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Former Member

Neemakarams were out protesting against a legitimate president as he was addressing the Diaspora for the first time at Club Moca this weekend. Some protestors refuse to take part due to the ongoing allegation against the AFC and their internal turmoil. They admit that the AFC is in disarray and needed to come clean. President Ramotar was talking about the budget cut and how it will affect development programs, but he's determined to be steadfast for all Guyanese. Why are these people protesting when they are nothing without the backing of APNU? Neemakaram "belly full" but them "still hungry mentality" is a constant embarrassment to America and Guyana. The PNC by far has a better reputation than the AFC. That's how slimy and stink these friggers really are. They're no better word to describe them than neemakarams.

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Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Tar_K, it was you who said the Guyana LCDS initiative were a stupid waste and destined to failure?

You are partly correct. I said it is one of the worst development programs I have seen.It is a waste of time. Make sure you tell the President. Oh wait...I also wrote that in Stabroek.  

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Neemakarams were out protesting against a legitimate president as he was addressing the Diaspora for the first time at Club Moca this weekend. Some protestors refuse to take part due to the ongoing allegation against the AFC and their internal turmoil. They admit that the AFC is in disarray and needed to come clean. President Ramotar was talking about the budget cut and how it will affect development programs, but he's determined to be steadfast for all Guyanese. Why are these people protesting when they are nothing without the backing of APNU? Neemakaram "belly full" but them "still hungry mentality" is a constant embarrassment to America and Guyana. The PNC by far has a better reputation than the AFC. That's how slimy and stink these friggers really are. They're no better word to describe them than neemakarams.

Your misuse of a Gandhian coinage does not make you smart but highlight you stupidity. Who entitle you to define the community and the issues that are the "salt" of it that you can leverage the phrase to say they are against it?


These are members of the community who in principle object to the rampant corruption wrought the  nepotism and transfer of our nations wealth into private pockets of PPP cronies. That should get your sense of injustice going at full tilt but you instead support these miscreants and their thievery.


He is the legitimate president on account we agree to participate in the electoral system and not take to the streets in protest He therefore is obliged to act appropriately in full disclosure represent his legitimacy by being accountable.



A few lies being peddled by the J-opposition:


1) Every Afro-Guyanese criminal killed by the police from 1992 to present was and innocent Afro-Guyanese.


2) The massacres of Indians at Lusignan and Bartica were carried by agents of the PPP.


3) The PPP was behind the execution of their own minister, Satyadeo Sawh.


4) The Phantom squad crushed a popular uprising against tyranny by killing hundreds of innocent African young men


5) The PPP have been instrumental in planting violent thugs within the PNC peaceful marches to discredit the legitimacy of a popular struggle for bread, justice, and freedom


6) The Funded the construction of the Buddy's International Hotel - a place where only high level PPP officials can stay.


7) Only the big boys in the PPP can afford to build an expense home in Guyana.


8) Moses left the PPP/Civic because he could not bear to see the corruption and totaliarian rule of te governing party.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:


8) Moses left the PPP/Civic because he could not bear to see the corruption and totaliarian rule of te governing party.


Those are not remotely the claim of anyone in the opposition but the farcical propagandist tale that the PPP and its idiot savants like you hope to pass over on a unsuspecting population.


Option 1 Every person killed, African or not, Innocent or guilty were a consequence of catastrophic failure of the PPP withr espect to national security. They deny we have a low level internecine  ethnic war on going since time immemorial and lulled themselves to sleep on the idea that they are in possession of all the answers.


When the ethnic security fears of the black man for the Indian initiated some reactionary violence against their complete domination of power, they had no defense in place.  Instead they hired a drug lord as their security chief and in the end many died.


The Opposition wants the people to know the PPP are self possessed and care little about much except their survival. Brandishing the PNC boogieman is not going to save anyone if steps are not taken to mend the fences between our peoples. That is what the opposition represents, a future where power is not in the hands of one ethnic group and where participation in the society is by merit not nepotism.


Option two is one of your own creation since everyone believes they were murdered by Rawlings. Note Rawlings was a Rojer Khan diciple and was arrayed against buxtonians as an agent of the PPP. His descent into a merciless killer of his own kind was a consequence of him trying to project fear to save his ass from both the PPP and his own people. In the end, it was not the PPP that hunted him down and  killed him but the very black soldiers the PPP did not trust in the first place. They did not kill him for the PPP bur for their own personal vengeance.


