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Former Member

Nandlall slams APNU/AFC for failing to secure any major Anti-Money Laundering conviction

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Attorney General Anil Nandlall has slammed the former A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government’s track record in anti-money laundering as dismal, noting that while it passed laws, it failed to convict even one money launderer of any repute.

In an interview Inews, Nandlall pointed out that while the former Government did pass the Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) bill, they completely failed to enforce the Act.

“That is largely because SOCU (Special Organised Crime Unit), the investigative arm of the AML/CFT structure, was completely bastardised and converted into a Unit that carried out political persecution on behalf of the previous Government, rather than investigate AML/CFT type complaints,” he said. General Anil Nandlall

“That must radically change. There will have to be a complete reorientation of SOCU so that it can discharge the mandate which it was established to discharge. That is, to investigate exclusively information supplied to it by the AML/CFT structure and to institute charges where necessary.”

Nandlall noted that SOCU was supposed to also work in collaboration with the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to prosecute those accused of money laundering. According to the Attorney General, SOCU will be reoriented to carry out its proper mandate.

“I’m optimistic that SOCU will be reoriented and properly staffed. And will be free from political direction. And be permitted to discharge the functions that it was conceived and designed to discharge.”

Even former AG Basil Williams has admitted that SOCU has failed to live up to its mandate under his watch. This ranges from the Unit failing to carry out successful investigations to failed prosecutions.

The Unit has had several of its cases thrown out of court and has been weighed down with scandal and corruption. Most notorious in these scandals were the discoveries made by an audit that persons in the Unit were misusing its finances and covering their tracks with forged invoices.


The order paper for the 2nd sitting of the 12th Parliament, which is scheduled for September 9, meanwhile lists the 2018 Annual Report for the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) as one of the reports to be presented.

For some time, the PPP, and particularly its point man on legal matters, Nandlall, has been critical of the former Government’s failure to table FIU reports in the National Assembly, despite this being a requirement under the AML/CFT law. former members of the APNU/AFC Cabinet

This failure has been described not only as a blow to transparency, but also one that put Guyana at risk of Caribbean Finance Action Task Force (CFATF) sanctions. Asked about the presenting of the report, Nandlall lauded the development.

“I am pleased that the FIU will be laying that report in the National Assembly, which is a statutory requirement. In that way, the National Assembly and by extension the people of Guyana, would be informed of the work that the FIU is doing. And the work of the AML/CFT structure.”

“It is imperative for that information to be made public so that the Government of Guyana and the people would be aware not only of the work of the FIU, but more importantly that we are complying without international obligations. And if we are not, what challenges we face.”

He noted that Guyana has learnt the hard way what happens when the country is delinquent, a reference to when Guyana was once at risk of being blacklisted because the AML legislation was not being passed.

And Nandlall reminded that Guyana was in this position because the then combined APNU and AFC opposition used its parliamentary majority to block the passage of the bill, rather than support it.

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@Former Member posted:

Nandlall slams APNU/AFC for failing to secure any major Anti-Money Laundering conviction

, Source -

For some time, the PPP, and particularly its point man on legal matters, Nandlall, has been critical of the former Government’s failure to table FIU reports in the National Assembly, despite this being a requirement under the AML/CFT law. former members of the APNU/AFC Cabinet

This failure has been described not only as a blow to transparency, but also one that put Guyana at risk of Caribbean Finance Action Task Force (CFATF) sanctions. Asked about the presenting of the report, Nandlall lauded the development.

Perhaps, they are all with broad smiles for their dedicated focus to do nothing of importance for this and other initiatives.


Dumbo, the mask is used to cover your nose and mouth, or pulled down properly to expose your mouth, if you social distance to speak. So is 50% protection, a good  protection from the virus ? What an example from Guyana leaders and the people will continue to be infected. 


Wearing of a mask is indeed needed when people are in close proximity.

However it is well known and seen at happenings/events, when a person is at a far distance from others, they generally remove the mask to make presentations/speeches.


There is a poster who used to make countless negative comments about the PPP prior to 2015 but after the Coalition 'won' the elections in 2015 up until they were forced to accept the will of the voters in August, he complained that he can't understand why people who make negative comments about the Coalition were so negative. Now that the PPP is again in government he can't seem to control himself as he is back to making countless negative comments about the PPP. While the behavior seems to change based on which party is the government what seems to remain constant is the hypocrisy.

@Former Member posted:

Wearing of a mask is indeed needed when people are in close proximity.

However it is well known and seen at happenings/events, when a person is at a far distance from others, they generally remove the mask to make presentations/speeches.

While this is true, are leaders not supposed to set better examples, by wearing [or removing] masks properly ? 

@Former Member posted:

Nandlall slams APNU/AFC for failing to secure any major Anti-Money Laundering conviction

, Source - General Anil Nandlall

The mask is adjusted in one of the numerous proper procedures.

@Former Member posted:

Your choice to sort out the various procedures for wearing of masks. 

You said the mask is adjusted to one of the numerous proper procedures, then you are telling me the choice is mine. This is cop out.

Stupid examples like this displayed by Nandlall as a leader, is what influences young  minds.  It also creates numerous problems and  caused regional officials to be replaced for doing similar things, that degrades their own voters.      

@Former Member posted:

The mask is adjusted in one of the numerous proper procedures.

@Tola posted:

You said the mask is adjusted to one of the numerous proper procedures, then you are telling me the choice is mine.

This is cop out.

It is your personal choice to obtain/have your information on the wearing of masks and in situations when they are fully or partially removed.

@Former Member posted:

It is your personal choice to obtain/have your information on the wearing of masks and in situations when they are fully or partially removed.

This is an inane explanation.

@Former Member posted:

It is your personal choice to obtain/have your information on the wearing of masks and in situations when they are fully or partially removed.

The discussion is not about my personal choice, but Nandlall's mask, displayed in the photograph. 

@Former Member posted:

Then perhaps approach the news outlet/service to determine the reasons why the mask is displayed in that manner.

Are you for real ? The media is responsible how a leader in a country  is dressed for an interview ? Its obvious you have not interviewed in any developing countries. 


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