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Originally Posted by albert:

A 23 year old narcotics detective was found shot dead in his car at Number 70 Village, Corentyne. Detective Jirbahand Dianand who was making a significant impact in denting the drug trade at the area he was stationed was discovered in a car at Number 70 Village, Corentyne with a gunshot wound.
Anyone wants to guess what the AFC/APNU's response to this latest tragedy will be? Is there anyone willing to bet that we will not hear a word from the GHRA?
Has Nigel Hughes left Georgetown as yet?

The question is, Will there be a follow up in this case?


It is sad when young lives are lost by violence, such a waste. This young man may have a family who is now torn with grief. 

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

yuji22, you are anti-Obama???  LOL, you and I will "go up the road" for that!  Anyway, let's leave that for another time and another thread.


By the way, yuji22, you see how they've turned on you for merely taking a principled stand?  They recently did the same to a once rabid PPP supporter who after she came back from Guyana began pointing out the PPP's neglect of its own supporters.  What you got here was soft to what they did to her.

I was an Romney supporter until Clinton exposed Romney and crew. I support Obama.


It is very distressing to see how some PPP members treat their supporters when they take a principled stand. Very distressing.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


I was an Romney supporter until Clinton exposed Romney and crew. I support Obama.


You were obviously brainwashed by Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton. His lies made you switch from a man of substance and character, Mitt Romney, to a proven failure and hoaxster, Barack Obama.





* The US credit rating has been downgraded twice under Obama----from AAA to AA to AA-(first time ever in history the US has lost her AAA rating came under Obama)


* US debt increased from 10.6 trillion to 16+ trillion under Obama---that's a 50+% increase in the nation debt in 4 years under Obama.


* 23 million Americans are either unmployed or undermployed.


* When Obama took office the unemployment rate was 7.8%----4 years later it is 8.1%


* Median household income has dropped from $55,000 when Obama took office to under $51,000 during Obama's 4 years.


* Gasoline price was $1.85 when Obama took office---it's nearly $4 today.


* THE MUSLIM WORLD IS IN CHAOS---America was attacked by al-qaeda on 9/11/12





No you didn't! You were so duped by Clinton that Obama can now fart in your face and you will smell Burberry cologne.


Hopefully in your next life you will acquire a dose of conviction and stop being easily brainwashed by a proven liar---Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton.








Three people—a man and two women—have been arrested in connection with the slaying of Berbice narcotics detective Jirbahan Dianand, even as he was laid to rest yesterday afternoon at the Number 55 Village cemetery.

Dianand, 23, of Lot 70 Number 64 Village, Corentyne, received a full military-style funeral, including a gun-salute, after he was handed over to the police by his family. Before handing over the body, the family had kept a funeral service according to Hindu rites.

Dianand, a detective constable, was found murdered last Friday morning inan execution-style killing at Jackson Creek, Corentyne. An autopsy revealed that he was shot twice—to the forehead and below his left ear.

Drupattie Dianand, the mother of the late Detective Constable Jirbahan Dianand, looks on as her son’s body is taken away for burial

Crime Chief Seelall Persaud told Stabroek News yesterday that based on information received the police had arrested three people. He did not go into details about the link between them and the murdered policeman, but said that an employee of one of the trio was found murdered on a farm in Berbice earlier this year.

Persaud said that to date, police have been unable to determine why the policeman was killed. He had said earlier that investigators were working with the theory that he knew his killer.

During the funeral service yesterday at his parents’ home, Dianand’s colleagues were attired in their ceremonial outfits, and carried his casket, which was draped with the Guyana Police Force (GPF) flag.

Dianand’s mother broke down in wails along with other relatives and friends while they viewed the body. His father also shed tears and the atmosphere during the ceremony was sombre.
Dianand, who was stationed at the Moleson Creek Police Outpost and attached to the Narcotics Section, had been gaining a reputation over drugs busts he made and his ability to find drugs hidden in vehicles.

“Today, I stand with a heavy [heart] to pay tribute to a peace officer who served with distinction,” acting ‘B’ Division Commander Eric Bassant said in a tribute.

Acting ‘B’ Division Commander Eric Bassant delivering a tribute to murdered policeman Jirbahan Dianand

Bassant recalled that Dianand joined the force on May 6, 2009, after receiving training. He was positioned at ‘B’ Division in December that year in the Criminal Investigation Department because of his ability and potential to investigate. In 2010, he said, Dianand continued to serve the police force and successfully completed several courses in crime fighting and narcotics investigation.

“He had several cases that are now before the court,” he emphasised, before extending sincere sympathy to the family on behalf of the ‘B’ Division and the entire GPF.

The funeral service was attended by police officers from the various stations in the division. The police band marched from Number 58 Village to the Number 55 Village mausoleum.

