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kp posted:

Why doesn't Granger focus on the 20% unemployment, a slowing economy, and the high levels of poverty, especially within his support base? Jubilee done, so that ought to be the priority, unless he wants to see Jagdeo back in power in 2020!

Caribny, for the first time you make sense. Ministry of PARTY, EH.EH.EH.

You playing dutty indian and now giving Granger free advice. heheheheheh!

Drugb posted:

Even a disgruntled Indian who have a high opinion of the Blacks can not fool the people.   You claim Blacks are patriots, however it it the lure of backballing, wine down, bacchanal and all around sporting that draws them to these events. Not patriotism. 

I suggest that you go to any RH club in RH.

I don't know if you know this but those Indo girls wine and back ball as good as any black woman, and in fact some can even teach them a few.

So cease with your stupid implication that Indians are these straight aced people.

If free XM was sharing at these events you would think that you were in India.

redux posted:

During the Burnham era protocol was handled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and by the Office of the President.  So there is already a structure in place. If the talent doesn't exist, setting up and entire department to handle two annual events will not solve the problem.

What gets me is that there are overseas Guyanese who want to help, and will even do this pro bono.  Instead we hear rudeness as in "these people en doing good in New York and dey want to come back and tek away people wuk".

Let them stew in their gravy and dish out soup with a dish, and have people put on their fineries and then have to carry heavy plates through crowds.

It is quite clear that this government doesn't give the slightest for its support base.  They are in for a rude awakening come 2020 unless they change their attitude.  As is the base says that last year was the last time that they plan to vote.

The Jubilee is finished almost none of us are going to be around for the next one.

So when is Granger going to talk about how to alleviate the rampant poverty which exists among his support base? Any help for the vendors that he threw on the breadlines for this Jubilee?  Or does he plan to allow Jagdeo to get his photo op while he stays far away.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Even a disgruntled Indian who have a high opinion of the Blacks can not fool the people.   You claim Blacks are patriots, however it it the lure of backballing, wine down, bacchanal and all around sporting that draws them to these events. Not patriotism. 

I suggest that you go to any RH club in RH.

I don't know if you know this but those Indo girls wine and back ball as good as any black woman, and in fact some can even teach them a few.

So cease with your stupid implication that Indians are these straight aced people.

If free XM was sharing at these events you would think that you were in India.

How would you know this?   A housebound person living off of section 8 assistance would not be privy to the runnings in RH. Stop spreading rumors and confront the facts. As an Indian you would know that nothing attracts blacks better than loud music and free food and drinks. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wonder if the whole world is sitting around laughing at these people.  Dem ABC countries must be banging their heads on the wall for shooting demselves in the foot.  No one expected this level of incompetence.  People used to read about this stuff in comic books back in the day.

I do not doubt they may have laughed at us. Note they have laughed at us  ( in formal documents) when the PPP entered office and indeed predicted if the administration table manners were comparable to their management skills the state was in for trouble. As it turned out it was indeed a predictor. The pigs at the table were pigs at the nations trough gorging themselves to corpulent maximum.

Nehru posted:

Oh Skont, another Department, wait it MUST be managed by old, senile PNC members with big salaries. Well I tell Al YUh when yuh think Stupidity is not endless, yuh get a fool of a president assures you that STUPIDITY is endless.

There are no big salaries in GY. Concentrating on that takes away from the reality that salaries are always padded by graft. The PPP did it and the APNU will do more than lick the ladle. They will take largs scoops of soup. It has little to do with who is stupid or not and more with how our state management is organized. You closed your eyes off to it when the PPP was in power.

Danyael posted:
Nehru posted:

Oh Skont, another Department, wait it MUST be managed by old, senile PNC members with big salaries. Well I tell Al YUh when yuh think Stupidity is not endless, yuh get a fool of a president assures you that STUPIDITY is endless.

There are no big salaries in GY. Concentrating on that takes away from the reality that salaries are always padded by graft. The PPP did it and the APNU will do more than lick the ladle. They will take largs scoops of soup. It has little to do with who is stupid or not and more with how our state management is organized. You closed your eyes off to it when the PPP was in power.

