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Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Fuzzy being Fuzzy...Apparently Fuzzy (no less a person than the very NCN boss) is not certain how to send a private fb message...


Well Gerhard, you are now posting information from "other" sources. It is now open season since you started it.


Do not cry foul if others started doing the same to you since you started it.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

All that I have posted is in the public domain, yuji22.  The letter was read in Parliament and the screenshot is of Jagdeo's public facebook page - you don't even have to join the page to read it.


Kindly furnish one example of where I have slung mud.  Thanks.

The opposition needs to do due intelligence as to the complete oversight of these entities. The fact they can come out and address parliamentarians as evil, vengeful,  among other names would not be tolerated anywhere else in the free world from people in  state funded agencies.


These fools are to big for their britches. They should be made to submit accounting to some commission and these must be made available to them if not to parliamentarians directly. The PPP has created a culture of patronage that extends to the streets.


We have to get control of our society. Every entity in the state must be accountable to someone or organized body and they in turn accountable to the government inclusive of administration and opposition.


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