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National housing backlog first priority for Minister Sharpe-Patterson

Georgetown, GINA,Source January 8, 2016

 Minister in the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Sharpe- Patterson

As she prepares to take office on Monday, Minister within the Ministry of Communities, with responsibility for housing, Valerie Sharpe- Patterson, plans to prioritise clearing the national housing backlog.

 This backlog currently hovers beyond 25,000 applications for land titles, transport and even more for house lots. “My first plan is for us to move that process forward and whatever is the challenge, whatever is the difficulty in getting it done, I am telling you that we are going to get it done. Those 25,000 applications that are sitting there, we are going to get them processed, we are going to get those titles, those instruments in the hands of the owners,” Minister Sharpe-Patterson told the Government Information Agency (GINA.)

 The new Minister had a brief meeting on Tuesday with the senior personnel from ministry, and advised them that clearing this backlog will be their first agenda.  The Minister is of the opinion that in Guyana, where there is so much land, persons should not be made to wait, not even one year, much less 10 to get a house lot. “… it is ridiculous. Yes there might have been problems, but I am saying that this APNU+AFC Government is for progress, is for development and everything that we want to do here, relating to development plays an integral part,” she told GINA.Sharpe-Patterson was appointed Minister within the Ministry of Communities with effect from January 1, 2016, by President David Granger. She replaces, Minister Keith Scott, who has been moved to the Ministry of Social Protection.

The Region 10, Member of Parliament and former Chief Executive Officer of the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN), received the nod for that post because of her strong administrative experience. She told GINA since persons heard about her appointment they have been reaching out to her on the issue of the backlog.

The Minister also spoke to GINA about how she received the news about her appointment.  “I got a call from the President and this was just about 6:15 one morning, I was not even out of bed fully. I even mistook his voice for the general secretary of the PNC and I said good morning GS….and he said Valerie Patterson, you were the first person to call me GS, and then I realised who I was speaking to, and then I said good morning Mr. President how are you and then he said to me the reason, he had called.”

She added, “I was wondering if I was still asleep, dreaming or whether I was hearing this for real…”

Going forward, the Minister said that she is excited, not just about the appointment, but with having the opportunity, to serve the people of Guyana, at a higher level. The Minister, who for the longest period has being serving the people at the level of Region 10 said that she is satisfied with her level of service to that region. “I have served well, I have no regrets,” she said. “If you had left it up to me, I would have never moved from Linden,” she jokingly added.

 Who is Valerie Adams Sharpe - Patterson?

  • She was the former CEO of the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN) -January 2010 to December 31, 2015
  • APNU+AFC Region 10 MP, May 2015 to December 31, 2015
  • Fund Manager of Linden Enterprise Advancement Fund  (LEAF), the credit arm of  theLinden Economic Advancement Project ( LEAP), the predecessor of LEN, August 2005 to December 2009
  • Frist branch Manager of Courts in Linden, from 1994 to 2005
  • Senior supervisor at Guyana National Cooperative Bank where she started as a teller. She earned a scholarship from the bank to study banking and financing at the University of Guyana (UG) and was successful.
  • Pupil teacher, at the One-Mile Primary School, 1977 to 1980.


  • Sharpe-Patterson has served as treasurer for a number of years with the Linden Chamber of  Industry, Commerce and Development
  • She was also the President of LINFEB,
  • A member of several Parent Teachers Association
  • Served as a women’s leader in the Assembly of God, in Linden as President, for a number of years and as Treasurer, at the national level.
  • In 2008, she was ordained as pastor of the Flourishing Place Ministry in Linden and in 2013 was ordained an apostle.


  • She has been in politics for 25 years.
  • She served on the Regional Democratic Council of Region 10 from 2001 to 2011, under the chairmanship of Mortimer Mingo. During that time, she was Chairman of the Regional Women’s Affairs Committee, Regional Welfare Committee, Regional Rights of the Child Committee and a member of the Region Ten Regional Tender Board.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Does she has 4 subjects CXC????

"She earned a scholarship from the bank to study banking and financing at the University of Guyana (UG) and was successful."

What are her qualifications?? GED???

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Does she has 4 subjects CXC????

"She earned a scholarship from the bank to study banking and financing at the University of Guyana (UG) and was successful."

What are her qualifications?? GED???

She obtained a diploma for regular attendance with a modified diploma for acamedic studies.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Does she has 4 subjects CXC????

"She earned a scholarship from the bank to study banking and financing at the University of Guyana (UG) and was successful."

In the early 70's I had a friend that got a scholarship to UG, his qualification s were ,he is Black, his father was village chairman for PNC, he had 2 subjects GCE "O" levels. I used to help him with his assignments ,Oh ,he didn't had to serve National Service. Back then the Party card was the most important card ,Indians changed their names, many paid for the PNC cards so to get Government jobs. The Indian businesses were the biggest financial supporters of the PNC, they were told how much to donate or they have NO business, keep in mind the Blacks had if any small business.

KishanB posted:

Well at least this woman sound more serious that that idiot they had before, once Keith Scott who pushing 70 years OLD, these geriatrics.

Well, pior to May, the current Govt parties "sounded" off quite a lot and now it seems was all "sound".  Let's see "sound" will turn into something real!


Qualifications mean nothing. Alexei Ramotar has qualifications and look how he destroyed Guyana's attempt to have an international fibre optic connection.

Bill gates was not qualified but he started Microsoft. And we can mention Jagdeo, a doctor without even been qualified to carry that title.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Come on people, why do you want qualifications?  She is from Linden.  Isn't that enough?  AND she is good looking too!!

I am from Linden and proud of it. So what's your point?