You shamelessly defend corruption and bad economic policies under this gov't. Stop claiming to be objective, impartial, and a lover of the environment in which some of your ancestors originated. It's time you call a spade a spade and condemn them just as much as you did with the PPP.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Danyael posted:

For purposes of commenting on the OP: It is wise to create a department of protocol residing within an appropriate ministry. The Ministry of foreign affairs or culture should get it and not the ministry of presidency.

What changes this gov't. has made to empower the Nine Tribes of Guyana that you find significant??/ Don't tell me about the re-construction of a Benab by the Peg. and contracts given to tribal bushmen for Eta Palm leaves.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Why doesn't Granger focus on the 20% unemployment, a slowing economy, and the high levels of poverty, especially within his support base? Jubilee done, so that ought to be the priority, unless he wants to see Jagdeo back in power in 2020!

Caribny, for the first time you make sense. Ministry of PARTY, EH.EH.EH.

You playing dutty indian and now giving Granger free advice. heheheheheh!

boy, that was a quote from Caribny and in my days I receive pay for my advice.

Drugb posted:

How would you know this?   A housebound person living off of section 8 assistance would not be privy to the runnings in RH. Stop spreading rumors and confront the facts. As an Indian you would know that nothing attracts blacks better than loud music and free food and drinks. 

Shows that you don't know much about me.  

Given the complaints of whites, before they were chased out of RH by Guyanese Indians, apparently loud music and free food is a major attraction for Indos. Starting Friday night, and ending early Monday morning, with no breaks.  

That mosquito shrieking from the Bollywood was what really told them enough was enough. And of course drunk people pissing on their gate and then cursing them when told to stop.

Now run off and pack those boxes.  That Haitian guy who you slave for is getting tired of you.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Danyael posted:

For purposes of commenting on the OP: It is wise to create a department of protocol residing within an appropriate ministry. The Ministry of foreign affairs or culture should get it and not the ministry of presidency.

What changes this gov't. has made to empower the Nine Tribes of Guyana that you find significant??/ Don't tell me about the re-construction of a Benab by the Peg. and contracts given to tribal bushmen for Eta Palm leaves.

The absence of the PPP means none of the graft and grift schemes of that lot. That alone is tremendous savings and shavings of burdens on the backs of citizens. They are running a leaner management and one that is somewhat more transparent. They are grappling with the large parallel underground economy and doing the little things ( clean up and repair the visible face of the state), addressing violent crimes, etc. Yes they are doing a lot but the greatest benefit is the absence of the PPP

I do not know what you mean by tribal bushmen and eta trees but that speaks to the poison in your soul...your nasty racism. I wonder if you know you are just a few decades removed from the subaltern backward casteless tribes of India's backside.

Danyael posted:

For purposes of commenting on the OP: It is wise to create a department of protocol residing within an appropriate ministry. The Ministry of foreign affairs or culture should get it and not the ministry of presidency.

Such a department existed within the Ministry of FA, with the involvement of the Office of the President as appropriate.  This during the Burnham era.

The PPP probably squashed it as etiquette and class wasn't of interest to them. 

There are still people, probably living in NYC, or the Caribbean islands, who know what to do. But these "know it alls" from G/T think that every one is trying to get their piddling US$30k per year jobs.

Danyael posted:
predicted if the administration table manners were comparable to their management skills the state was in for trouble.

Yes.  At the first event the poor PPP ministers (the Jagans excluded) were totally confused. Sticking napkins into their shirts (shifting their ties to do so), holding their knives and forks like spades and shovels, slurping down the food.

Smirks from the ABC diplomats and the G/T black middle class were quite visible, and Janet said enough was enough.  Off you go to etiquette school.  The poor old men, whose cutlery was normally their fingers, and occasionally a spoon, had a quite challenging time.


Burnham and his ministers presented themselves as world class leaders but the reality in their home country did not reflect this image they portrayed. Why dress like a million and live in a filthy shack?? Who do you fool at the end of the day?? People in intelligent societies read about the dirt and filth of other countries from sources they trust.  They don't turn to the pages of the New Nation or Mirror for that such info. They have their own intelligence or reporting agencies that inform them about conditions in other countries.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Burnham and his ministers presented themselves as world class leaders but the reality in their home country did not reflect this image they portrayed.

