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I must agree. My interpretation of a drug free area dates back some 30 years. Let us see how serious the government is about fighting crime and drugs regarding this matter.


Even though I supported the PPP, I personally feel that they are very weak in combatting organized crime and drugs in Guyana. International help will be a welcome sign. 


It is up to the political will of the government to take this issue head on. They need to do a lot more to convince me that they are serious in combatting drugs and crime in Guyana.


We have an ill equipped force to handle well organized drug and crime elements in Guyana. This is a wake up call for my fellow Berbicians.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Gerhard, would you care to provide more details on this SSR and DEA ?

You are asking Gerhard to provide more details ?


Gerhard is a trickster! He comes here blaming the state---he means the PPP--for the death of the officer.




Gerhard is an evil, wicked monster----dont forget what Gerhard and his fellow AFC goons engineered in Linden:







He he hee, the only thing you know to do well is lie. I doubt you can find one person here who think you are of moral standing to call anyone any names. Take a chill pill you bloody bigot

Stormborn that is all people of his ilk knows.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Gerhard, would you care to provide more details on this SSR and DEA ?

You are asking Gerhard to provide more details ?


Gerhard is a trickster! He comes here blaming the state---he means the PPP--for the death of the officer.




Gerhard is an evil, wicked monster----dont forget what Gerhard and his fellow AFC goons engineered in Linden:






He he hee, the only thing you know to do well is lie. I doubt you can find one person here who think you are of moral standing to call anyone any names. Take a chill pill you bloody bigot




Self praise is no recommendation--so the Rev will not praise himself--but I will tell the truth about Gerhard:




He comes here pretending to be empathetic regarding the unfortunate death of the officer---but his motives are evil---he wickedly blames the PPP for the death of the officer.



Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Deepest condolences to the family of this brave young man. He lost his life in the fight against the evil drug scourge that is ravaging our land.

Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.

Had there been meaningful reform and the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today. May he rest in peace, and let us pray that others like him are not be deterred.

Cheap politics with the young man's life.  The DEA can hardly contain drug traffic here in the US and have had very limited or mix results in Columbia itself.  The US occupied Afganistan with 150k troops and opium was booming.  Why do you think the DEA or the Brits could solve Guyana's problems?  Get real.

This is what I said in totality, "Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.


Had there been meaningful reform AND the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today."


The only cheap thing here, baseman, is your selectiveness in what I said.

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.



Nehru Bhai


Is this your contribution to this serious matter ?


As a Berbician, I demand that the government provide us with a complete and transparent investigation regarding the death of the brave young man who lost his life in combatting a serious crime, that is taking on the drug dealers.


Please Bhai, let us be civil and set politics aside for the good of our country.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Nehru Bhai


Is this your contribution to this serious matter ?


As a Berbician, I demand that the government provide us with a complete and transparent investigation regarding the death of the brave young man who lost his life in combatting a serious crime, that is taking on the drug dealers.


Please Bhai, let us be civil and set politics aside for the good of our country.

Bannas, GR already brought Politics, Snakeoil, vindictiveness, slyness and Prostitution to the matter.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Deepest condolences to the family of this brave young man. He lost his life in the fight against the evil drug scourge that is ravaging our land.

Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.

Had there been meaningful reform and the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today. May he rest in peace, and let us pray that others like him are not be deterred.

Cheap politics with the young man's life.  The DEA can hardly contain drug traffic here in the US and have had very limited or mix results in Columbia itself.  The US occupied Afganistan with 150k troops and opium was booming.  Why do you think the DEA or the Brits could solve Guyana's problems?  Get real.

This is what I said in totality, "Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.


Had there been meaningful reform AND the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today."


The only cheap thing here, baseman, is your selectiveness in what I said.

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.

Firstly, you are a cheap politician, a liar and a manipulator.  Where was there are inference of race from my side in this issue.   From the name I think it was an Indian law enforcement officer killed.  You are a cheap politician who would stop at nothing to score a political point, and race politics is your low hanging fruit.  If you want to cleanse your soul before you die, my advice, start yesterday.


Secondly, what does where we came from has to do with anything...where did you come from to lecture me on where I came from.  I know human history and don't need lectures from you.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Deepest condolences to the family of this brave young man. He lost his life in the fight against the evil drug scourge that is ravaging our land.

Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.

Had there been meaningful reform and the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today. May he rest in peace, and let us pray that others like him are not be deterred.

