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Nawaz Sharif asks Barack Obama to Raise Kashmir Issue During India Visit


Islamabad:  Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has asked US President Barack Obama to take up the Kashmir issue with the Narendra Modi government when he travels to India in January next year.

Mr Sharif made the request when President Obama telephoned him on Friday, informing him about his forthcoming India visit to attend the Republic Day celebrations as the Chief Guest.
"The Prime Minister also urged President Obama to take up the cause of Kashmir with the Indian leadership, as its early resolution would bring enduring peace, stability and economic cooperation to Asia," said a statement from the Pakistan Prime Minister's Office on the discussions between the two leaders.

During the telephonic conversation, Mr Sharif recalled an invitation he extended to President Obama last year in Washington and conveyed the expectation of the people of Pakistan to welcome the US President to the country sometime in the future.

"The President also assured the Prime Minister that he would undertake a visit to Pakistan at an early date, as soon as the situation normalises in the country," the statement said.

Mr Sharif also referred to his visit to India earlier this year - to attend the swearing-in of Prime Minister Narendra Modi - to take relations forward. He alleged that New Delhi subsequently took "unfortunate steps, including cancellation of Foreign Secretary-level talks" and "firing across the LoC resulting in civilian casualties" which showed that "India was averse to normalisation of relations with Pakistan."

The Pakistani PM said his country "remains open to the resumption of bilateral dialogue, the onus is on India to create a conducive environment in this regard."

"President Obama expressed his understanding for our position," the statement added.

The two leaders also discussed the regional situation with Mr Sharif referring to the improvement of Pakistan's relations with Afghanistan as manifest in President Ashraf Ghani's recent visit to Islamabad.

President Obama appreciated Prime Minister Sharif's efforts in this regard and called it pivotal for the peace and stability in the region, the statement said.

Mr Sharif recalled his warm and friendly meeting with the US President in Washington in October last year and their subsequent interaction at the Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague in March this year, it said.

Later, the White House also confirmed that President Obama had called Sharif on Friday. "I can confirm that the President did speak with PM (Prime Minister) Sharif," Mark Stroh, spokesman of the National Security Council, said.


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At PM Modi's Invite, US President Barack Obama to Attend Republic Day Celebrations


At PM Modi's Invite, US President Barack Obama to Attend Republic Day Celebrations

PM Narendra Modi with US President Barack Obama in Washington, DC. (Photo: Reuters)


Syed Akbaruddin, spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs, said, "You are aware that the PM had very successful visit to US in September. Following his return from there, as a personal initiative, in one of his conversations, he did extend an invitation to President Obama to be the chief guest at the next Republic Day celebrations," he said.

"This is also another first, President Obama will be the first US President to visit India a second time in his term of office," Mr Akbaruddin said.

Sources have told NDTV that very few people in the government were aware of the invitation. US Embassy officials heard about the invitation from Twitter, they told NDTV.

While officials will not reveal exactly when the invite was sent, NDTV has learnt that the visit was discussed when the two leaders met last week in Myanmar and Australia for the summits of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and G20. The whole process that followed was very tightly choreographed by both sides.

The personal rapport between PM Modi and President Obama has also played a part, from  Washington to Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, where President Obama called PM Modi "a man of action", to Brisbane.

And at a time when ties between India and Pakistan are strained, President Obama's visit will send out a strong message to India's neighbours as well.


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Originally Posted by Cobra:

D_G, I don't hear much of Pakistan these day. It doesn't seem like they are on American's radar again. I heard U.S. didn't grant visa to Modi before he became PM of India because of his hard line stance. Any truth to this?

It was because of the Gujrat Riot BUT now Modi is King America had to stay quiet.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

D_G, I don't hear much of Pakistan these day. It doesn't seem like they are on American's radar again. I heard U.S. didn't grant visa to Modi before he became PM of India because of his hard line stance. Any truth to this?

Yes ... but when he became Prime Minister, the freeze on his travels were lifted by the US_of_A's government.


India will never give Indian Kashmir to Pakistan.  To do this means the end of India as a country. It would set a dangerous precedent which will be followed by the Dravidian south splitting from India also.  Then East India---Places like Sikkim. 


The Dravidian states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala will be gone in a heart beat. Many of these Dravidian guys in the South hate the Indo-Aryan/Dravidian mixed North even more than the most hardcore of Kashmiri seperatists. I don't blame them.


India is still following the Indira strategy devised by Indira Gandhi ( that woman was made for war, the total opposite of Nehru) in the 1970s.  Which is Indian Kashmir cannot be defended in a war with Pakistan.  So during a war the Indian armed forces must capture large parts of Pakistan Punjab then negotiate with Pakistan for an exchange of land --- Pakistan Punjab for Indian Kashmir. Times have changed.  I now suspect Pakistan now has battlefield nuclear weapons and absolutely battlefield dirty bombs.  So Indira's strategy would not work anymore.


India should allow any Indian Kashmir citizen who wants to go live in Pakistan to do so.  They should be allowed to terminate their indian citizenship and leave the country at any time that they want.

Last edited by Former Member

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