Option three is also a half truth. The minister died because the PPP chose to go the violence route by hiring Roger Khan. He died on account he double crossed Khan by rescinding his payment of some 25 thousand dollars for an obscene acreage of our forest lands as his reward by PPP's  for acting as their private security.



Option 4, the Phantom gang murdered a few hundred people. In the conflict many more died in reciprocal vengeance killing including Sawh and 21 policemen. That is gain the PPP's failing.


Option 5. The People marching in protest of the elections did so peacefully. The PPP again over reached by treating them as thugs. You often get what you project.


Option  6. Funding of Buddy's hotel was wrong because after as the US noted, he failed to gain funding from the under ground drug culture he had no place to go. Jagdeo give him the nations money as if he was giving away his own property. The man was not required to pay back the cash. He later sold the property at an obscene price to a Russian mobster because the PPP again added in further incentives, a monopoly on gambling to spicen the pot. All of that adds up to extreme careless if not criminal behavior with money that was never theirs to play with.


Option 7. The point is, there can be no PPP big boys if they did not rob us. On their salaries there would hardly be building anything more than modest homes of the ordinary upper class guyanese. These creeps flash an obscene amount of cash and the society is absolutely certain of its sources as graft, grift, and cronyism.


Option 8 Moses left because the rules in the PPP changed. Instead of work at the in the party scullery and moving up by ones commitment to their ideology one will be amply rewarded for one labors. Instead, the PPP did as was inevitable in these autocracies, played favoritism and those who did hard work got slighted. This included many in the PPP who still are there in body but not in spirit.

Last edited by Former Member

8) Moses left the PPP/Civic because he could not bear to see the corruption and totaliarian rule of te governing party.

What difference does it make when he joined another corrupted party that is under scrutiny for embezzlement? Moses cannot say he's a mantle of Jagan when he agreed to the budget cut that will suffer the working-class people. Moses don't have any morals left in his political life. Moses can't save the day for Guyanese; he can only do more harm, and the people took note of that. He is a meemakaram for all I care.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

8) Moses left the PPP/Civic because he could not bear to see the corruption and totaliarian rule of te governing party.

What difference does it make when he joined another corrupted party that is under scrutiny for embezzlement? Moses cannot say he's a mantle of Jagan when he agreed to the budget cut that will suffer the working-class people. Moses don't have any morals left in his political life. Moses can't save the day for Guyanese; he can only do more harm, and the people took note of that. He is a meemakaram for all I care.

 Lets walk out of the land of fantasy; no one is investigating the AFC for corruption! That is a manufactured claim. The PPP on the other hand has a lot of explaining ie why we have no accounting from NICIL for a decade and why all of its money is syphoned off apparently.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:


8) Moses left the PPP/Civic because he could not bear to see the corruption and totaliarian rule of te governing party.


Those are not remotely the claim of anyone in the opposition but the farcical propagandist tale that the PPP and its idiot savants like you hope to pass over on a unsuspecting population.


If it is not the remotely the claim of anyone in the opposition then please tell us what is really the claim.


Option 1 Every person killed, African or not, Innocent or guilty were a consequence of catastrophic failure of the PPP withr espect to national security. They deny we have a low level internecine  ethnic war on going since time immemorial and lulled themselves to sleep on the idea that they are in possession of all the answers.


Absolute bull! In 1997, the PPP quickly responded to violence of the PNC went to St. Lucia to work out a solution with Caricom nations. Mr. Hoyte and his party were well represented. At that time, D2, TK, Baytoram Ramharrack, Malcolm Harripaul, and Ravi Dev lashed out at the PPP for selling out Indians to the PNC. Malcolm Harripaul said at a public meeting in Richmond HIll that the PNC told the PPP violence will continue if they don't reduce their term in office. He compared it to the violence of sixties- PR or the violence not stop. I am proving here how much of renegade you are like the others I mentioned.


When the ethnic security fears of the black man for the Indian initiated some reactionary violence against their complete domination of power, they had no defense in place.  Instead they hired a drug lord as their security chief and in the end many died.


Wrong! in the beginning many died. In the End many lives for saved and the nation spared a horrible civil war. RK is not perfect but he did a good deed that won the admiration of Indians all across Guyana. His name will not live in infamy.


The Opposition wants the people to know the PPP are self possessed and care little about much except their survival. Brandishing the PNC boogieman is not going to save anyone if steps are not taken to mend the fences between our peoples. That is what the opposition represents, a future where power is not in the hands of one ethnic group and where participation in the society is by merit not nepotism.