Cheap politics with the young man's life.  The DEA can hardly contain drug traffic here in the US and have had very limited or mix results in Columbia itself.  The US occupied Afganistan with 150k troops and opium was booming.  Why do you think the DEA or the Brits could solve Guyana's problems?  Get real.

This is what I said in totality, "Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.


Had there been meaningful reform AND the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today."


The only cheap thing here, baseman, is your selectiveness in what I said.

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.

Firstly, you are a cheap politician, a liar and a manipulator.  Where was there are inference of race from my side in this issue.   From the name I think it was an Indian law enforcement officer killed.  You are a cheap politician who would stop at nothing to score a political point, and race politics is your low hanging fruit.  If you want to cleanse your soul before you die, my advice, start yesterday.


Secondly, what does where we came from has to do with anything...where did you come from to lecture me on where I came from.  I know human history and don't need lectures from you.





It is the right of the opposition to hold the government accountable. That is how a democratic country works. 


I personally cannot see how anyone can equate Gerhard's post as being political. He is bringing up a matter that is of concern to all Guyanese. Drugs and crime are serious matters.


I have in the past verbally disagreed with Gerhard on many issues but must agree with him on this one. If we are genuin and care for Guyana, we must agree where it benefits our country and people.


My father in law was visiting NY from Guyana a few weeks ago and he lives one village away from where this serious occurred and has indicated to me that the government needs to do a lot more to combat drugs and crime in Guyana.


This is a disease that will do great harm to Guyana. So what if we all unite and fight crime and drugs ? The government of Guyana must take a lead. If we truly care about Guyana, then we must take a stand against crime and drugs.


Originally Posted by yuji22:



It is the right of the opposition to hold the government accountable. That is how a democratic country works. 


I personally cannot see how anyone can equate Gerhard's post as being political. He is bringing up a matter that is of concern to all Guyanese. Drugs and crime are serious matters.


I have in the past verbally disagreed with Gerhard on many issues but must agree with him on this one. If we are genuin and care for Guyana, me must agree where it benefits our country and people.


My father in law was visiting NY from Guyana a few weeks ago and he lives one village away from where this serious occurred and has indicated to me that the government needs to do a lot more to combat drugs and crime in Guyana.


This is a disease that will do great harm to Guyana. So what if we all unite and fight crime and drugs ? The government of Guyana must take a lead. If we truly care about Guyana, then we must take a stand against crime and drugs.



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Deepest condolences to the family of this brave young man. He lost his life in the fight against the evil drug scourge that is ravaging our land.

Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.

Had there been meaningful reform and the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today. May he rest in peace, and let us pray that others like him are not be deterred.

Cheap politics with the young man's life.  The DEA can hardly contain drug traffic here in the US and have had very limited or mix results in Columbia itself.  The US occupied Afganistan with 150k troops and opium was booming.  Why do you think the DEA or the Brits could solve Guyana's problems?  Get real.

This is what I said in totality, "Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.


Had there been meaningful reform AND the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today."


The only cheap thing here, baseman, is your selectiveness in what I said.

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.

Firstly, you are a cheap politician, a liar and a manipulator.  Where was there are inference of race from my side in this issue.   From the name I think it was an Indian law enforcement officer killed.  You are a cheap politician who would stop at nothing to score a political point, and race politics is your low hanging fruit.  If you want to cleanse your soul before you die, my advice, start yesterday.


Secondly, what does where we came from has to do with anything...where did you come from to lecture me on where I came from.  I know human history and don't need lectures from you.

Like I said, I am done with you.  Unless you can discourse dispassionately.  However, I must clarify, you being a "racist" has nothing to do with this current issue, but has everything to do with your personal grouse with me.  You are angry at me that I have stood up for black people.  I have put "racist" in uplifted commas since it has no biological basis, but you already knew that, right?

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Deepest condolences to the family of this brave young man. He lost his life in the fight against the evil drug scourge that is ravaging our land.

Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.

Had there been meaningful reform and the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today. May he rest in peace, and let us pray that others like him are not be deterred.

Cheap politics with the young man's life.  The DEA can hardly contain drug traffic here in the US and have had very limited or mix results in Columbia itself.  The US occupied Afganistan with 150k troops and opium was booming.  Why do you think the DEA or the Brits could solve Guyana's problems?  Get real.

This is what I said in totality, "Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.


Had there been meaningful reform AND the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today."


The only cheap thing here, baseman, is your selectiveness in what I said.