Also in attendance at the funeral service were Regional Chairman David Armogan,and  Director of the University of Guyana Berbice campus Professor Daizal Samad .  University of Guyana students also turned out in their numbers as they bid farewell to Dianand, who was a second-year student.


excerpts from the stabroeknews


Mitwah, your statement is irresponsible and reflects how disgraceful the AFC can behave. You and the AFC should apologise in this moment where the family is still grieving.


You have shown your true colors and your statement reflects how disgraceful the AFC behaves for political gain when this family is still mourning.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

His death means nothing to the PPP.

His death means nothing to APNU and AFC either. However, the president and first lady met personally with the deceased family and sympathized with them. The PPP is made up of many people and when you speak in general you're also telling the president he doesn't care. Show me someone who cares?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

His death means nothing to the PPP.

His death means nothing to APNU and AFC either. However, the president and first lady met personally with the deceased family and sympathized with them. The PPP is made up of many people and when you speak in general you're also telling the president he doesn't care. Show me someone who cares?

The are waiting for the bandits to get caught.  If they and Afro and killed, expect vigils, sit-ins and protests...and you know who will be the head of the bunch.


The AFC issued a media release on Detective Dianand's brutal slaying on the same day of his murder:


Newsletter Banner


AFC Media Release: September14th, 2012


The Alliance For Change extends condolence to the family and relatives of Detective Jirbahand Dianand of the Guyana Police Force whose body was discovered this morning in a car at Number 70 Village, Corentyne with a gunshot wound.


The AFC condemns the killing of the young police detective and urges the Guyana Police Force not to be deterred by this brazen act of murder which was clearly designed to intimidate members of the Force and keep them away from carrying out their lawful duties.


The AFC will not condone the murder of any citizen and especially condemns the murder of law enforcement officers.



The AFC also attended the funeral.  I was there along with Cindy Sookdeo, another executive member and Regional Councillor, along with Kenneth Bowman, the PRO of our Region 5 Management Committee.  The AFC is also providing legal assistance to the family.


The AFC should have done the same to the police force for doing their job to restore law and order from rioters in Linden. Many police officers were injured by rioters without any intervention from the AFC. This is nothing more than a political opportunity for the AFC. You're a lousy salesman of the AFC, Gerhard.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah, your statement is irresponsible and reflects how disgraceful the AFC can behave. You and the AFC should apologise in this moment where the family is still grieving.


You have shown your true colors and your statement reflects how disgraceful the AFC behaves for political gain when this family is still mourning.

yuji22, Ramotar showed up for less than 10 minutes (family members said it was for 5 to 8 minutes) for a photo op with the family.  All the family has received so far is $200,000 (US$1,000) from the police welfare fund for the funeral.  The parents and older brother sacrificed so that young Jirbahan (Justin) could have had his education.  In turn, Justin made the ultimate sacrifice for his country in the line of his duty.  A duty made even riskier because of the PPP's lack of will in combating the narco scourge.  Let us hope though, the brief visit by Ramotar will mark a turning point in the PPP's attitude to the drug scourge.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The AFC should have done the same to the police force for doing their job to restore law and order from rioters in Linden. Many police officers were injured by rioters without any intervention from the AFC. This is nothing more than a political opportunity for the AFC. You're a lousy salesman of the AFC, Gerhard.

Who are the many police who were injured and what were their injuries?

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah, your statement is irresponsible and reflects how disgraceful the AFC can behave. You and the AFC should apologise in this moment where the family is still grieving.


You have shown your true colors and your statement reflects how disgraceful the AFC behaves for political gain when this family is still mourning.

yuji22, Ramotar showed up for less than 10 minutes (family members said it was for 5 to 8 minutes) for a photo op with the family.  All the family has received so far is $200,000 (US$1,000) from the police welfare fund for the funeral.  The parents and older brother sacrificed so that young Jirbahan (Justin) could have had his education.  In turn, Justin made the ultimate sacrifice for his country in the line of his duty.  A duty made even riskier because of the PPP's lack of will in combating the narco scourge.  Let us hope though, the brief visit by Ramotar will mark a turning point in the PPP's attitude to the drug scourge.



The president visited the family. That shows that he is a caring president. In the United States, the victim's family usually receives a letter from the president. Ten mins. Or ten hours does not matter. The president and first lady visited the family and must be commended.


The departed young officer received a  full police honors and funeral. I do not see how you can bring up the money issue. That is a personal matter.


The last time I checked, I saw that Guyana is the first country in the caribbean to adopt the US anti drug program that was recently implemented. In politics, you judge progress after the program has been implemented and give it a year before you condemn it. It appears that the AFC is trying to play politics here.


