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Former Member

National Assembly slated to reconvene on June 10

Due to challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the National Assembly has not had a sitting since March 2021.

However, the Parliament Office today issued an Order Paper for an upcoming sitting slated for Thursday, June 10, 2021. The session will be conducted at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

A number of matters are listed on the Order Paper to be dealt with at the upcoming sitting.

These include questions submitted by Opposition Members for responses on issues such as contracted employees in the Ministry of Housing and Water; Covid-19 relief disbursement; allocations of house lots; infrastructural works; the Haags Bosch landfill; the Corporate Communications Unit at the Guyana Police Force; among others.

The Parliament Office had earlier issued a statement announcing that members of the media will be required to produce proof of their COVID-19 vaccination card or a negative COVID test result before gaining access to the National Assembly sittings.

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Govt to table motion in National Assembly for removal of Patterson as PAC Chair, cites β€œbullyism”

L-R Parliamentary Affairs Minister Gail Teixeira and PAC Chairman David Patterson

When the National Assembly reconvenes on Thursday, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Gail Teixeira is expected to table a motion for the removal of former Public Infrastructure Minister and current Opposition Member of Parliament, David Patterson, as Chairman of the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

In the motion, which was filed on Thursday last, Teixeira said β€œβ€¦David Patterson has consistently and openly violated the Standing Orders and has introduced a level of bullyism unbefitting of a Member of Parliament, and, in doing so, bringing the image of the National Assembly into disrepute…”

Patterson has been embroiled in controversy after he admitted to receiving millions of dollars in gift items from agencies and departments under the then Public Infrastructure Ministry, which he headed in the previous APNU/AFC Administration.

As such, there have been widespread calls for the embattled Opposition MP to step down as Chair of the PAC – the parliamentary body that is responsible for scrutinising the Government’s spending via the audited reports from the Audit Office of Guyana.

However, the coalition Opposition has been adamant in having Patterson remain the PAC Chairman.

In fact, Teixeira, who is a member of the PAC, had tabled a motion of no-confidence against Patterson at a Committee meeting in February this year but his Opposition colleagues refused to take up his seat, arguing steadfastly for Patterson to be retained.

The Standing Orders stipulate that only the Opposition can chair the PAC. However, when Patterson eventually recused himself to allow the motion, none of his Opposition colleagues took up the chair. Then at subsequent meetings, Patterson refused to put the issue on the agenda.

In her motion now to the National Assembly, Teixeira said that the issue even prompted the Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, to intervene on two occasions to settle the matter.

According to the motion, it was eventually agreed that the Clerk would seek legal advice from a lawyer who was β€œnot politically aligned” on the interpretation of the Standing Orders in relation to the appointment of the Chairperson, which was obtained and circulated on March 23 but was not put to the Committee despite being on the agenda at the next meeting on April 12.

β€œβ€¦the Chairperson refused to allow a motion for the adoption of the legal opinion circulated by the Clerk and repeatedly ignored and refused to allow motions to go to Item 2 on the agenda and β€˜put’ the β€˜Motion for the removal of the Chairperson’ instead he overrode every effort to do so and moved to other items on the Agenda,” the motion stated.

Further, the Parliamentary Affairs Minister detailed that at the subsequent PAC meeting, Patterson had β€œasterisked” the motion for his removal – a move which attracted the attention of the Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir.

β€œβ€¦ on May 3, 2021, the Speaker of the National Assembly wrote the Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee, copied to all members of the Public Accounts Committee, in which he stated that (i) as Speaker he could intervene in a Committee-related issue in β€œ very serious and special circumstances;” (ii) the Chairperson of a Committee does not have the authority to place an asterisk against a Member’s motion, only the mover could; (iii) this action by the Chairperson was a β€˜gross violation of the Standing Orders and tantamount to bullyism,’ and, (iv) he compelled the Chairperson to β€˜put’ the motion…” the motion pointed out.

According to Teixeira’s motion, Patterson has demonstrated that he has no respect for the Speaker and is unprepared to obey his instruction, given that he has not responded to Nadir’s letter.

β€œβ€¦he has disregarded the advice of the Clerk of the National Assembly on several occasions with regard to the Standing Orders and is resolute in his refusal, using all forms of subterfuge, to allow the motion for his removal to be β€˜put’ to the vote,” the Motion further detailed.

