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Racism in a Guyanese context

Dear Editor,
According to the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia racism is defined as “both prejudice and discrimination based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples, It often takes the form of social actions”.
What is racism in a Guyanese context? Seeing it is election time, some sections in Guyana would define racism as the act of an Indian voting for an Indian – in this case the “Indian Party” PPP/C. This is the definition/explanation that readily comes to their mind.
The problem with that racism claim is that an Afro-Guyanese can or must vote for the predominantly Black party, PNC/APNU, or whatever you may call them, but this is not considered a racist act, but the Indian voting for the PPP/C is so branded.
As an uncle of mine would say “that’s the way it should be, the Black Man must vote for the Black Man, that is not racism”. The “Black Man was made to rule”, that is another race talk that for them is not racial at all.
A vivid example of that is 28 continuous years of Black dominance in a multi-racial society where the so called dominant Blacks are a minority race. Fantastic! So racism in a Guyanese context makes for jocular reading.
Let’s turn our attention to the public service and a stomping ground for Blacks. When an Indo-Guyanese is appointed, it is considered “racism” because he does not belong there. That Indian person is automatically called a racist. He/she is an intruder.
On the other hand, the Afro-Guyanese surrounding himself in an environment that is, and one that he wants to retain that status-quo should not be called “racist” at all. However, the Indian infiltrating that space is so branded.
A former magistrate went so far as to say these people do not belong, they “ought not to be here”. You would understand that this same magistrate would release an Afro-Guyanese charged for any crime because “he belongs” and readily convicts an Indo-Guyanese because he is an alien.
At the drop of a hat she would make, according to her, these “non racial” decisions. These were the workings of her court until the judicial authorities sought to have her removed. I’ve read some place in the media where this former magistrate is running for the Presidency of this country. How far she will go with those racist views is anybody’s guess.  The University of Guyana is another area where their so called racial or should I say “non racial rantings” is obvious.
According to the Afro-centric grouping, there all things must remain that way, one dominant race lauding itself above the others. Whenever they in their warped mind visualize another racial group taking up an appointment then, suddenly, the race tune is turned up full blast.
On the other hand when another member of that same dominant race group is selected as in the case of the present Vice Chancellor, and he for some reason is perceived as not carrying out their biased wishes, then he becomes a target for persecution.
Their dogma is, once you appear to “side with the Government” you automatically become a “soup drinker” or a “PPP/C man or woman” and one who “does not like Black people”. In this regard you are to be treated with scorn.
A Vice Chancellor who is giving his all towards the upliftment of this beleaguered university can be categorized as being biased? Is this another sick joke! Come on, it just does not make any sense.
Where is the biased behaviour on the Vice Chancellor’s part? But it makes perfect sense for them because it is that unconscious decision that is riveted in their psyche when they make these ridiculous claims.
It defies reason and common sense that one doing what is right like reducing the deficit in a substantial way, can be called a racist or a soup drinker? Isn’t the reduction of the deficit beneficial to all, all Guyanese, so where is the racism?
Where is the dislike for the race coming from? We turn our attention to the allocation of houses in the squatter settlements. Here you get another clear view of what they call “non racial” moves.
Let’s take Sophia as an example. It is predominantly a Black housing area. This according to them is right and good. After all, Black people need housing. As if only Blacks are deserving house lots?
The Indian is rich and we Black people are poor. They (Indian) are racial. Well, I am not so sure of that “Black people poor, racial talk”, because I am Black and I am not poor. I also know of a large group of Blacks who are not poor also.
That group of Blacks are ambitious, hardworking and are in the upward mobility class; people who are gainfully occupied and thinking straight. So, coming back to the discussion, depending on who you talk to, racism has this nebulous, stupid connotation in Guyana.
What is very visible in Guyana is a narrow, jaundiced and at best distorted view of a misguided group. Their understanding of racism is my race is superior to every other race, hence prejudice, discrimination and antagonism should be directed by them against that other racial group. This is their racism grandiose, Guyana style. Therefore, I rhetorically ask the question, what is racism to prove a specific point? In Guyana it is really a discussion in nonsense.

Neil Adams


Replies sorted oldest to newest

If anyone ever listen to Caribj and Hinds you will know that Blacks MUST Vote for a Black Govr BUT Indians cant do the same.  I have asked them 1000 times to tell me why Blacks VOTE PNC 99.5 percent, I will be happy with even one answer.


Blacks voted PNC the same reason Indians voted PPP...the political leaders encouraged their respective followers to stick with their own because you can't trust the other side


The Coalition is an attempt to change this

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Blacks voted PNC the same reason Indians voted PPP...the political leaders encouraged their respective followers to stick with their own because you can't trust the other side


The Coalition is an attempt to change this

I know how naive you are but here is a simple question:  HOW??  Make it clear and sweet.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Blacks voted PNC the same reason Indians voted PPP...the political leaders encouraged their respective followers to stick with their own because you can't trust the other side


The Coalition is an attempt to change this

I know how naive you are but here is a simple question:  HOW??  Make it clear and sweet.

You been on GNI so long and you don't know HOW? Have you been reading or just babbling every day?


There are lots of topics on GNi about HOW the coalition is attempting to change the future of DG would say...Do your own research!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Blacks voted PNC the same reason Indians voted PPP...the political leaders encouraged their respective followers to stick with their own because you can't trust the other side


The Coalition is an attempt to change this

I know how naive you are but here is a simple question:  HOW??  Make it clear and sweet.

You been on GNI so long and you don't know HOW? Have you been reading or just babbling every day?


There are lots of topics on GNi about HOW the coalition is attempting to change the future of DG would say...Do your own research!

I rest my case.  DEm gat wan new medicine fuh treat Naive people.


When it came time for the black brother to be the lead person(presidential /Preministerial candidate) for AFC/APNU Moses said hell no. Speaking of double dipping lovehandle and all.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Blacks voted PNC the same reason Indians voted PPP...the political leaders encouraged their respective followers to stick with their own because you can't trust the other side


The Coalition is an attempt to change this


It is all about trust. I keep repeating myself. 


Neil Adams article makes sense.


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