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Former Member

Divisions in Guyana and old wounds must be addressed in a nationalistic manner, according to the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) presidential candidate, Dr. Irfaan Ali. When pressed on the issue during a recent interview, he said, “National unity and bringing our people together must be achieved through a number of initiatives. We have to build the Guyanese identity. We have to understand that there is something called the Guyanese identity, who we are as Guyanese, not who we are as Indo-Guyanese or Afro-Guyanese – that’s who we are as a people.

“What are the things that binds us together as a people? What are the things that brings us together as a people? What are the things that holds us together as a people? What are the principles that we stand on as a people? These are the questions we have to ask. “We have to start to get this inculcated from a very young age. We have to get this in a school system. We have to get this in a teacher’s training system because you have teachers being trained to youngsters because at that level are we addressing this issue when the mind is young and ready to absorb solid principles.”

Ali added that there have to be efforts to build a country where every single person feel involved, where every single Guyanese see themselves as having an equal opportunity and where all Guyanese sees themselves as being part of the future. Asked whether the broadening the next PPP/C government will be able to do this, Ali said, “Civil society has a major role to play and will play a major role…you have to have the policy formulation and that must reflect the national priorities. “It must be able to draw people on board and must be able to create a platform through we all believe and we all feel as if we have a stake in the future…unity is an action unity, it is not talk. It has to be a set of actions by the government of the day, in which we have national buy in from stakeholders all across the country, from all segments of our population… once all our people believe that they are part of that national programme, we can move forward as a people, together.

“…we seek to broaden our alliance in terms of bringing more persons on board with the national development strategies and priorities and working towards improvement of the lives of all Guyanese, ensuring that they have a better future – a future that all Guyanese can be proud of and want to be part of.” To understand what is at stake, the PPP/C presidential candidate stressed the need for grassroots grounding – something he charged that all leaders should strive for. “I’ve visited all the region so far, but there are still a number of villages that I will have to get into,” he said.

Ali added, “I have had experience experiences working throughout Guyana in all the regions both at the technical level and at the political level, so I have consistently been working in the national interests – been working in ensuring the lives of people and communities are developed.” According to him, grassroots grounding was bolstered by a strong desire to enter public service from a young age.

“My love for public service it comes from a long tradition within my family. My grandmother as many may know on the West Coast (of Demerara) was part of the initial struggle that saw the recognition of the trade union. She was part of the early struggles of the People’s Progressive Party. She was part of the struggles that helped us to gain independence, help us to have democracy return to our land. My parents also are both public servants. They spent most of their lives in public service, teaching. My mom retired as the Deputy Chief Education Officer. My father retired as a headmaster. After retirement they continue to serve.”

Leaders can only understand the need for more to be done to advance national unity, once they are able to recognise what is at stake and have a desire to serve the Guyanese people, Ali charged. “My experiences have shaped me, the deep sense of commitment and dealing with the challenges and ensuring that people the lives of people is advanced in a positive way…there is much more to do…as Guyanese we are stronger together,” Ali declared.



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Replies sorted oldest to newest

From what me read deh, datt Banna got he 200 years vested. And pon top, he got his PhD😀!!   Dr  Jagdeo made a good choice here.

Let the games begin!!

Me tinks Anil goose cook!!


Dis Doctor is more intelligent that Dr Jagdeo. 
Guyana will become a new paradise with these TWO doctors in charge. One doctor to govern and one to steer the Ship. 

Hey Hey Hey.


On a slightly more serious note, the PPP has to reassure Afro Guyanese that this “we on tap again” business must end. Failing to do so will result in having a similar situation that we are in with the PNC. A golden opportunity awaits Dr ALI to galvanize Guyana and end this race problem. We tired of sheepishness. 

Sean posted:

Dis Doctor is more intelligent that Dr Jagdeo. 
Guyana will become a new paradise with these TWO doctors in charge.

One doctor to govern and one to steer the Ship. 

Hey Hey Hey.