The People know what's going on. Very term "ethnic domination' tells of a group possessing deadly violence over the other. Indians don't possess deadly violence of AFricans. On the contrary, Afros possesses deadly violence over Indians. Go back and read ROAR's reports on Ethnic delimma.



Option two is one of your own creation since everyone believes they were murdered by Rawlings. Note Rawlings was a Rojer Khan diciple and was arrayed against buxtonians as an agent of the PPP. His descent into a merciless killer of his own kind was a consequence of him trying to project hear to save his ass from both the PPP and h is own people. In the end it was not the PPP that hunted him down and  killed him but the very black soldiers the PPP did not trust in the first place. They did not kill him for the PPP bur for their own personal vengeance.


Option three is also a half truth. The minister died because the PPP chose to go the violence route by hiring Roger Khan. He died on account he double crossed Khan by rescinding his payment of some 25 thousand acres of our forest lands for his part as the PPP's private security.


There is not one iota of evidence to your claim. The latest wikileaks reports did not indict Roger in the horrible killings.



Option 4, the Phantom gang murdered a few hundred people. In the conflict many more died in reciprocal vengeance killing including Sawh and 21 policemen. That is gain the PPP's failing.


Option 5. The People marching in protest of the elections did so peacefully. The PPP again over reached by treating them as thugs. You often get what you project.


Option  6. Funding of Buddy's hotel was wrong because after as the US noted, he failed to gain funding from the under ground drug culture he had no place to go. Jagdeo give him the nations money as if he was giving away his own property. The man was not required to pay back the cash. He later sold the property for many times it was worth to a Russian mobster because the PPP again added in further incentives, a monopoly on gambling. All of that adds up to extreme careless not criminal behavior with money that was never theirs to play with.


Option 7. The point is, there can be no PPP big boys if they did not rob us. On their salaries there would hardly be building anything more than modest homes of the ordinary upper class guyanese. These creeps flash an obscene amount of cash and the society is absolutely certain of its sources as graft, grift, and cronyism.


Option 8 Moses left because the rules in the PPP changed. Instead of work at the in the party scullery and moving up by ones commitment to their ideology one will be amply rewarded for one labors. Instead, the PPP did as was inevitable in these autocracies, played favoritism and those who did hard work got slighted. This included many in the PPP who still are there in body but not in spirit.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

If it is not the remotely the claim of anyone in the opposition then please tell us what is really the claim. Option 1 Absolute bull! In 1997, the PPP quickly responded to violence of the PNC went to St. Lucia to work out a solution with Caricom nations. Mr. Hoyte and his party were well represented. At that time, D2, TK, Baytoram Ramharrack, Malcolm Harripaul, and Ravi Dev lashed out at the PPP for selling out Indians to the PNC. Malcolm Harripaul said at a public meeting in Richmond HIll that the PNC told the PPP violence will continue if they don't reduce their term in office. He compared it to the violence of sixties- PR or the violence not stop. I am proving here how much of renegade you are like the others I mentioned.
When the ethnic security fears of the black man for the Indian initiated some reactionary violence against their complete domination of power, they had no defense in place. Instead they hired a drug lord as their security chief and in the end many died.
Wrong! in the beginning many died. In the End many lives for saved and the nation spared a horrible civil war. RK is not perfect but he did a good deed that won the admiration of Indians all across Guyana. His name will not live in infamy. The People know what's going on. Very term "ethnic domination' tells of a group possessing deadly violence over the other. Indians don't possess deadly violence of AFricans. On the contrary, Afros possesses deadly violence over Indians. Go back and read ROAR's reports on Ethnic delimma. Option three There is not one iota of evidence to your claim. The latest wikileaks reports did not indict Roger in the horrible killings.


The St Lucia accord has little to do with our prevailing ethnic discord.  That relates to a constitutional deficiency that produces two competing groups, almost evenly match squabbling for power.


When the PNC was in charge, the PPP were shut out and they complained of racism and rightly so. When the came into Power the proceeded to do exactly what the PNC did, co opt all power, sought to enrich kith and kin and pretend all is perfect with the world. Well it is not. We are still a race based polity and one of the reason you so much want to label the PNC the worse of the two is to placate your own sense of security.


That may suit you but it is evil and will bring us to a race war. Ethnic domination by the PPP as presently is the case is as disgusting as it was with the PNC. Unfortunately, they are doing so under the guise of a democracy and not only screwing black people but Amerindians as well.


