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National Competitive Summit launched - creates opportunities for advancement of local economy

Published on Thursday, 29 September 2011 22:50
Written by Alethea Grant-Charles

Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister, Manniram Prashad says Guyana is well on its way to realizing its full potential of becoming an engine of economic growth. Minister Prashad made this comment while addressing the opening national competitiveness summit at the international conference center earlier today.

“The summit hosted by President Jagdeo ushered the beginning of a structured public/private partnership with the primary objective of building a competitive advantage for Guyana and improving the quality of life for all of its citizens.”

Chairman of the Private Sector Commission, Ramesh Dookoo in his remarks, said the business community embraces this initiative, but challenged the business community to realize and therefore capitalize opportunities available.

“With the increasing changes of the global economy companies must better manage their supply chains that facilitate the secure movement of goods partnering in regional and global production which will enhance the comparative advantage of all countries.”

Meanwhile, President of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana, Carvil Duncan believes it adds to the new trade union outlook which will play an integral role in the development of any society.

“This perception that exists that labor and capital cannot work together ought to be removed, it would require a different type of education what in fact it will require is a cultural transformation.”

The strategy is aimed at creating a competitive advantage that will deliberately develop and enhance competitiveness which is an essential pre-requisite to ensure long term benefits to Guyana’s economic investments.

The summit was held under the theme, “Partnering to Promote Economic Growth and Development”.

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