Ha.  Glad you asked!  My point is the fact that she is from Linden is enough qualification!  And kudos to you too from being from a place with such high caliber.  I was born in Victoria Village.  We are not chicken schitt to the Linden folks.  Isn't that why Burnham change the name of the place to his first name?

Bibi Haniffa

No idea why Burnham changed the name. But if the alleged assassination attempt that my grandfather allegedly made on the life of Burnham had been successful maybe the location would never have been known as Linden. 

Mr.T posted:

No idea why Burnham changed the name. But if the alleged assassination attempt that my grandfather allegedly made on the life of Burnham had been successful maybe the location would never have been known as Linden. 

Don't lie on your dead grandfather. Let the man RIP. If he was alive today, he would have said me pickney should have planted a coconut tree instead giving birth to you.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ha.  Glad you asked!  My point is the fact that she is from Linden is enough qualification!  And kudos to you too from being from a place with such high caliber.  I was born inVictoria Village.  We are not chicken schitt to the Linden folks.  Isn't that why Burnham change the name of the place to his first name?

Kudos to you that's is a historical village Plantation Northbrook later named Victoria Village bought by 83 ex-slaves.I know two of Gomes brothers from that village they were Electronic Technicians.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ha.  Glad you asked!  My point is the fact that she is from Linden is enough qualification!  And kudos to you too from being from a place with such high caliber.  I was born inVictoria Village.  We are not chicken schitt to the Linden folks.  Isn't that why Burnham change the name of the place to his first name?

Kudos to you that's is a historical village Plantation Northbrook later named Victoria Village bought by 83 ex-slaves.I know two of Gomes brothers from that village they were Electronic Technicians.

Funny, I believe one of those Gomes was my father's good friend!

I visited Victoria as part of a school trip.  Interesting village and history!

baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ha.  Glad you asked!  My point is the fact that she is from Linden is enough qualification!  And kudos to you too from being from a place with such high caliber.  I was born inVictoria Village.  We are not chicken schitt to the Linden folks.  Isn't that why Burnham change the name of the place to his first name?

Kudos to you that's is a historical village Plantation Northbrook later named Victoria Village bought by 83 ex-slaves.I know two of Gomes brothers from that village they were Electronic Technicians.

Funny, I believe one of those Gomes was my father's good friend!

I visited Victoria as part of a school trip.  Interesting village and history!

I worked with the short stocky one that rode a Triumph motor cycle,cant remember his first name,the other brother wall tall and thin worked at Affonso Record Bar in King St.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
baseman posted:

Funny, I believe one of those Gomes was my father's good friend!

I visited Victoria as part of a school trip.  Interesting village and history!

I worked with the short stocky one that rode a Triumph motor cycle,cant remember his first name,the other brother wall tall and thin worked at Affonso Record Bar in King St.

The one from Affonso was my father's friend. He had rebuilt some expensive had-to-get auto electrical components for my father.  Back in the day, he was regarding as an electrical genius.

baseman posted:
Django posted:
baseman posted:

Funny, I believe one of those Gomes was my father's good friend!

I visited Victoria as part of a school trip.  Interesting village and history!

I worked with the short stocky one that rode a Triumph motor cycle,cant remember his first name,the other brother wall tall and thin worked at Affonso Record Bar in King St.

The one from Affonso was my father's friend. He had rebuilt some expensive had-to-get auto electrical components for my father.  Back in the day, he was regarding as an electrical genius.

He was indeed a great tech,good at Vacuum Tube repairs,me thinks he was the work shop manager at Affonso,he was much older when i entered in the trade back in the late 70's.

Last edited by Django

Something doesn't sound right here.  People are leaving the country by the thousands and yet this government is concentrating on building more houses. The PPP left a great infrastructure and instead of building on the infrastructure, they are destroying the foundation of the economy.

Ramakant-P posted:

Something doesn't sound right here.  People are leaving the country by the thousands and yet this government is concentrating on building more houses. The PPP left a great infrastructure and instead of building on the infrastructure, they are destroying the foundation of the economy.

Bai, who you really talking to.  These people destroyed the foundations of the economy back in the 70's and yet don't know what they did wrong.

skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

No idea why Burnham changed the name. But if the alleged assassination attempt that my grandfather allegedly made on the life of Burnham had been successful maybe the location would never have been known as Linden. 

Don't lie on your dead grandfather. Let the man RIP. If he was alive today, he would have said me pickney should have planted a coconut tree instead giving birth to you.

Burnham pleasure cruiser blew up and went up in flames in Linden. From then on he started travelling by helicopter. It didn't make the government controlled news papers, but there was a purge of PPP high ranking officials, of which my grandfather was one of. That's when we fled Linden for the 2nd time. I think the pleasure cruiser was called Cathrina. D-G should know a bit more about this. I hear people connected to him were the ones who grassed up some of the PPP people alleged to have been involved.

Mr.T posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

No idea why Burnham changed the name. But if the alleged assassination attempt that my grandfather allegedly made on the life of Burnham had been successful maybe the location would never have been known as Linden. 

Don't lie on your dead grandfather. Let the man RIP. If he was alive today, he would have said me pickney should have planted a coconut tree instead giving birth to you.

Burnham pleasure cruiser blew up and went up in flames in Linden. From then on he started travelling by helicopter. It didn't make the government controlled news papers, but there was a purge of PPP high ranking officials, of which my grandfather was one of. That's when we fled Linden for the 2nd time. I think the pleasure cruiser was called Cathrina. D-G should know a bit more about this. I hear people connected to him were the ones who grassed up some of the PPP people alleged to have been involved.

You have again started to express blatant lies and misinformation.

It is your choice to continue with your personal concocted views embedded in your wild thoughts.

It will be the Administrator(s) of GNI to take actions stemming from your lies and misinformation.


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