D2 and Bato never shared a civil thought. The same could go for Dev, Prakash, and Harripaul, Somdat and Gampat. They were indocentric and while they can be so in their private lives it is racist when it impacts policy.


RK murdered over 300 people. That is a fact. Wikileeks or whatever cannot invalidate that.




BILLY: "Absolute bull! In 1997, the PPP quickly responded to violence of the PNC went to St. Lucia to work out a solution with Caricom nations. Mr. Hoyte and his party were well represented. At that time, D2, TK, Baytoram Ramharrack, Malcolm Harripaul, and Ravi Dev lashed out at the PPP for selling out Indians to the PNC. Malcolm Harripaul said at a public meeting in Richmond HIll that the PNC told the PPP violence will continue if they don't reduce their term in office. He compared it to the violence of sixties- PR or the violence not stop. I am proving here how much of renegade you are like the others I mentioned."



Billy this post is a complete fabrication and misrepresentation of history. In 1997 the PPP did nothing to reform the police or armed forces. They reintroduced that old fossil of a commissioner Laurie Lewis when many people said that was a bad thing to do. The PNC protests caught the PPP with its pants down. Cheddi Jagan died by then. The next thing to note is the jailbreak and the deadly crimes after did not occur in 1997 but Feb 23 2002. I know from good source the young MOF pulled up someone when he was going after the smugglers and tax evaders. The young MOF said the smugglers and drug dealers do two things: (i) they harm America and (ii) they bring in foreign exchange. Hence, the PPP made a conscience effort very early on to encourage drug pushing. It was part opportunism and part ideology as these jackasses and complete morons at Freedom House thought it was a way of getting at the Americans. When the PNC shit finally hit the fan they had no option but depend on the drugs militia. It would take the life of Sash and family and many innocents and the guilty. Billy you are just of weak mind an intellect.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Neemakarams were out protesting against a legitimate president as he was addressing the Diaspora for the first time at Club Moca this weekend. Some protestors refuse to take part due to the ongoing allegation against the AFC and their internal turmoil. They admit that the AFC is in disarray and needed to come clean. President Ramotar was talking about the budget cut and how it will affect development programs, but he's determined to be steadfast for all Guyanese. Why are these people protesting when they are nothing without the backing of APNU? Neemakaram "belly full" but them "still hungry mentality" is a constant embarrassment to America and Guyana. The PNC by far has a better reputation than the AFC. That's how slimy and stink these friggers really are. They're no better word to describe them than neemakarams.


Those were AFC supporters and their "massive crowds". Total scumbags.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Neemakarams were out protesting against a legitimate president as he was addressing the Diaspora for the first time at Club Moca this weekend. Some protestors refuse to take part due to the ongoing allegation against the AFC and their internal turmoil. They admit that the AFC is in disarray and needed to come clean. President Ramotar was talking about the budget cut and how it will affect development programs, but he's determined to be steadfast for all Guyanese. Why are these people protesting when they are nothing without the backing of APNU? Neemakaram "belly full" but them "still hungry mentality" is a constant embarrassment to America and Guyana. The PNC by far has a better reputation than the AFC. That's how slimy and stink these friggers really are. They're no better word to describe them than neemakarams.


Those were AFC supporters and their "massive crowds". Total scumbags.

You now wake up, that old news...ease up on the drinking....

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Neemakarams were out protesting against a legitimate president as he was addressing the Diaspora for the first time at Club Moca this weekend. Some protestors refuse to take part due to the ongoing allegation against the AFC and their internal turmoil. They admit that the AFC is in disarray and needed to come clean. President Ramotar was talking about the budget cut and how it will affect development programs, but he's determined to be steadfast for all Guyanese. Why are these people protesting when they are nothing without the backing of APNU? Neemakaram "belly full" but them "still hungry mentality" is a constant embarrassment to America and Guyana. The PNC by far has a better reputation than the AFC. That's how slimy and stink these friggers really are. They're no better word to describe them than neemakarams.


Those were AFC supporters and their "massive crowds". Total scumbags.

You now wake up, that old news...ease up on the drinking....

Hey Dumbo,


For the record. I am a Bramhan.


I eat no Fish, meat or eggs, no onions or garlic and no alcohol, tea or coffee. No smoking.


So get your rear off your mouth, brush your teeth and speak properly. You will suffer immensely for spewing mud at a Bramhan. Karma will bite you in the rear. Just wait and see.


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