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I grew up in a country where we had a Cart-man?



Is he any better today in Guyana than he was 30 years ago?




The whole rural population knows the Cart-man, his hardship, his struggle and the dream was one day that Cart-man would be able to elevate himself?



No, not at all, the PPP keep our people in Cart-man status, 30 years after Walter Rodney walk this land seeking liberation for the poor and the working class.


In Guyana today, you have an atmosphere of anti-working class hysteria being driven by the PPP especially after 1999, when the tiefing and squander-mania took on a life of its own.



In Guyana today, we have a witch hunt against anyone who practices commerce with a conscience like Badal and Yesu Persaud.  They are targeted and terrorized financially.


The AFC has been declared by the PPP as a subversive organisation, JUST because they are fighting for a FAIR DEAL for the working class.


Many AFC people are now being denied jobs and have to seek self deportation to the Caribbean in search of jobs.


Today the Chronicle of LIES, the Guyana Times and all the Jagdeo controlled media including GINA, NCN carry out a hysterical campaign against the fighters for the working class.



The result of all of this is that the working class in all the villages are standing up and silently listening to the messages exposing the oppressors.


The result is today the PPP is in an unfortunate position with respect to the 2013 budget.  They are losing political power daily and the ideal political position is to call new elections, but they CANNOT since their own internal polls show they have lost much support since 2011.


The PPP is now at 40% and sinking.


So let them continue to fool themselves that they will win the next elections.


As Ralph Ramkarran stated, the PPP MUST go back to the drawing board and rework its entire philosophy of going to the polls with a racist agenda.  East Indians and Amerindians alone will not win an elections today.



The mixed population is the election winning group in the next elections and who do they vote for - so far - NOT the PPP.



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I grew up in a country where we had a Cart-man?



Is he any better today in Guyana than he was 30 years ago?




The whole rural population knows the Cart-man, his hardship, his struggle and the dream was one day that Cart-man would be able to elevate himself?



No, not at all, the PPP keep our people in Cart-man status, 30 years after Walter Rodney walk this land seeking liberation for the poor and the working class.


In Guyana today, you have an atmosphere of anti-working class hysteria being driven by the PPP especially after 1999, when the tiefing and squander-mania took on a life of its own.



In Guyana today, we have a witch hunt against anyone who practices commerce with a conscience like Badal and Yesu Persaud.  They are targeted and terrorized financially.


The AFC has been declared by the PPP as a subversive organisation, JUST because they are fighting for a FAIR DEAL for the working class.


Many AFC people are now being denied jobs and have to seek self deportation to the Caribbean in search of jobs.


Today the Chronicle of LIES, the Guyana Times and all the Jagdeo controlled media including GINA, NCN carry out a hysterical campaign against the fighters for the working class.



The result of all of this is that the working class in all the villages are standing up and silently listening to the messages exposing the oppressors.


The result is today the PPP is in an unfortunate position with respect to the 2013 budget.  They are losing political power daily and the ideal political position is to call new elections, but they CANNOT since their own internal polls show they have lost much support since 2011.


The PPP is now at 40% and sinking.


So let them continue to fool themselves that they will win the next elections.


As Ralph Ramkarran stated, the PPP MUST go back to the drawing board and rework its entire philosophy of going to the polls with without a racist agenda.  East Indians and Amerindians alone will not win an elections today. 


(correction, I apologise to Sir Ralph for that misquote)



The mixed population is the election winning group in the next elections and who do they vote for - so far - NOT the PPP.






Much more than the Afro-Guyanese girls?  So who is he really protecting.


Last week one of my friend who came back from West Coast Berbice told me a story.


He said he was drinking in a rum shop and this East Indian man come up to him, knowing he was a re migrant and tell him he can get some wifeee for US$100.  He said he want to see first so the chap carry him to the Bath Settlement market and guess what:


A sweet looking fair skin Indian girl no more than 25 years old was introduce to him.  From his conversation with the chick he found out that her husband works at the Region Office and they have two children but she does this on the side to buy nice things for Christmas and she usually go to a Hotel in Mahaica to conduct the transaction. She conduct about one transaction a week and it is only with re-migrants who is not from her village - she lives in Bushlot, he connects in Bath and this paying client was recruited in Rosignol.


This is what the PPP reduced Guyana to.


In all the rum shop across the East Indian communities, pimps are selling married women with children for a "shag" at (US$100) a hit.


So who really is NEHRU Bhai saving and protecting again?



Indian girls are trading a shag for christmas lights!  SMH.


Rohee the Goat created such conditions in Guyana.

Originally Posted by warrior:

now what the hell this have to do with my uncle horse cart,did i tell you guys my uncle had a horse name NEHRU and a donkey name skeltonman,that right and he use to feel them a lot of ppp crap

Warria: Did your uncle not tell you also to stop using his horse and donkey for your full time wives? Sarri bai, you walk in dis wan. Go wash you face. Me seh me go be easy pan you but you haad ears.

Originally Posted by Observer:

Skelly, I was going to my village a few years ago and didn't recognize it.  I had to tell the driver to turn back.  A once poor village was transformed to paradise and nicer than England.     

Obs: I am happy that the Berbice River Bridge bypasses New Amsterdam. NA is surely an eyesore. You know I visit guyana every year and every year I go there, I see the progress from all the hard working people. As soon as you see the shacks and dilapidated homes, you can tell the type of people who live there. Most city people do not like to work hard, they want easy work like choke and rob(ask warria). Corriverton is brighter than NA and probably GT.

As for they naysayers; they do not see beyond their noses. 

Originally Posted by warrior:

skeltonman what you know about GT,the only time you go to GT is when you passing to go to the too scare to peep out the window,every blackman you see you try to hide your gold teeth.after all these years you still a country bum

Warria: Yu rite bai. GT famos fu dem choke an rab pepple. Me tell dem bais that me still gat hope fu yu. Yu ah come along. Me na get gole teeth; me get all natural wans. Me friken dem Guyana negroes indeed. Who na friken dem?


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