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ksazma posted:

Guyanese aren’t really known for volunteering. 😀

There are a volunteering class. However, you have to contend with the stink-mouth 👄, low-life shit-hole crabs like you find “spreading” in Queens mansions.  And when I refer to volunteers, I mean free and clear of any other agenda but to help those in need.  But yes, There are those who have all sorts of motives.

Our venture is now 80% White Americans funded. This includes two corporate, two school districts in western NJ and several friends. I spoke to my relatives managing the venture, they have stopped taking from most Guyanese as they give 50/100 and have 50/100 comments. 

You have to carry on regardless of the naysayers, they are useless anyway!  Best served as dumpling in crab ðŸĶ€ soup!  You have to keep in mind those needing the help, not the shit talkers.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Guyanese aren’t really known for volunteering. 😀

There are a volunteering class. However, you have to contend with the stink-mouth 👄, low-life shit-hole crabs like you find “spreading” in Queens mansions.  And when I refer to volunteers, I mean free and clear of any other agenda but to help those in need.  But yes, There are those who have all sorts of motives.

Our venture is now 80% White Americans funded. This includes two corporate, two school districts in western NJ and several friends. I spoke to my relatives managing the venture, they have stopped taking from most Guyanese as they give 50/100 and have 50/100 comments. 

You have to carry on regardless of the naysayers, they are useless anyway!  Best served as dumpling in crab ðŸĶ€ soup!  You have to keep in mind those needing the help, not the shit talkers.

If you weren’t scamming people charity dollars you would be hungry and homeless. The Guyanese community has caught on to your scams so it’s time to find new victims until they find out that you are a con artist. Hopefully by then you are in jail and people don’t have to worry about getting robbed anymore.

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:

I found the police record. 

She rass gon get older, fatter, more lethargic and dead on that tune!!  Is like a stuck record!!

Our charity is stronger than ever, well funded and on the move.  We just sponsored a U-Mas PHD student to do his thesis on the  social issues.  We are working with the Govt to build more model centers throughout Guyana to augment schools!

But who knows if BJ wins!!

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:

I volunteered for 10 years at the elementary school my sons was like a second job

In high school, my son volunteered at a big nearby hospital and everyone was impressed with him. He slapped it on his resume, was selected for the UMD BS Engineering Program, after graduation got a big and fancy gov't hospital Biomedical Engineer job, now his salary is more than mine. He pays all the bills, does everything for me now, and I just enjoy life. You just have to train them right. 

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The problem with getting involved with organizations or groups that do volunteer work is the constant fights and back-stabbing amongst members.  Guyanese people lose quickly lose their focus of the goals of the organization and begin to get personal over issues that are not personal. 

Perhaps these folks were not giving their service from the heart but rather selfish reasons. Also you should not paint with a broad brush based on your personal experiences. Many of us are still involved unconditionally.

Drugb posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The problem with getting involved with organizations or groups that do volunteer work is the constant fights and back-stabbing amongst members.  Guyanese people lose quickly lose their focus of the goals of the organization and begin to get personal over issues that are not personal. 

Perhaps these folks were not giving their service from the heart but rather selfish reasons. Also you should not paint with a broad brush based on your personal experiences. Many of us are still involved unconditionally.

I still attend fundraising events and spend my hard-earned dollars on raffles and drinks.  The organizations I support have done a fairly good job in helping people back home. Some have questioned the $$$ actually raised and the $$$ actually used for the good cause.  I believe these organizations can grow and do a lot more if they can manage the finances in a professional and ethical manner to dispel any notion of misappropriation. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Leonora posted:
Ray posted:

I volunteered for 10 years at the elementary school my sons was like a second job

In high school, my son volunteered at a big nearby hospital and everyone was impressed with him. He slapped it on his resume, was selected for the UMD BS Engineering Program, after graduation got a big and fancy gov't hospital Biomedical Engineer job, now his salary is more than mine. He pays all the bills, does everything for me now, and I just enjoy life. You just have to train them right. 

Good on you for good parenting skills.  Yes you have to train them right.  Dats why other people wan end up in Drug Rehab Center.  Children emulate their parents.

Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Drugb posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The problem with getting involved with organizations or groups that do volunteer work is the constant fights and back-stabbing amongst members.  Guyanese people lose quickly lose their focus of the goals of the organization and begin to get personal over issues that are not personal. 

Perhaps these folks were not giving their service from the heart but rather selfish reasons. Also you should not paint with a broad brush based on your personal experiences. Many of us are still involved unconditionally.

I still attend fundraising events and spend my hard-earned dollars on raffles and drinks.  The organizations I support have done a fairly good job in helping people back home. Some have questioned the $$$ actually raised and the $$$ actually used for the good cause.  I believe these organizations can grow and do a lot more if they can manage the finances in a professional and ethical manner to dispel any notion of misappropriation. 

I prefer hands-on charity work, that way I have no fear about money disappearing in some shzyster`s pocket. I noticed a few posters are being accused of pilfering from charities.


I never met a Guyanese man in Guyana who was a volunteer.  Guyanese in Guyana think volunteering is being worked for free.  A cousin of mine got sentenced by the courts for community service at the local dog pound for not paying his traffic tickets.  He said look at these people they want me to clean up dog sh-t for free.

Baseman posted:i
Drugb posted:

I prefer hands-on charity work, that way I have no fear about money disappearing in some shzyster`s pocket. I noticed a few posters are being accused of pilfering from charities.

Do you operate under 501c3?

Bannas I is not a professional thiefman like "some" here. I does rollup meh sleeves and pitch in lakka grunt. Ah does leff 501 jeans fuh big shots lakka you.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:i
Drugb posted:

I prefer hands-on charity work, that way I have no fear about money disappearing in some shzyster`s pocket. I noticed a few posters are being accused of pilfering from charities.

