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If he calls you Scrubber for the PNC please let me know.  I will discipline him for not keeping with the spirit of inclusiveness after the PPP's electoral victory.

Inclusiveness ,that's tap..tap ,been like that since the party came power, i have to watch out for libel for speaking the truth. There are no reasons to trust you'll.


Bai DJ, stop being so paranoid and resentful. PPP won but PNC can win next term if the PPP screws up. Time to do the honourable thing and concede. PNC has to rebuild and retool. PPP retooled and rebuilt since 2015 and it shows. Many young and educated mixed and blacks voted for PPP.

Remember this, the dougla population grew significantly during the PPP era and they had a chance to compare PPP and PNC and as such, they rejected PNC because of bad governance and lack of vision. 

It would be advisable for PNC to keep Ramjattan because he might prove to be valuable in the future. Moses can go graze cow in whim. Granger has to be shown the door because he failed miserably. Amna has to walk him out.

Guyana is no longer dependent soley on race based voting. Indos crossed over to PNC in 2015 and Afros and Mixed crossed over to PPP in 2020. This is the new political reality in Guyana. PNC wrongly assumed that mixed and blacks would have automatically voted them. They ignored the new class of swing voters and ran a horrible campaign.

Dis time nah laang time.

@Former Member posted:

Guyana is no longer dependent soley on race based voting. Indos crossed over to PNC in 2015 and Afros and Mixed crossed over to PPP in 2020. This is the new political reality in Guyana. PNC wrongly assumed that mixed and blacks would have automatically voted them. They ignored the new class of swing voters and ran a horrible campaign.

Pushing the narrative to cover up Electoral FRAUD ,that will not cut it. There are no swing voters.

Show the data then you would be believed.

@Django posted:

Pushing the narrative to cover up Electoral FRAUD ,that will not cut it. There are no swing voters.

Show the data then you would be believed.

It’s funny you talking data but failed to grasp context.  When people cannot think they rely solely on data.  Data is merely a point of reference and not the be-all and end-all to an answer.

Remember, according to “data” Hilary should have won in 2016. So keep on dataring blindly.

@Former Member posted:

It’s funny you talking data but failed to grasp context.  When people cannot think they rely solely on data.  Data is merely a point of reference and not the be-all and end-all to an answer.

Remember, according to “data” Hilary should have won in 2016. So keep on dataring blindly.

What comparison US elections have with Guyana elections.Simply empty .

@Former Member posted:

It's very easy...thick skin and ban button

I grew into first I was a little carried away and sensitive...I discovered the best way forward was to let Nehru do his stupid stuff

He wouldn't not be allowed to harass the new landlord or any one, sorry about that he have to get in line. He is an adult.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Bai DJ, PNC ship sank.

No need to raise the Titanic. Do what Amral did, chime in once in a while and manage the board.

You once said that you will stay off the board, that has now changed ?

PNC will fall and rise similar to the PPP. You win some and you lose some. No need to fret and defend a sinking PNC ship. 

So all of you will nod head with one another ,that's like a group of yes men.

The Coalition ship is not sank as yet ,the PNCR which is part of APNU ,will resurface and to be a force to reckon with along with the AFC. They will learn from their mistakes for playing nice guys and gals. Coalition Politics is good for Guyana. Don't count zero votes party that contest the 2020 elections ,all of them throw their hat in to take votes away from the Coalition, turns out they are dud and are in Jagdeo backpack.

With that said , will watch the performance of the Forum and chime as deem fit.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

I've learned that the forum has a life of it's main thing was cutting out the racist stuff...

In terms of personal stuff, if a member did not like being attacked personally, then I try put a stop to it...but if 2 people going at it...I does leff them(once they don't come complaining)

That was good of you, lets keep it that way.


Bai DJ, I said that parties will rise and fall. So will PPP. The days of governing for long periods are over. People will start to change governments in order to hold them accountable.

You are the new boss in town, let the soldiers play while the Generals keep watch. No need to get involved. That's good for the forum.

@Former Member posted:

Bai DJ, I said that parties will rise and fall. So will PPP. The days of governing for long periods are over. People will start to change governments in order to hold them accountable.

You are the new boss in town, let the soldiers play while the Generals keep watch.

No need to get involved. That's good for the forum.

The problem is i need to share my views. Will figure it out. Members continue share your views ,keep the attacks and racist stuff out.

Last edited by Django
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