Actually in the first part of the Burnham era Guyana presented a very good image.

Its when Burnham ran mad in 1973, issued the Sophia Declaration, and embraced Jagan's communism that every thing collapsed.   But even as late as 1978 I heard islanders praising Guyana's roads and the pristine condition of G/T.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Danyael posted:
Nehru posted:

Oh Skont, another Department, wait it MUST be managed by old, senile PNC members with big salaries. Well I tell Al YUh when yuh think Stupidity is not endless, yuh get a fool of a president assures you that STUPIDITY is endless.

There are no big salaries in GY. Concentrating on that takes away from the reality that salaries are always padded by graft. The PPP did it and the APNU will do more than lick the ladle. They will take largs scoops of soup. It has little to do with who is stupid or not and more with how our state management is organized. You closed your eyes off to it when the PPP was in power.

You shamelessly defend corruption and bad economic policies under this gov't. Stop claiming to be objective, impartial, and a lover of the environment in which some of your ancestors originated. It's time you call a spade a spade and condemn them just as much as you did with the PPP.

It would be great if you can show me their corrupt economic policies! And they are better custodians of the environment given they prohibit the Chinese from shipping raw lumber. Under the PPP that was 500 containers a month with the nation not getting a damn cent!

Danyael posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Danyael posted:
Nehru posted:

Oh Skont, another Department, wait it MUST be managed by old, senile PNC members with big salaries. Well I tell Al YUh when yuh think Stupidity is not endless, yuh get a fool of a president assures you that STUPIDITY is endless.

There are no big salaries in GY. Concentrating on that takes away from the reality that salaries are always padded by graft. The PPP did it and the APNU will do more than lick the ladle. They will take largs scoops of soup. It has little to do with who is stupid or not and more with how our state management is organized. You closed your eyes off to it when the PPP was in power.

You shamelessly defend corruption and bad economic policies under this gov't. Stop claiming to be objective, impartial, and a lover of the environment in which some of your ancestors originated. It's time you call a spade a spade and condemn them just as much as you did with the PPP.

It would be great if you can show me their corrupt economic policies! And they are better custodians of the environment given they prohibit the Chinese from shipping raw lumber. Under the PPP that was 500 containers a month with the nation not getting a damn cent!

The Chinese are getting sweeter deals behind everyone's back. Think about 5 million mullahs disappeared in thin air and Granger don't give a schit. The KN reported some of the abuses and now its owner is faced with death threats.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Danyael posted:

It would be great if you can show me their corrupt economic policies! And they are better custodians of the environment given they prohibit the Chinese from shipping raw lumber. Under the PPP that was 500 containers a month with the nation not getting a damn cent!

The Chinese are getting sweeter deals behind everyone's back. Think about 5 million mullahs disappeared in thin air and Granger don't give a schit. The KN reported some of the abuses and now its owner is faced with death threats.

I do not deny the chinese are worming their way to corrupting these officials. After all that is what they do.

However, the spigot is presently dried up. Even the Chinese shops are closing given they can get no duty free concessions or tax preference or bring their entire family over for a fee. In lethem, the big Chinese shop is literally gone because they now have to compete in real terms.

I do not know who is after KN owner but he has not said that it is from inside the government. Even the rumor mill is not grinding that story.


This is OK by me, Let us formally organise the sporting and wasting and reckless spending.  Whine Nanie, whine.  That is the new motto of the Granger boys.

How much did the spend on JUBILEE?  I hear is over a billion.  Bank and DDL smiling all the way to the bank.  keep the people drunk while you rape them and steal from them.  Granja policy.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

How would you know this?   A housebound person living off of section 8 assistance would not be privy to the runnings in RH. Stop spreading rumors and confront the facts. As an Indian you would know that nothing attracts blacks better than loud music and free food and drinks. 

Shows that you don't know much about me.  

Given the complaints of whites, before they were chased out of RH by Guyanese Indians, apparently loud music and free food is a major attraction for Indos. Starting Friday night, and ending early Monday morning, with no breaks.  

