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Former Member

We are confident that you will perform at your best on Friday to show your contribution in welcoming our new president, Donald J. Trump. If for any reason, you may be under the weather, I would hope D_G will fill in for you. Please don't let us down. You have three days to get your play list in order.

PS. Chief and his compadres are welcome to the fete. 



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Americans will witness a historic moment. They will be moving away from a Burnham type talk man of a President to a Mahatma who will serve and protect the interest of Americans.

America will be back to business and respect internationally.

No more shifting of a line in the sand.

Last edited by Former Member

Oi chief, the two books many receive spiritual guidance from speak ill of your buddy, see what they say. 

From the Bible...Better is the poor who walks in integrity than a Big Mouth Orangehaired Yetti who is crooked though he be rich.

From the Koran.......In his love for the world the greedy Bigmouth Orangehaired Yetti is like the silkworm, the more it wraps in its cocoon,the less it has of escaping from it,until it dies of grief.


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