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Those contentious observation reports were deliberately and tendentiously concocted by PNC people to cast doubts on the recount process. The authors of those reports didn't provide solid incontrovertible evidence to support their spurious allegations.

They wrote about missing documents from ballot boxes from PPP/C strongholds but they knew very well some of their GECOM conspirators are responsible for that.

The PNC intellectual authors refused to produce their own documents for ALL polling stations throughout the country --- their copies of GECOM's Statements of Poll.

Those observation reports will eventually be consigned to the dustbin of history.


At the onset of the controversy in Ashmins building in March, Mingo was justifiably ridiculed for his clumsy attempt to rig the elections. Today, Mingo is almost in no one's thoughts as Lowenfield has since emerged as the most compromised individual at GECOM Secretariat. Given his level of contempt during these elections one would be wise and desist from advocating/disseminating any report that he produces on them.


Hopefully the Chief Justice throws out this frivolous case today and the Chair request the DCEO to complete the report so she can make her  declaration based on the most credible tabulation of the March 2020 elections, the National Recount. Nothing that humans do is perfect including elections but the claims and unnecessary delays by the PNC since they lost the elections are grossly ridiculous.

@Former Member posted:

Hopefully the Chief Justice throws out this frivolous case today and the Chair request the DCEO to complete the report so she can make her  declaration based on the most credible tabulation of the March 2020 elections, the National Recount. Nothing that humans do is perfect including elections but the claims and unnecessary delays by the PNC since they lost the elections are grossly ridiculous.

Yes. Hopefully. But that won't settle the impasse. Most likely Basil's bunglers will proceed to the Court of Appeal.


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