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.

Firstly, you are a cheap politician, a liar and a manipulator.  Where was there are inference of race from my side in this issue.   From the name I think it was an Indian law enforcement officer killed.  You are a cheap politician who would stop at nothing to score a political point, and race politics is your low hanging fruit.  If you want to cleanse your soul before you die, my advice, start yesterday.


Secondly, what does where we came from has to do with anything...where did you come from to lecture me on where I came from.  I know human history and don't need lectures from you.

Like I said, I am done with you.  Unless you can discourse dispassionately.  However, I must clarify, you being a "racist" has nothing to do with this current issue, but has everything to do with your personal grouse with me.  You are angry at me that I have stood up for black people.  I have put "racist" in uplifted commas since it has no biological basis, but you already knew that, right?


Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.

Firstly, you are a cheap politician, a liar and a manipulator.  Where was there are inference of race from my side in this issue.   From the name I think it was an Indian law enforcement officer killed.  You are a cheap politician who would stop at nothing to score a political point, and race politics is your low hanging fruit.  If you want to cleanse your soul before you die, my advice, start yesterday.


Secondly, what does where we came from has to do with anything...where did you come from to lecture me on where I came from.  I know human history and don't need lectures from you.

Like I said, I am done with you.  Unless you can discourse dispassionately.  However, I must clarify, you being a "racist" has nothing to do with this current issue, but has everything to do with your personal grouse with me.  You are angry at me that I have stood up for black people.  I have put "racist" in uplifted commas since it has no biological basis, but you already knew that, right?

You are a cheap politician....even to do with this young man life, shameless and cheap.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Gerhard, would you care to provide more details on this SSR and DEA ?

You are asking Gerhard to provide more details ?


Gerhard is a trickster! He comes here blaming the state---he means the PPP--for the death of the officer.




Gerhard is an evil, wicked monster----dont forget what Gerhard and his fellow AFC goons engineered in Linden:






He he hee, the only thing you know to do well is lie. I doubt you can find one person here who think you are of moral standing to call anyone any names. Take a chill pill you bloody bigot




Self praise is no recommendation--so the Rev will not praise himself--but I will tell the truth about Gerhard:




He comes here pretending to be empathetic regarding the unfortunate death of the officer---but his motives are evil---he wickedly blames the PPP for the death of the officer.



You are in no position to speak of Gerhard since he uses his real name here. Do that if you want to say you have standing to speak to his character.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Deepest condolences to the family of this brave young man. He lost his life in the fight against the evil drug scourge that is ravaging our land.

Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.

Had there been meaningful reform and the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today. May he rest in peace, and let us pray that others like him are not be deterred.

Cheap politics with the young man's life.  The DEA can hardly contain drug traffic here in the US and have had very limited or mix results in Columbia itself.  The US occupied Afganistan with 150k troops and opium was booming.  Why do you think the DEA or the Brits could solve Guyana's problems?  Get real.

This is what I said in totality, "Personally, I hold the State culpable because of its relationship with the underworld, and the dragging of its feet on Security Sector reform (rejection of the British SSRP) and bringing in the DEA.


Had there been meaningful reform AND the DEA been here, this young man may still have been alive today."


The only cheap thing here, baseman, is your selectiveness in what I said.

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.

Gerhard, what is the AFC code of silence mean? As I understood, it means that a members who signed up should shut the "F" up for life. You tried that shit before with a member and I remember it like yesterday. So, be careful!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
You are in no position to speak of Gerhard since he uses his real name here. Do that if you want to say you have standing to speak to his character.



The majority of Guyanese now know the truth about Gerhard Ramsaroop:




Check this out stormy:














800 primary school children in Linden, nearly all blacks lost their school because of the evil, wicked actions of Gerhard Ramsaroop and his fellow AFC goons.






Dem PPP bais like Nehru, Rev Al, BGurd_see and Cobra prappa learn from dem big boss. Cuss down everybady and you will believe that you are right. And afta a while you'll start to believe your own lies which actually magically becomes the truth in your own mind of course.


Keep cussing down everybady to show your class. Without the Cl

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.

Gerhard, what is the AFC code of silence mean? As I understood, it means that a members who signed up should shut the "F" up for life. You tried that shit before with a member and I remember it like yesterday. So, be careful!