Ha..ha.. funny t@rass .

Nehru posted:

Preach Dr Ali preach to the Cretans!!!!!!!!

Preach my ass! When the the PPP was in power, they didnt speak about National Unity. Why now?  It was pure apaan jaat. Geh vex if u have to.

It was the PNC who came along and preach National Unity hence the name (APNU) and catch everybody like a pack of dunces when they too had no intentions of unifying the people. 

Ayuh could cuss meh. At least I spoke my piece.

Sean posted:

On a slightly more serious note, the PPP has to reassure Afro Guyanese that this “we on tap again” business must end. Failing to do so will result in having a similar situation that we are in with the PNC.

A golden opportunity awaits Dr ALI to galvanize Guyana and end this race problem. We tired of sheepishness. 

The same thoughts i had when B.J. became President thru the back door , unfortunately same ..old...same..old.

Last edited by Django
Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:

Preach Dr Ali preach to the Cretans!!!!!!!!

Preach my ass! When the the PPP was in power, they didnt speak about National Unity. Why now?  It was pure apaan jaat. Geh vex if u have to.

It was the PNC who came along and preach National Unity hence the name (APNU) and catch everybody like a pack of dunces when they too had no intentions of unifying the people. 

Ayuh could cuss meh. At least I spoke my piece.

You speaking the truth !!!

Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:

Preach Dr Ali preach to the Cretans!!!!!!!!

Preach my ass! When the the PPP was in power, they didnt speak about National Unity. Why now?  It was pure apaan jaat. Geh vex if u have to.

It was the PNC who came along and preach National Unity hence the name (APNU) and catch everybody like a pack of dunces when they too had no intentions of unifying the people. 

Ayuh could cuss meh. At least I spoke my piece.

SOME AL YUH LOVE SNAKEOIL,  naive to dah Bone and get hussle everyday. PNC and Unity can NEVER be in the same sentence!!!

Django posted:
Sean posted:

On a slightly more serious note, the PPP has to reassure Afro Guyanese that this “we on tap again” business must end. Failing to do so will result in having a similar situation that we are in with the PNC.

A golden opportunity awaits Dr ALI to galvanize Guyana and end this race problem. We tired of sheepishness. 

The same thoughts i had when B.J. became President thru the back door , unfortunately same ..old...same..old.


Ow bai, we have to give the Doctor his chance to practice what he preaches when he becomes president. I will hold PPP to their promise and if they break it, I going to use my stereo speakers to call dem out. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Bai, what should we cuss you ? Is a Guyanese curse with the race problem.

Anyway, the good doctor presented an excellent proposal. We going to hold he on this 

Ayuh remember when Granger told the PPP we should work together , after the 2015 Elections, Jagdeo said no way .

Nehru posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:

Preach Dr Ali preach to the Cretans!!!!!!!!

Preach my ass! When the the PPP was in power, they didnt speak about National Unity. Why now?  It was pure apaan jaat. Geh vex if u have to.

It was the PNC who came along and preach National Unity hence the name (APNU) and catch everybody like a pack of dunces when they too had no intentions of unifying the people. 

Ayuh could cuss meh. At least I spoke my piece.

SOME AL YUH LOVE SNAKEOIL,  naive to dah Bone and get hussle everyday. PNC and Unity can NEVER be in the same sentence!!!

I don't care what u say. I stand by my post. Deal with it.

Nehru posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:

Preach Dr Ali preach to the Cretans!!!!!!!!

Preach my ass! When the the PPP was in power, they didnt speak about National Unity. Why now?  It was pure apaan jaat. Geh vex if u have to.

It was the PNC who came along and preach National Unity hence the name (APNU) and catch everybody like a pack of dunces when they too had no intentions of unifying the people. 

Ayuh could cuss meh. At least I spoke my piece.

SOME AL YUH LOVE SNAKEOIL,  naive to dah Bone and get hussle everyday. PNC and Unity can NEVER be in the same sentence!!!