That mosquito shrieking from the Bollywood was what really told them enough was enough. And of course drunk people pissing on their gate and then cursing them when told to stop.

Now run off and pack those boxes.  That Haitian guy who you slave for is getting tired of you.

Nonsense, no such activities takes place in RH.  There are laws in place regarding loud music, loitering, public pissing and drunkenness. The NYPD police enforce these laws and Indo's comply like sheep. In Brooklyn the bastion of PNC supporters, slowly the Whites are pushing you folks out. Many of you are now fleeing to Orange and Irvington NJ, the armpit of Afro existence in NJ.

Brian Teekah posted:

This is OK by me, Let us formally organise the sporting and wasting and reckless spending.  Whine Nanie, whine.  That is the new motto of the Granger boys.

How much did the spend on JUBILEE?  I hear is over a billion.  Bank and DDL smiling all the way to the bank.  keep the people drunk while you rape them and steal from them.  Granja policy.

This is what I call grating and bare faced self deception if not racism. The PPP spent 1 billion on mash last year because they felt it would be an opiate for the people to forget their corrupt rule and vote them back in power in May of that year. No one saw that as a "culture" of whine up or wasteful spending. 

This was a  real event for celebration, the commemoration of the nations 40th birthday and the spending was not even a third as much and all you bigoted folks can do is whine about "sporting" and whine up day in and day out. Unfortunately, you are speaking to the choir. No one else care.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

How would you know this?   A housebound person living off of section 8 assistance would not be privy to the runnings in RH. Stop spreading rumors and confront the facts. As an Indian you would know that nothing attracts blacks better than loud music and free food and drinks. 

Shows that you don't know much about me.  

Given the complaints of whites, before they were chased out of RH by Guyanese Indians, apparently loud music and free food is a major attraction for Indos. Starting Friday night, and ending early Monday morning, with no breaks.  

That mosquito shrieking from the Bollywood was what really told them enough was enough. And of course drunk people pissing on their gate and then cursing them when told to stop.

Now run off and pack those boxes.  That Haitian guy who you slave for is getting tired of you.

Nonsense, no such activities takes place in RH.  There are laws in place regarding loud music, loitering, public pissing and drunkenness. The NYPD police enforce these laws and Indo's comply like sheep. In Brooklyn the bastion of PNC supporters, slowly the Whites are pushing you folks out. Many of you are now fleeing to Orange and Irvington NJ, the armpit of Afro existence in NJ.

Dude, I have seen it. It happens routinely....there are always instances where some idiot thinks he is still in Guava bush.

Immigrants always come to the armpit of the world, especially if they are first generation. I doubt you came immediately to an upscale white suburb and moved into a 5k square feet space of a shady nook.  You do not even live in such a place now!

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

How would you know this?   A housebound person living off of section 8 assistance would not be privy to the runnings in RH. Stop spreading rumors and confront the facts. As an Indian you would know that nothing attracts blacks better than loud music and free food and drinks. 

Shows that you don't know much about me.  

Given the complaints of whites, before they were chased out of RH by Guyanese Indians, apparently loud music and free food is a major attraction for Indos. Starting Friday night, and ending early Monday morning, with no breaks.  

That mosquito shrieking from the Bollywood was what really told them enough was enough. And of course drunk people pissing on their gate and then cursing them when told to stop.

Now run off and pack those boxes.  That Haitian guy who you slave for is getting tired of you.

Nonsense, no such activities takes place in RH.  There are laws in place regarding loud music, loitering, public pissing and drunkenness. The NYPD police enforce these laws and Indo's comply like sheep. In Brooklyn the bastion of PNC supporters, slowly the Whites are pushing you folks out. Many of you are now fleeing to Orange and Irvington NJ, the armpit of Afro existence in NJ.

Dude, I have seen it. It happens routinely....there are always instances where some idiot thinks he is still in Guava bush.

Immigrants always come to the armpit of the world, especially if they are first generation. I doubt you came immediately to an upscale white suburb and moved into a 5k square feet space of a shady nook.  You do not even live in such a place now!