The man's a cheap political hachet job accusing me of being anti-black when the police officer killed was Indian.  Furthermore, he selectively forgot I agreed with the complaints against the PPP of not including more qualified Afros in key visible positions.  These are ligit complaints where I agree with the Afro sentiments.  Instead he makes blanket statements that I am anti-afro.  Well, I'm anti-GR propaganda and I don't think he is Afro.  I agree more with many Afros than I do with many Indians, including GR.  However, it seems to these cheap political oppotunists, when you disagree with an Afro, that makes you Anti-Afro.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Dem PPP bais like Nehru, Rev Al, BGurd_see and Cobra prappa learn from dem big boss. Cuss down everybady and you will believe that you are right. And afta a while you'll start to believe your own lies which actually magically becomes the truth in your own mind of course.


Keep cussing down everybady to show your class. Without the Cl


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.

Gerhard, what is the AFC code of silence mean? As I understood, it means that a members who signed up should shut the "F" up for life. You tried that shit before with a member and I remember it like yesterday. So, be careful!

The man's a cheap political hachet job accusing me of being anti-black when the police officer killed was Indian.  Furthermore, he selectively forgot I agreed with the complaints against the PPP of not including more qualified Afros in key visible positions.  These are ligit complaints where I agree with the Afro sentiments.  Instead he makes blanket statements that I am anti-afro.  Well, I'm anti-GR propaganda and I don't think he is Afro.  I agree more with many Afros than I do with many Indians, including GR.  However, it seems to these cheap political oppotunists, when you disagree with an Afro, that makes you Anti-Afro.

Repeat of an earlier post, to which you already responded to:


"Like I said, I am done with you.  Unless you can discourse dispassionately.  However, I must clarify, you being a "racist" has nothing to do with this current issue, but has everything to do with your personal grouse with me.  You are angry at me that I have stood up for black people.  I have put "racist" in uplifted commas since it has no biological basis, but you already knew that, right?"

Your racism is plain for all to see during your discourse on the Linden issue.  Hey, be a man (Russell Peters), and own up; stop trying to obfuscate about making this about agreeing with black people.  Would you like me to find those threads for you?


Quote by: Gehard

You are angry at me that I have stood up for black people.

Only God knows how much I believe you. That's why you were siting with criminal Benschop and causing riot and burning school in Linden. You love them so much that you are willing to invoke the rioting spirit and mind set to destroy Guyana to get where you want to be. I hope after the Linden investigation, many of you might see jail door for your involvement.


Quote by: Gehard

You are angry at me that I have stood up for black people.

Only God knows how much I believe you. That's why you were siting with criminal Benschop and causing riot and burning school in Linden. You love them so much that you are willing to invoke the rioting spirit and mind set to destroy Guyana to get where you want to be. I hope after the Linden investigation, many of you might see jail door for your involvement.


Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.




That's a good one Mitts!


I pray and hope that you will free yourself from the shackles of racism and also not be supportive of corruption and cronyism. One man can make a difference and you might be that man.


Have a nice day too.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I pray and hope that you will free yourself from the shackles of racism and also not be supportive of corruption and cronyism. One man can make a difference and you might be that man.





Do yourself a favor and pray for yourself bro---you are wasting oxygen praying for others.


By the way:







Originally Posted by Cobra:

Quote by: Gehard

You are angry at me that I have stood up for black people.


Only God knows how much I believe you. That's why you were siting with criminal Benschop and causing riot and burning school in Linden. You love them so much that you are willing to invoke the rioting spirit and mind set to destroy Guyana to get where you want to be. I hope after the Linden investigation, many of you might see jail door for your involvement.

Only a primitive ignar tribal like you could toss back Gerhard's statement as a slur - characterizing him as a race traitor!


Yesss . . . in a law respecting Guyana, the "jail door" would be a fitting next place those agents of the state who gunned down the 3 protesters in Linden and the PPP 'planners' (including the arson paymasters) who gave the go-ahead should see.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.

Gerhard, what is the AFC code of silence mean? As I understood, it means that a members who signed up should shut the "F" up for life. You tried that shit before with a member and I remember it like yesterday. So, be careful!

The man's a cheap political hachet job accusing me of being anti-black when the police officer killed was Indian.  Furthermore, he selectively forgot I agreed with the complaints against the PPP of not including more qualified Afros in key visible positions.  These are ligit complaints where I agree with the Afro sentiments.  Instead he makes blanket statements that I am anti-afro.  Well, I'm anti-GR propaganda and I don't think he is Afro.  I agree more with many Afros than I do with many Indians, including GR.  However, it seems to these cheap political oppotunists, when you disagree with an Afro, that makes you Anti-Afro.