Do you operate under 501c3?

Bannas I is not a professional thiefman like "some" here. I does rollup meh sleeves and pitch in lakka grunt. Ah does leff 501 jeans fuh big shots lakka you.

Well, comparing your gig to our legally incorporated entity is like comparing a road side stand selling mauby and salara to....say Demico House!

You are a feel-good hobby, not a responsible charity with delivery and reporting obligations!  It’s a fun thingy at your leisure!

But it’s good anyway!

Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:i
Drugb posted:

I prefer hands-on charity work, that way I have no fear about money disappearing in some shzyster`s pocket. I noticed a few posters are being accused of pilfering from charities.

Do you operate under 501c3?

Bannas I is not a professional thiefman like "some" here. I does rollup meh sleeves and pitch in lakka grunt. Ah does leff 501 jeans fuh big shots lakka you.

Well, comparing your gig to our legally incorporated entity is like comparing a road side stand selling mauby and salara to....say Demico House!

You are a feel-good hobby, not a responsible charity with delivery and reporting obligations!  It’s a fun thingy at your leisure!

But it’s good anyway!

What do you report and to whom?  Let’s see the audited financial statements which are supposed to be public records.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:i
Drugb posted:

I prefer hands-on charity work, that way I have no fear about money disappearing in some shzyster`s pocket. I noticed a few posters are being accused of pilfering from charities.

Do you operate under 501c3?

Bannas I is not a professional thiefman like "some" here. I does rollup meh sleeves and pitch in lakka grunt. Ah does leff 501 jeans fuh big shots lakka you.

Well, comparing your gig to our legally incorporated entity is like comparing a road side stand selling mauby and salara to....say Demico House!

You are a feel-good hobby, not a responsible charity with delivery and reporting obligations!  It’s a fun thingy at your leisure!

But it’s good anyway!

What do you report and to whom?  Let’s see the audited financial statements which are supposed to be public records.

To you!!  Go find them!!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:i
Drugb posted:

I prefer hands-on charity work, that way I have no fear about money disappearing in some shzyster`s pocket. I noticed a few posters are being accused of pilfering from charities.

Do you operate under 501c3?

Bannas I is not a professional thiefman like "some" here. I does rollup meh sleeves and pitch in lakka grunt. Ah does leff 501 jeans fuh big shots lakka you.

Well, comparing your gig to our legally incorporated entity is like comparing a road side stand selling mauby and salara to....say Demico House!

You are a feel-good hobby, not a responsible charity with delivery and reporting obligations!  It’s a fun thingy at your leisure!

But it’s good anyway!

What do you report and to whom?  Let’s see the audited financial statements which are supposed to be public records.

To you!!  Go find them!!

There is nothing to find.  You are a fraudster and an embezzler.  You belong in jail.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:i
Drugb posted:

I prefer hands-on charity work, that way I have no fear about money disappearing in some shzyster`s pocket. I noticed a few posters are being accused of pilfering from charities.

Do you operate under 501c3?

Bannas I is not a professional thiefman like "some" here. I does rollup meh sleeves and pitch in lakka grunt. Ah does leff 501 jeans fuh big shots lakka you.

Well, comparing your gig to our legally incorporated entity is like comparing a road side stand selling mauby and salara to....say Demico House!

You are a feel-good hobby, not a responsible charity with delivery and reporting obligations!  It’s a fun thingy at your leisure!

But it’s good anyway!

What can I tell yuh sar, I is one of dem people dat does like fuh feel de dirt between meh fingers when ah deh in de garden tending meh plants. Of course I could afford a tractor, a landscaper etc, but I prefer to be organically involved and look de person in dey eyes when I help them. 

Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:

Well, comparing your gig to our legally incorporated entity is like comparing a road side stand selling mauby and salara to....say Demico House!

You are a feel-good hobby, not a responsible charity with delivery and reporting obligations!  It’s a fun thingy at your leisure!

But it’s good anyway!

What can I tell yuh sar, I is one of dem people dat does like fuh feel de dirt between meh fingers when ah deh in de garden tending meh plants. Of course I could afford a tractor, a landscaper etc, but I prefer to be organically involved and look de person in dey eyes when I help them. 

Good for you!!  We operate differently.  Many sponsors live here while the families live Guyana.  We have an organization on the ground who manages the portfolio.  We have paid teachers at our Center who coach kids struggling in school.

Furthermore, the Center has operating and running costs.  All kids are fed.  Then there is electricity, internet and general maintenance.  Furthermore, there are security monitors as there are computers and other equipment.

Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:

Well, comparing your gig to our legally incorporated entity is like comparing a road side stand selling mauby and salara to....say Demico House!

You are a feel-good hobby, not a responsible charity with delivery and reporting obligations!  It’s a fun thingy at your leisure!

But it’s good anyway!

What can I tell yuh sar, I is one of dem people dat does like fuh feel de dirt between meh fingers when ah deh in de garden tending meh plants. Of course I could afford a tractor, a landscaper etc, but I prefer to be organically involved and look de person in dey eyes when I help them. 

Good for you!!  We operate differently.  Many sponsors live here while the families live Guyana.  We have an organization on the ground who manages the portfolio.  We have paid teachers at our Center who coach kids struggling in school.

Furthermore, the Center has operating and running costs.  All kids are fed.  Then there is electricity, internet and general maintenance.  Furthermore, there are security monitors as there are computers and other equipment.

You is a big bai den, I is just a small fish.  But I get deep satisfaction in what I do. I hope is de same fuh you. 


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