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Former Member
What do you have to say about the manner these low level posters are maligning the name of your former comrade Moses?

Jump ship and you'll be next. The PPP don't care about you, they only care about you helping them to stay in power? What are your rewards for supporting the PPP? When they no longer have use for you they will treat you worse than the way Moses is being treated. Little stooges will be given authority to spit on you.

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Politics is also about the appropriate time to take action, in order to gather the largest number of votes and new members.
Loyalty is only as good as you are inlcuded as a member of the team and all follow the same rules of the game, approved by the majority of the members.

I do not see selecting Ramotar by a few CC members and conveniently not having a PPP congress for members to voice their opinion about the party, beneficial to the majority of the members.

It will not surprise me greatly, if Moses joining the AFC does not reflect on the vindictiveness of the PPP, towards his family.
Alexander, if the party's principles and ideals have changed should you still support that party - given that you are not in agreement with the change that is taking place?

The PPP said they would change the constitution to because the presidency was a too powerful position - leading to burnham becoming a dictator. They had campaigned vigorously on this point when they were on the opposition benches. They are in power for more than 18 yrs and the president says he sees nothing wrong with the constitution doesn't that in itself makes him and the party leadership hypocrites?

Given that they are embracing the ideals of the PNC, doesn't it mean that their vision has changed? Given that a sizable portion of their Candidates List will be made up of Ex-PNC members, who have not publicly denounce the oppression of the PPP supporters in the PNC era, is this not a slap in the face of the PPP supporters who were directly injured or killed by these individuals?

What are you being loyal to?
(Quote) originally posted by Tola

It will not surprise me greatly, if Moses joining the AFC does not reflect on the vindictiveness of the PPP, towards his family. (Quote)

Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses served his country well and history hopefully will be kind to him. But he has made a poor choice and from now on he will be judged accordingly. No one should attack his family or get personal. That should be off limits as it must be for everyone. But you have a good point Tola.

Alex, you've said it, yessss. Again, out of the mouth of another PPP backer, we have it. The truth, nothing but the truth. This has been a good day so far with the PPP's corrupt practices coming to the forefront.
Blade, you have raised some good points. Remember the people went to the polls and voted the PPP in on more than one occasion, regardless of the Constitution. They did not see this as a problem.
2. The PPP will argue that they are not embracing the PNC in any way. Alex is not a spokesperson for the PPP or anyone else but the exPNC members should have been asked to come clean if that they did not.
3. Another point about campaign promises: Obama promised to overhaul immigration in his first year when he was the candidate. What happened? He has deported immigrants in record numbers.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Blade, you have raised some good points. Remember the people went to the polls and voted the PPP in on more than one occasion, regardless of the Constitution. They did not see this as a problem.
2. The PPP will argue that they are not embracing the PNC in any way. Alex is not a spokesperson for the PPP or anyone else but the exPNC members should have been asked to come clean if that they did not.
3. Another point about campaign promises: Obama promised to overhaul immigration in his first year when he was the candidate. What happened? He has deported immigrants in record numbers.

I'm asking if you should be loyal to a party that is embracing ideologies that YOU the party were against when it was out of power.

If you choose to now support a party that you believe will uphold the values you cherish should you be labelled as a hypocrite? Given that the party has changed it's ideals and not you.
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Blade, you have raised some good points. Remember the people went to the polls and voted the PPP in on more than one occasion, regardless of the Constitution. They did not see this as a problem.
2. The PPP will argue that they are not embracing the PNC in any way. Alex is not a spokesperson for the PPP or anyone else but the exPNC members should have been asked to come clean if that they did not.
3. Another point about campaign promises: Obama promised to overhaul immigration in his first year when he was the candidate. What happened? He has deported immigrants in record numbers.

I'm asking if you should be loyal to a party that is embracing ideologies that YOU the party were against when it was out of power.

If you choose to now support a party that you believe will uphold the values you cherish should you be labelled as a hypocrite? Given that the party has changed it's ideals and not you.

Alex is a PPP loyalist without a conscience.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Blade, you have raised some good points. Remember the people went to the polls and voted the PPP in on more than one occasion, regardless of the Constitution. They did not see this as a problem.
2. The PPP will argue that they are not embracing the PNC in any way. Alex is not a spokesperson for the PPP or anyone else but the exPNC members should have been asked to come clean if that they did not.
3. Another point about campaign promises: Obama promised to overhaul immigration in his first year when he was the candidate. What happened? He has deported immigrants in record numbers.

I'm asking if you should be loyal to a party that is embracing ideologies that YOU the party were against when it was out of power.

If you choose to now support a party that you believe will uphold the values you cherish should you be labelled as a hypocrite? Given that the party has changed it's ideals and not you.

Alex is a PPP loyalist without a conscience.

Yu know I could have sworn Alex sounded like the infamous "womb cleansing doctor". But, he seh is nat he. yippie
Originally posted by Alexander:
Blade, you have raised some good points. Remember the people went to the polls and voted the PPP in on more than one occasion, regardless of the Constitution. They did not see this as a problem.
2. .

dude, yuh either delusional or just playing stupid....people just saw PPP as an Indo govt...they can get screwed left, right, and center, once it was done by their own kind, all is well

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