Repeat of an earlier post, to which you already responded to:


"Like I said, I am done with you.  Unless you can discourse dispassionately.  However, I must clarify, you being a "racist" has nothing to do with this current issue, but has everything to do with your personal grouse with me.  You are angry at me that I have stood up for black people.  I have put "racist" in uplifted commas since it has no biological basis, but you already knew that, right?"

Your racism is plain for all to see during your discourse on the Linden issue.  Hey, be a man (Russell Peters), and own up; stop trying to obfuscate about making this about agreeing with black people.  Would you like me to find those threads for you?

Well, you are one of those who believe if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.  You are a liar and manipulator and very famous for it.  You have to pull wool over the eyes of the blind.


Don't flatter yourself, I don't give a hoot what and who you stand up for, if I disagree with your position, I disagree and when I agree, I agree.  I have no "personal grouse" with you, what do I care, I have an issue with cheap political pandering.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:

As I said, Cheap politics...confirmed from your "personal" innuendo and conjecture.

baseman, I am done with you.  I have nothing more to say to you on this forum, unless you can actually discuss issues without getting personal.  I feel sorry for you, in that you are bright, and probably a generally decent person, but cannot get past your deep and ingrained hatred of black people.  What makes this even more sad, is that we are all descended from blacks, with Indians, especially from the south where most of us come from, being among the closest descendants (as opposed to Europeans, Chinese and the native people of the Americas).  You have a lot of work to do to erase that stain on your soul before you die.  If I were you, I'd start now.

Gerhard, what is the AFC code of silence mean? As I understood, it means that a members who signed up should shut the "F" up for life. You tried that shit before with a member and I remember it like yesterday. So, be careful!

The man's a cheap political hachet job accusing me of being anti-black when the police officer killed was Indian.  Furthermore, he selectively forgot I agreed with the complaints against the PPP of not including more qualified Afros in key visible positions.  These are ligit complaints where I agree with the Afro sentiments.  Instead he makes blanket statements that I am anti-afro.  Well, I'm anti-GR propaganda and I don't think he is Afro.  I agree more with many Afros than I do with many Indians, including GR.  However, it seems to these cheap political oppotunists, when you disagree with an Afro, that makes you Anti-Afro.

Repeat of an earlier post, to which you already responded to:


"Like I said, I am done with you.  Unless you can discourse dispassionately.  However, I must clarify, you being a "racist" has nothing to do with this current issue, but has everything to do with your personal grouse with me.  You are angry at me that I have stood up for black people.  I have put "racist" in uplifted commas since it has no biological basis, but you already knew that, right?"

Your racism is plain for all to see during your discourse on the Linden issue.  Hey, be a man (Russell Peters), and own up; stop trying to obfuscate about making this about agreeing with black people.  Would you like me to find those threads for you?

Well, you are one of those who believe if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.  You are a liar and manipulator and very famous for it.  You have to pull wool over the eyes of the blind.


Don't flatter yourself, I don't give a hoot what and who you stand up for, if I disagree with your position, I disagree and when I agree, I agree.  I have no "personal grouse" with you, what do I care, I have an issue with cheap political pandering.

Provide one single instance where I have lied.  One instance.  Just one.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, you are one of those who believe if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.

ahmmm, actually . . . that's YOU, Herr Baseman, er Goebbels

Thank you, bro.  That NAZI MO is today fully embraced by the PPP.

Indeed . . . they embrace it SHAMELESSLY!

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Cheddi would be accused of murder if he was alive today and see what they doing to the party he started and how shameless and corrupted they are. He woulda sharpen a cutlass and fire chop upon chop. Who ded, ded.

The PPP today is not like the one of old. The Jagdeo/Ramouthar clique systematically destroyed the party and movement. Many so called followers of Cheddi sat by and did nothing. Some share the spoils from the corruption practised by the few so called leaders.  " The mouths of many of them are muzzled by the food they chew on ".  The party has lost a lot of grass roots support and general goodwill  and if Ramouthar is careless and calls a snap general elections we will see the PPP on the opposition benches again. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, you are one of those who believe if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.

ahmmm, actually . . . that's YOU, Herr Baseman, er Goebbels

Thank you, bro.  That NAZI MO is today fully embraced by the PPP.

Indeed . . . they embrace it SHAMELESSLY!



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