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 Friday, January 19, 2018


The Third Report of the Standing Committee on Appointments to address matters relating to the Nomination and Appointment of Members to the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC), following brief debates, was on Friday night adopted in the National Assembly.

The motion for the adoption of the report which was moved by Minister of Social Cohesion, Dr. George Norton reads β€œwhereas the parliamentary standing committee on appointments agreed to uphold resolution no 68 of 2014, which approved the list of entities to be consulted for nomination to the ethnic relations commission; and whereas the entities met and made submissions of their nominations between April 27, 2016, and January 25, 2017.”

The National Assembly also approved the appointment the following persons from the following categories as members of the Ethnic Relations Commission:

Christian Bodies

Dr. John O. Smith

Hindu Bodies

Sister Rajkumarie Singh

Muslim Bodies

Mr. Roshan Khan

Labour Movement Bodies

Mr. Norris Emanuel Witter

Private Sector Organisations

Major-General (Retd.) Norman Mclean

Youth Organisations

Mr. Deodat Persaud

Women Organisations

Ms. Ruth Howard

Cultural/Ethnic Bodies


Mr. Barrington Braithwaite


Mr. Neaz Subhan

Indigenous/Amerindian Bodies

Mr. Ashton Simon

Minister Norton disclosed that there were nine meetings of the Committee, but difficulties were encountered with the Indo-Guyanese body. He acknowledged that more consultations with the citizens would have been welcomed.

However, he told the House that persons were not as responsive even when the deadlines were extended.

The Opposition raised concerns with the length of time it took for persons to be appointed the Commission. Minister Norton said while an earlier time would have been appropriate for such an important body, there were several hindrances to the process.

He expressed satisfaction that the appointments have been approved. The last ERC was dissolved in 2011.

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Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "Minister Norton disclosed that there were nine meetings of the Committee, but difficulties were encountered with the Indo-Guyanese body."

Details, anyone?

IAC to hold Inter-faith gathering and discussion on Ethnic Relations this Friday.

Press Release

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) wishes to invite the general public to participate in its Inter-faith gathering and a discussion on the current state of Ethnic Relations in Guyana at the National Library on Friday, January 12, 2018, beginning at 4: 30 pm.

The IAC recognizes that Ethnic Relations in Guyana has been characterized by suspicion, mistrust, and even bouts of politically instigated violence. The aftermath of the 1997 General elections was one such horrific event in the form of the January 12, 1998 acts of violence and arson targeting mainly Indo-Guyanese, perceived supporters of the then victorious PPP/C party.

The IAC also understands that society can either choose the path of hate or of reconciliation. The IAC chooses the path of reconciliation.

The IAC is of the strongest opinion that this continuing state of affairs will eventually destroy Guyana and so the organization is taking this initiative to foster dialogue towards the goal of reconciliation in the context of social cohesion and national unity.

This event is intended to shed light on the urgent need to tackle ethnic unity and tolerance in our society. It is expected to be an occasion of fostering dialogue and deep reflection on the need for all stakeholders to work in the interest of national unity and prevent terrible events such as January 12, 1998, from recurring.

Organizations which have been invited include the Ministry of Social Cohesion, the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, the Inter-Religious Organization, the African Cultural and Development Association, Amerindian People’s Association, National Toshaos’ Council, the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana, Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, the Viraat Sabha of Guyana, the Guyana Central Arya Samaj, the Hindus for Selfless Service, the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Lions Clubs and SASOD.

Following prayers from the three major religions and a brief welcome from an Executive Member of the IAC, a panel of learned individuals will deliver brief remarks and then the floor will be opened to the members of the public to ask questions of the panellists.


Here is an article from IAC.


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