Let us wait on the outcome of this case since there are people in custody and the police are conducting their investigation


yuji22, it has been 10 months since Ramotar ascended to the Presidency.  That is more than enough time to have done things differently to his predecessor.  In fact Ramotar seems to be at pains to tell us that nothing will change. And this is where my harshness comes from, yuji22.  I hope you understand that.


The issue of money is not a private issue.  The State is obligated here and therefore is a public matter.  The calculation for the compensation is a standard one, and not something that is negotiated and so varies from case to case.  As a Hindu, I am sure you would agree that US$1,000 is woefully inadequate for a funeral, wakes and the religious work.  Compensation here does not have to await the outcome of any criminal investigation.  Please get that clear.


The full military burial is certainly befitting, however, the State must fulfil its remaining obligations without undue delay.  I hope you agree and will help to advocate for that.  The PPP reads these blogs and your call here will help.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah, your statement is irresponsible and reflects how disgraceful the AFC can behave. You and the AFC should apologise in this moment where the family is still grieving.


You have shown your true colors and your statement reflects how disgraceful the AFC behaves for political gain when this family is still mourning.

Detective Dianand's death is  symbolic of the failure of the PPP.


The PPP and its supporters like you  have become desensitized to violent murders, crime and corruption. Your moral compass is out of focus. You use material wealth as the yardstick to determine one's success; with no regard as to how they become affluential. Ik hastaa hai das rote hai.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

yuji22, it has been 10 months since Ramotar ascended to the Presidency.  That is more than enough time to have done things differently to his predecessor.  In fact Ramotar seems to be at pains to tell us that nothing will change. And this is where my harshness comes from, yuji22.  I hope you understand that.


The issue of money is not a private issue.  The State is obligated here and therefore is a public matter.  The calculation for the compensation is a standard one, and not something that is negotiated and so varies from case to case.  As a Hindu, I am sure you would agree that US$1,000 is woefully inadequate for a funeral, wakes and the religious work.  Compensation here does not have to await the outcome of any criminal investigation.  Please get that clear.


The full military burial is certainly befitting, however, the State must fulfil its remaining obligations without undue delay.  I hope you agree and will help to advocate for that.  The PPP reads these blogs and your call here will help.


As a Hindu, I will agree that the additional compensation will help this family due to the extra costs involved with a Vedic funeral and additional costs after the funeral.


I hope that the government is listening.  


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah, your statement is irresponsible and reflects how disgraceful the AFC can behave. You and the AFC should apologise in this moment where the family is still grieving.


You have shown your true colors and your statement reflects how disgraceful the AFC behaves for political gain when this family is still mourning.

Detective Dianand's death is  symbolic of the failure of the PPP.


The PPP and its supporters like you  have become desensitized to violent murders, crime and corruption. Your moral compass is out of focus. You use material wealth as the yardstick to determine one's success; with no regard as to how they become affluential. Ik hastaa hai das rote hai.


Mitwah, it is comments like yours that turn moderates away from the AFC. Distasteful at the least, is what can be used to describe your comments as this family mourns.


As for morale compass, you use vile and foul language while debating other posters and yet try to use spiritual comments to justify your cause. Take a deep look inside before you start mouthing off.


If we can have a more moderate and sensible debate and attitude towards Guyana, it will become a better place. According to the Mahabharata, only an evil person sees evil everywhere. Take a close look at your posts and your nasty language. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah, your statement is irresponsible and reflects how disgraceful the AFC can behave. You and the AFC should apologise in this moment where the family is still grieving.


You have shown your true colors and your statement reflects how disgraceful the AFC behaves for political gain when this family is still mourning.

Detective Dianand's death is  symbolic of the failure of the PPP.


The PPP and its supporters like you  have become desensitized to violent murders, crime and corruption. Your moral compass is out of focus. You use material wealth as the yardstick to determine one's success; with no regard as to how they become affluential. Ik hastaa hai das rote hai.


Mitwah, it is comments like yours that turn moderates away from the AFC. Distasteful at the least, is what can be used to describe your comments as this family mourns.


As for morale compass, you use vile and foul language while debating other posters and yet try to use spiritual comments to justify your cause. Take a deep look inside before you start mouthing off.


If we can have a more moderate and sensible debate and attitude towards Guyana, it will become a better place. According to the Mahabharata, only an evil person sees evil everywhere. Take a close look at your posts and your nasty language. 

Listen ass ole, how many times do I have to tell you that I speak for myself and not the AFC. I am not here to win friends.  You cannot see evil because you have your head too far up your anus. According to your logic, Krishna is evil to see that which is adharmic. You are one dumb ass. Go and stop your mother from barking and chasing parked cars.


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