To this end, Teixeira said that the given Patterson’s open violation of the Standing Orders of the PAC, among other things, the majority of the members of the Committee have lost confidence in him as the Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee, and as such, ask β€œBe It Further Resolved: That this National Assembly approves the removal of Mr David Patterson as the Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee.”

This motion is expected to the tabled in the National Assembly next Thursday when sittings reconvene after a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. [Extracted and Modified from Guyana Times]


The current PPP is dictatorship inclined.   Little by little they are trying to remove any opposition to their corrupt rule.  Elsewhere it has been reported that they are now asking some people to provide reasons why they shouldn't be fired. I don't know if this is standard practice in the Guyanese system but think about the implications of this if all employers engaged in it.  Let's say Monday morning your boss comes to you and says, "Give me reasons why I shouldn't fire you".  What would you do?

@Totaram posted:

The current PPP is dictatorship inclined.   Little by little they are trying to remove any opposition to their corrupt rule.  Elsewhere it has been reported that they are now asking some people to provide reasons why they shouldn't be fired. I don't know if this is standard practice in the Guyanese system but think about the implications of this if all employers engaged in it.  Let's say Monday morning your boss comes to you and says, "Give me reasons why I shouldn't fire you".  What would you do?

I might just do what I've been wanting to do for a long time! Beat de shit outa yu, bass!

Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:
  Let's say Monday morning your boss comes to you and says, "Give me reasons why I shouldn't fire you".  What would you do?

Kick 'im in the nuts....then say, "I dunno, but how's dat as a good reason why you should?"

The PPP gotta be watched closely just as the previous time when they got so worried they had someone do a song, "dem ah watch we"

Last edited by cain
@Totaram posted:

The current PPP is dictatorship inclined.   Little by little they are trying to remove any opposition to their corrupt rule.  Elsewhere it has been reported that they are now asking some people to provide reasons why they shouldn't be fired. I don't know if this is standard practice in the Guyanese system but think about the implications of this if all employers engaged in it.  Let's say Monday morning your boss comes to you and says, "Give me reasons why I shouldn't fire you".  What would you do?

Remind him of how others have gone insane and wiped out their boss's family including their pet dogs. The Devil has use for idle hands. My Sri Lakan friend used the Sledge hammer on his Italian boss's knees for swearing at him.

Last edited by Mitwah
@Django posted:

May be in Canada.

What 'may be in Canada'? I once saw an Italian mobster being interviewed on TV, here in Canada! The vicious look he gave the interviewer, in response to one.of.her questions, would serve alone to kill her!

The only other person I ever saw give that look was Robert DeNiro, the Italian American actor, and.he was just acting!

Tonighta you sleepa wid de fishes, jango!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

What 'may be in Canada'? I once saw an Italian mobster being interviewed on TV, here in Canada! The vicious look he gave the interviewer, in response to one.of.her questions, would serve alone to kill her!

The only other person I ever saw give that look was Robert DeNiro, the Italian American actor, and.he was just acting!

Tonighta you sleepa wid de fishes, jango!

Shallyv ,i have visited thousands of homes and met lots of people of all walks of life ,always have little conversations.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Shallyv ,i have visited thousands of homes and met lots of people of all walks of life ,always have little conversations.

What does your visit to old peoples' homes have to do with criminals, jangles? The Italian I posted about was a Montrealer, home of many Italian Mafiosa! Another is Hamilton Ontario! I haven't heard about any other criminal gangs in Canada, except for the Chinese!

On second thought, there was supposed to be a Jamaican gang in the Jane/Steeles area of Toronto, but I haven't heard.much about them lately!

Visited thousands of homes? Were you what, a freeloader? Didn't you ever stay at home? You must have been a bachelor! No wife? Or maybe a nagging one that caused you to go out all the time! Hee haw!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

What does your visit to old peoples' homes have to do with criminals, jangles? The Italian I posted about was a Montrealer, home of many Italian Mafiosa! Another is Hamilton Ontario! I haven't heard about any other criminal gangs in Canada, except for the Chinese!

On second thought, there was supposed to be a Jamaican gang in the Jane/Steeles area of Toronto, but I haven't heard.much about them lately!

Visited thousands of homes? Were you what, a freeloader? Didn't you ever stay at home? You must have been a bachelor! No wife? Or maybe a nagging one that caused you to go out all the time! Hee haw!

Old people homes !!! My work is in Service Business ,done it for 11 yrs .

Don't know much about Canada .Lot's of things was revealed in my neck of the woods.


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