You have seen nothing from your enclave in DC. Maybe 1 drunkard and you fools extrapolate this to the entire IndoG community. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Nonsense, no such activities takes place in RH.  There are laws in place regarding loud music, loitering, public pissing and drunkenness. The NYPD police enforce these laws and Indo's comply like sheep.

Yes because the NYPD got tired of the complaints. No wonder the Sikhs complain about people like you.

In fact this is the way it should be, the police enforcing the law. But this is troubling for the Brooklyn pnc bandits who get stopped and frisked daily.  In fact recently you ran away from the thread where the PNC bandits beat the Muslim man within one inch of his life. 

Drugb posted:
.  In fact recently you ran away from the thread where the PNC bandits beat the Muslim man within one inch of his life. 

The NYPD is very busy in RH, dealing drunkenness, include DWI, public urination and bar brawls.

The fact that they actively enforce this means that there is a need to.  BTW RH folks also complain about being unfairly targeted by the cops.  Indo Carib kids get slammed against the wall, and stripped searched, just like their blacks and Latino counterparts.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

How would you know this?   A housebound person living off of section 8 assistance would not be privy to the runnings in RH. Stop spreading rumors and confront the facts. As an Indian you would know that nothing attracts blacks better than loud music and free food and drinks. 

Shows that you don't know much about me.  

Given the complaints of whites, before they were chased out of RH by Guyanese Indians, apparently loud music and free food is a major attraction for Indos. Starting Friday night, and ending early Monday morning, with no breaks.  

That mosquito shrieking from the Bollywood was what really told them enough was enough. And of course drunk people pissing on their gate and then cursing them when told to stop.

Now run off and pack those boxes.  That Haitian guy who you slave for is getting tired of you.

Nonsense, no such activities takes place in RH.  There are laws in place regarding loud music, loitering, public pissing and drunkenness. The NYPD police enforce these laws and Indo's comply like sheep. In Brooklyn the bastion of PNC supporters, slowly the Whites are pushing you folks out. Many of you are now fleeing to Orange and Irvington NJ, the armpit of Afro existence in NJ.

Dude, I have seen it. It happens routinely....there are always instances where some idiot thinks he is still in Guava bush.

Immigrants always come to the armpit of the world, especially if they are first generation. I doubt you came immediately to an upscale white suburb and moved into a 5k square feet space of a shady nook.  You do not even live in such a place now!

You have seen nothing from your enclave in DC. Maybe 1 drunkard and you fools extrapolate this to the entire IndoG community. 

I am not in DC and I am in that pastorial-green shady nook and far outside the reach of the noise and bustle. I only hear birds outside my window.

!I can assure you it is difficult to see the idle bottle or gum wrapper here!. By the way, DC has become yuppieville. No low rent apartments in the entire city.

RH has lots of awful people ruining the community since they refuse to change their ways. The area is filthy as they throw their trash into the street with no regard for their neighbors. It is populated with stores with dollar store quality and corner store prices. It is a typical immigrant community.

Danyael posted:

I am not in DC and I am in that pastorial-green shady nook and far outside the reach of the noise and bustle. I only hear birds outside my window.

!I can assure you it is difficult to see the idle bottle or gum wrapper here!. By the way, DC has become yuppieville. No low rent apartments in the entire city.

RH has lots of awful people ruining the community since they refuse to change their ways. The area is filthy as they throw their trash into the street with no regard for their neighbors. It is populated with stores with dollar store quality and corner store prices. It is a typical immigrant community.

You need to step down from your high horse and stop belittling those living in the city.  You are no better than those folks. I also live in the burbs but I don't brag or belittle others who don't.  Who are you to pass judgement on immigrants and call them awful?  You possible are a Trump supporter. 

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

I am not in DC and I am in that pastorial-green shady nook and far outside the reach of the noise and bustle. I only hear birds outside my window.

!I can assure you it is difficult to see the idle bottle or gum wrapper here!. By the way, DC has become yuppieville. No low rent apartments in the entire city.

RH has lots of awful people ruining the community since they refuse to change their ways. The area is filthy as they throw their trash into the street with no regard for their neighbors. It is populated with stores with dollar store quality and corner store prices. It is a typical immigrant community.