You forget the talks with Burnham an Jagan , i got some files. Luckily it didn't materialize, Guyana would have been a one Party State.

Django posted:
Sean posted:

Bai, what should we cuss you ? Is a Guyanese curse with the race problem.

Anyway, the good doctor presented an excellent proposal. We going to hold he on this 

Ayuh remember when Granger told the PPP we should work together , after the 2015 Elections, Jagdeo said no way .

Not So fast here. I listened to GrNher doing an interview with a local Guyanese reporter and he specifically stated a winner does not take all policy. Well, he became big eye and took everything. They had the biggest opportunity and goodwill and blew it. He blew it by further appointing Moses of all people in exploring the idea of unity. It was a complete failure 

We can’t blame Jagdeo for PNC being big eye. Na Na Na. No way. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dj, and you believe him, right? Bhai, you have so much to learn.

B.J should have given it a shot , we would have found out Granger real intentions.

And you cannot see his intentions now/ Hint: CCJ, Constitution, Rule Of Law   and on and on and on.

Nehru posted:

Bhai, is afree Country believe what you want. Is Al Yuh same people does talk about Trump supporters blind and stupid. The Mirror is not far away!!

That's a different tale to discuss , he played the game with the voters and succeed. Chances to date we may have him for another five years .

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dj, and you believe him, right? Bhai, you have so much to learn.

B.J should have given it a shot , we would have found out Granger real intentions.

And you cannot see his intentions now/ Hint: CCJ, Constitution, Rule Of Law   and on and on and on.

I am aware of the Rule of Law, Granger didn't take it lightly and roll over . He perceived the NCM as a plot to overthrow his government , hence the debacle in the country.

Sean posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Bai, what should we cuss you ? Is a Guyanese curse with the race problem.

Anyway, the good doctor presented an excellent proposal. We going to hold he on this 

Ayuh remember when Granger told the PPP we should work together , after the 2015 Elections, Jagdeo said no way .

Not So fast here. I listened to GrNher doing an interview with a local Guyanese reporter and he specifically stated a winner does not take all policy. Well, he became big eye and took everything. They had the biggest opportunity and goodwill and blew it. He blew it by further appointing Moses of all people in exploring the idea of unity. It was a complete failure 

We can’t blame Jagdeo for PNC being big eye. Na Na Na. No way. 

Seriously, i was told by a few persons,they said Granger is decent , he would listen to people ideas , he is not authoritative.

Last edited by Django

Bai DJ, Granger is a constitution rapist and set a very bad example. Future governments will violate the constitution and ignore CCJ rulings as a result of his illegal behaviour And manipulation of GECOM. Sorry but he is no role model. 
Easy snake does bite hot ! 

If Granger has any sense of decency, it should not have had to end up at CCJ to rule that his appointment of Old bai Patterson was also illegal. This chap has all the markings of a dictator, nothing more, nothing less. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Sean posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Bai, what should we cuss you ? Is a Guyanese curse with the race problem.

Anyway, the good doctor presented an excellent proposal. We going to hold he on this 

Ayuh remember when Granger told the PPP we should work together , after the 2015 Elections, Jagdeo said no way .

Not So fast here. I listened to GrNher doing an interview with a local Guyanese reporter and he specifically stated a winner does not take all policy. Well, he became big eye and took everything. They had the biggest opportunity and goodwill and blew it. He blew it by further appointing Moses of all people in exploring the idea of unity. It was a complete failure 

We can’t blame Jagdeo for PNC being big eye. Na Na Na. No way. 

Seriously, i was told by a few persons,they said Granger is decent , he would listen to people ideas , he is not authoritative.


Nehru posted:

The same cretan who went and immediately increase their salaries, wasted 200 million on a Stadium, Fired Sugar workers and ask Vulga to tell NONE PNC to f themselves!!!

Yes, that same one!  Now suck it up!  Ayuh nah waant change?  Well ayuh get um good and propa!


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