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Please take off your jihadist suicide belt. How do you know that Mohammed did not tolerate people of all walks of life? What makes you think the prophet did not have gay friends? Your narrow view will deny you the 7 virgins. You need to abandon this narrow minded thinking. May allah unleash his wrath upon you. Glad to see Kwame keeping in touch with you. He thought very highly of you to send a flaming photograph to you. You can now come out of the closet and display your fruity purple colors.


Canary seh  Knee-ru is King-Fighter and eeee love de Docta 3rd Hand.

Knee-ru seh..... Skeldon is King-fighter....eee Bendover in GDF Uniform fuh Dr B.


Dr B seh  All-eeee-Fighter does bend over and tek it with a smile.


Listen to Lord Canary again......Carefully......eee talk about Dr B and eee fighters.


eee seh dat is not fuh me.....Keep it fuh De-Fighters......and...De Funny Fellas.

But Skeldon is De King-Fighter.


Some Funny Fellas even think Dr B is God



Look how people think about De 3 Hand Dakta and eeee Funny Fellas.

PPP Supporter

Chicago, IL

Apr 4, 2011
God bless His Excellency Most Honorable Doctor Bharat Jagdeo for all the great stuff he did to Guyana. Doctor Jagdeo do not worry too much with those mischeivous old men- Christopher Ram, Kissoon and Ramesh Seebarran who write bad things about you and tarnish your good name.
Christopher Ram is a lowlife scum who shouldn't be on this planet- he should be at the suns core and face the heat. Ram writes lies and nonsense and he dwells with drug dealers and his sons are high class gigolos in Florida.
Freddie persuades the people to do instable acts such as what is happening in the Middle East. The book thief and tax evader should be jailed for such a horrible conspiracy for his political motives.
Jagdeo, you are a young man with education and respect.
May God bless you to get another term in Office.

Bridgeport, CT


Apr 12, 2011

You have got to be kidding me. Poor Cheddie must be rolling in his grave at how corrupted the members of the PPP have become. Are these the same folks who bitterly criticized Burnham and claimed that blacks were corrupt and destroying Guyana.
Tell me, in all honesty, how has Guyana improved? You folks got into power and decided to act like pigs and feed at the same trough like the PNC. What a shame!
The Guyana I knew as a little girl is no longer the Guyana it is now. Completely destroyed by both Parties, poor Cheddie died before he could even enforce any meaningful reforms.
Guyana will always hold a very important place in my heart. My eyes fill with tears when I see what Guyana has become. After 30 years of corruption under the PNC, the PPP has not stepped up to the plate, what a disaster. God help Guyana.

South Ozone Park, NY

Apr 12, 2011
PPP supporter, you seem to be terribly "brain-washed", how much is Jagdeo payng you to write on this blog??? Have you covered all the grounds of this "homo-erotic president who runs a corrupted administration as he himself is confused about his sexual identity??? Ask him how he treated his ex-wife, for starter? and follow up on the criminal activities that he embellished with his boys, etc...Also, look at the properties he has in Florida, mansions as compared to the others you mention. When you do you will come to realize that this gay president does not deserve any credibility, at all,,,,,,,

Scarborough, Canada

Apr 12, 2011
ppp supporter is one of jagdeo boy friend they do the kissie kissie and huggie huggie one for one party if that is not it then it got to be a new york subway hit him in his head

South Ozone Park, NY

Apr 12, 2011
mike wrote:
ppp supporter is one of jagdeo boy friend they do the kissie kissie and huggie huggie one for one party if that is not it then it got to be a new york subway hit him in his head
Mike, that was so hilarious. You made me laugh...nice one pal


Apr 17, 2011
Bharat Jagdeo should be respected. You know who Christopher Ram is? He is a demon. His sidekick Ramesh Seebarran helps him to support those drug lords by "cooking the books". Freddie displays his so-called education by inserting big words into his article that don't even fit in. Freddie shud make a public apology to Dr.Jagdeo for all those false names he printed in his article.

Bridgeport, CT

Apr 18, 2011
General wrote:
Bharat Jagdeo should be respected. You know who Christopher Ram is? He is a demon. His sidekick Ramesh Seebarran helps him to support those drug lords by "cooking the books". Freddie displays his so-called education by inserting big words into his article that don't even fit in. Freddie shud make a public apology to Dr.Jagdeo for all those false names he printed in his article.
Jagdeo is not a fit leader for Guyana, he is indeed a very poor substitute for Dr. Jagan, and I will stand by those words.
Respect is something you have to earn, it cannot be demanded.
Jagdeo has not earned my respect.
Why must Freddie be punished for exposing Jagdeo for who he truly is?
He is lucky he is President of Guyana, here in America the press is brutal with the President of the USA, nothing is hidden or allowed to be dismissed.
Jagdeo indulges in too much deception, too many lies and too much time in the USA instead of being present in Guyana governing his country.
 Jagdeo is a disgrace.
Hell no

Georgetown, Guyana

Nov 28, 2011
We need to get a grip of reality. I was only 5 yrs when Burnham died. However, from the little economics i did, things would not have been as bad as our parents led us to believe. Old people say you don't know when you de good till yo deh bad. Rice flour could not be so bad especially since brazil producing it and exporting to the US. We eat it back in de cereals and som porridge stuff. Who seh we couldn't improve it to something better. National service? couldn't be so bad - atleast we hadn't so many youths idling on the streets. We did have so many private schools, etc. OPen your eyes. Banning certain imports was just a strategy to encourage guyanese to become self sufficient - import less export more. couldn't be that bad.

PPP/C had the wrong focus. They knew how to raise money, but stole it well also. They needed not focus on themselves so much, they lost their focus very early. murders, robbery, etc were not addressed, properly. their alleged associations with criminals did not go down well with citizens.

we need to look ahead and be very objective about things. stop allowing people tp poison your minds.
And please leave jagdeo out of this, he messed up big time, things got worse when he realized he has to demit office.



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