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All smoke and hot air, just like his political party. 

Nandlall withdraws contempt case against Mingo, others; reprimanded by Chief Justice


The High Court on Thursday imposed costs of $450,000 against the estate of Reaaz Hollader after Attorney-at-law Anil Nandlall applied and was granted permission by the High Court to withdraw contempt of court proceedings filed against the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Justice (rt’d) Claudette Singh, Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield and District Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo and others.

A livid Chief Justice Roxane George said Nandlall had wasted the court’s time when he knew from the “get-go” that he had “thin” evidence to back his case.

Nandlall, thanks to reasoning from his attorney Devindra Kissoon, averted costs be levied against him personally.

Nandlall admitted that relevant and probative evidence was not available at the time of the application and begged for the court’s mercy.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

So it was a preemptive move. Happens all the time.

Bhai ,Nanda baba had no case . Kissoon beg for him , the judge blast Nanda Baba ,the Judge had her decision prepared.

This is the same case GECOM Chairman told the Judge ,there will be a recount. The Chairman was also in the contempt hearings.

Right here some was rejoicing jail time for Mingo,Claudette and Lowenfield. So now wait for the decision of recount.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Bhai ,Nanda baba had no case . Kissoon beg for him and he judge blast Nanda Baba ,the Judge had her decision prepared.

This is the same case GECOM Chairman told the Judge ,there will be a recount. The Chairman was also in the contempt hearings.

Right here some was rejoicing jail time for Mingo,Claudette and Lowenfield. So now wait for the decision of recount.

With the recount APNU+AFC need to find about 5,000 votes to reduce the PPP lead. 

The PPP only has 50.44% of the votes, and a 1 seat majority is not safe.

@Django posted:

Bhai ,Nanda baba had no case .

But dem ah sing loud, loud ... Nanda Baba.

Nanda Baba live - Rakesh Yankaran ( The Raja ) - , May 8, 2018,


On the serious and pertinent of this thread .. one must be cautious and indeed have the facts to proceed with court cases.

Chief Justice Roxane George is indeed right to be annoyed.

@Mitwah posted:

With the recount APNU+AFC need to find about 5,000 votes to reduce the PPP lead. 

The PPP only has 50.44% of the votes, and a 1 seat majority is not safe.

Mits ,votes can't be found ,by June 16 th there should be a decision on the 2020 Elections.

@Mitwah posted:

With the recount APNU+AFC need to find about 5,000 votes to reduce the PPP lead. 

The PPP only has 50.44% of the votes, and a 1 seat majority is not safe.

They just had a recount.  Results show PPP with a +15,416 advantage.  That's it!

PNC, pack up ayuh grip!

@Former Member posted:

They just had a recount.  Results show PPP with a +15,416 advantage.  That's it!

PNC, pack up ayuh grip!

The PPP has a three seat majority.  They will go the full 5 years.  

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP has a three seat majority.  They will go the full 5 years.  

Jagdeo is clever.  He will wait for the right moment and call snap elections and further reduce the PNC to 25.

@Former Member posted:

They just had a recount.  Results show PPP with a +15,416 advantage.  That's it!

PNC, pack up ayuh grip!

PLease show how you came up with 15,416 advantage. So far I am seeing PPP 230,328, APNU+AFC 217,259 All others 9,041. That shows about  4,000 advantage. 

In terms of %'ages, PPP 50.44% versus APNU+AFC 47.58%. 

Last edited by Mitwah
@cain posted:

Not too long ago I read here that one of the brightest bulbs in Guyana is Nandalanda, well it now seems as though one of his filaments burnt out.


I think he filed the motion as a safeguard in case the recount was compromised and there were going to additional shenanigans. Since the recount was all certified, no reason to pursue the any further. He doesn’t have to fight all the battles, just the ones that count. 

@Ace posted:

I think he filed the motion as a safeguard in case the recount was compromised and there were going to additional shenanigans. Since the recount was all certified, no reason to pursue the any further. He doesn’t have to fight all the battles, just the ones that count. 