You need to step down from your high horse and stop belittling those living in the city.  You are no better than those folks. I also live in the burbs but I don't brag or belittle others who don't.  Who are you to pass judgement on immigrants and call them awful?  You possible are a Trump supporter. 

I am speaking to a condition of unctuousness that typifies some of the country folks that populate RH not belittling city dwellers. I know where you live and it is not different from areas around RH so you need to get off your high horse.  Here are your words so pull up your own socks:- "In Brooklyn the bastion of PNC supporters, slowly the Whites are pushing you folks out. Many of you are now fleeing to Orange and Irvington NJ, the armpit of Afro existence in NJ."

Your last sentence is a laugh. Actually, it would be more likely that you like basedrum and the rest of the wannabe white folks here are not on the trump bandwaggon.

Danyael posted:

I am speaking to a condition of unctuousness that typifies some of the country folks that populate RH not belittling city dwellers. I know where you live and it is not different from areas around RH so you need to get off your high horse.  Here are your words so pull up your own socks:- "In Brooklyn the bastion of PNC supporters, slowly the Whites are pushing you folks out. Many of you are now fleeing to Orange and Irvington NJ, the armpit of Afro existence in NJ."

Your last sentence is a laugh. Actually, it would be more likely that you like basedrum and the rest of the wannabe white folks here are not on the trump bandwaggon.

From your enclave in the backwoods, you know nothing about the RH folks. Yet you chose to criticize in unison with the other bottom feeder caribJ.   Trump appeals to you as he is anti immigrant or at least appeals to those who are.  Regardless of how you view it, the Black neighborhoods in this country is the armpit of the nation.  You are lucky not to fall into a situation where you have to live among these folks as they would have you for dinner on a stick.  Sometimes people like you tend to romanticize about Blacks from afar. 

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

I am speaking to a condition of unctuousness that typifies some of the country folks that populate RH not belittling city dwellers. I know where you live and it is not different from areas around RH so you need to get off your high horse.  Here are your words so pull up your own socks:- "In Brooklyn the bastion of PNC supporters, slowly the Whites are pushing you folks out. Many of you are now fleeing to Orange and Irvington NJ, the armpit of Afro existence in NJ."

Your last sentence is a laugh. Actually, it would be more likely that you like basedrum and the rest of the wannabe white folks here are not on the trump bandwaggon.

From your enclave in the backwoods, you know nothing about the RH folks. Yet you chose to criticize in unison with the other bottom feeder caribJ.   Trump appeals to you as he is anti immigrant or at least appeals to those who are.  Regardless of how you view it, the Black neighborhoods in this country is the armpit of the nation.  You are lucky not to fall into a situation where you have to live among these folks as they would have you for dinner on a stick.  Sometimes people like you tend to romanticize about Blacks from afar. 

Which Guyanese in the East Coast  do not know RH ? Half them would have kinfolk there. I have at least a couple of dozen plus half of the local villages around my home.

I do not know Caribj is a bottom feeder. I assume again you are presuming you are am mega millionaire and he is just a bum. Well, no one ever said you were not delusional. Andre said you looked like a little wet rat when he saw you.

I also think you need to go about the country more. DC for example is almost 65 percent black and I doubt any part of it is the armpit of any place.

I literally grew up in the ghetto that was once some areas of DC. I know the people well and I doubt any of them were more or less stupid than any Indian I ever met.I actually worked for an Indian who married a black woman who owned many buildings in the area. He is dead and the ghetto is now the aarea us the yuppy entertainment strip. She   owns at least a six gas stations in Trinidad and a couple of hotels.

My wife is black. I have a baby mama that is black. I raised self identified black kid  so you are as usual talking through the prism  of our own prejudices.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
view it, the Black neighborhoods in this country is the armpit of the nation.


Ok Druggie go cry, weep and wail.

Pity you taking an article from 2006 to brag about.  It is not surprising as there is a concentration of professional Blacks in this neighborhood, the exception rather than the rule.  Congratulations are in order thought as all hope for Blacks is not lost.  


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