last edited by Django
@kp posted:

A couple on this PNC breeding ground better hide, living in the US is easy target. Just maybe, some may have restless nights, wondering who is at the door, is it ICE on a hot Summer night.

Same goes to the PPP crew here inciting violence.  \/\/\/

@Former Member posted:

Same goes to the PPP crew here inciting violence.  \/\/\/

They are setting up their friends in Guyana for a good thrashing.  Some of them boasting about money and guns but when it's  time for action they will have the runs.  

@Totaram posted:

They are setting up their friends in Guyana for a good thrashing.  Some of them boasting about money and guns but when it's  time for action they will have the runs.  

If ayuh think it will be so simple, think again. Guyanese Blacks will end up living under Brazilian domination then they will get what they asking for. 


If there are Guyanese in American who are inciting violence in their own country, then they should be dealt with according to law especially if these Guyanese are US citizens. The US laws prohibit their citizens from interfering in the internal affairs of another country. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

If there are Guyanese in American who are inciting violence in their own country, then they should be dealt with according to law especially if these Guyanese are US citizens. The US laws prohibit their citizens from interfering in the internal affairs of another country. 

The US should follow their own laws and stop interfering.,......


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