This is abuse of the judicial system.

@Mitwah posted:

PLease show how you came up with 15,416 advantage. So far I am seeing PPP 230,328, APNU+AFC 217,259 All others 9,041. That shows about  4,000 advantage. 

In terms of %'ages, PPP 50.44% versus APNU+AFC 47.58%. 

take away 217 from 230.  What do you get?  Ask Totaram to help you with the subtraction.

@Ramakant-P posted:

take away 217 from 230.  What do you get?  Ask Totaram to help you with the subtraction.

Take 4 from 230. You will get 226. Add 217 and 9. Tell Johnny what you get.  

How did the PPP manage to out rigg the PNC?

@Mitwah posted:

PLease show how you came up with 15,416 advantage. So far I am seeing PPP 230,328, APNU+AFC 217,259 All others 9,041. That shows about  4,000 advantage. 

In terms of %'ages, PPP 50.44% versus APNU+AFC 47.58%. 

That 230 was was before the last set of box.  It ended 233. 

@Mitwah posted:

Take 4 from 230. You will get 226. Add 217 and 9. Tell Johnny what you get.  

How did the PPP manage to out rigg the PNC?

Fudging the numbers  wouldn't get you anywhere.  Those were not the numbers you posted.

@Former Member posted:

That 230 was was before the last set of box.  It ended 233. 

Thanks. I now see the final numbers. 

PPP            = 233,336 = 50.69 % = 33seats

APNU+AFC = 217,920 = 47.34%  = 31 seats

Others        =    9,096 =01.98%   =  01 seat

Therefore the PPP/C advantage is now =6,320 votes.

Ramaji, Got it?

@Mitwah posted:

Thanks. I now see the final numbers. 

PPP            = 233,336 = 50.69 % = 33seats

APNU+AFC = 217,920 = 47.34%  = 31 seats

Others        =    9,096 =01.98%   =  01 seat

Therefore the PPP/C advantage is now =6,320 votes.

Ramaji, Got it?

A New and United Guyana (ANUG), the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and The New Movement (TNM) have agreed, based on Section 22 of the Representation of the People Act, to apply for a “joinder” of their lists of candidates so that the votes they secure at the March 2 general and regional elections could be counted collectively and improve their chances of securing parliamentary and regional seats.

2020 Recount

ANUG = 2,313

LJP     = 2,657

TNM   =    244


Other Parties

CG = 1,953

PRP=  889

URP = 360

Only the “joinder” of their lists of candidates ,will get a seat

Last edited by Django

One may make a cursory estimate of allocated seats based on the total number of votes secured by political groups.

Precise method used in Guyana is ...

- 25 seats based on the 10 constituencies, and

- 40 seats based on the top up system.

@Former Member posted:

One may make a cursory estimate of allocated seats based on the total number of votes secured by political groups.

Precise method used in Guyana is ...

- 25 seats based on the 10 constituencies, and

- 40 seats based on the top up system.



Images (1)
  • Seats_Calc
@Former Member posted:

Succinct information on the allocation of seats, Django.

2020-06-12 08-14-57

Take a look at the recount results  and applying the formula, will “joinder” of their lists of candidates ,get a seat ?

@Mitwah posted:

Thanks. I now see the final numbers. 

PPP            = 233,336 = 50.69 % = 33seats

APNU+AFC = 217,920 = 47.34%  = 31 seats

Others        =    9,096 =01.98%   =  01 seat

Therefore the PPP/C advantage is now =6,320 votes.

Ramaji, Got it?

You apply Williams math. PPP votes are PPP votes. Lead 25,416 over PNC. End of story. 

PPP forms the government and with an absolute majority.

@cain posted:

PPP 33 seats   APNU 31 APNU won........seeing that 31 is more than 33.

Excellent Arithmetic(an). You are smarter than a 5th grader. Just giving yo early morning crap.


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