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Former Member

Yall making noise when there is nothing better to do. That is understood with you folks on GNI. Nehru is doing well. Kindly tell that bastard, Sheik, that he is a liar to say anything about Nehru and Prince. He is a con artist. He pretends to know everybody's business but he doesn't know one skuunt. He doesn't even live in New York anymore. 

Please be safe and stay home, folks. Sincerely, Pharoah. 

A big hello to brother Chief.  

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Pharaoh posted:

Yall making noise when there is nothing better to do. That is understood with you folks on GNI. Nehru is doing well. Kindly tell that bastard, Sheik, that he is a liar to say anything about Nehru and Prince. He is a con artist. He pretends to know everybody's business but he doesn't know one skuunt. He doesn't even live in New York anymore. 

Please be safe and stay home, folks. Sincerely, Pharoah. 

A big hello to brother Chief.  

Antiman, I spoke to Nehru 3 times in the last week, where were u?  And he ask to  tell members he ok which I did, Nothing was ever mentioned about an insignificant jackass like u, And by the way, I own a big ass house in Jersey while u stuck like a rat in some crackhole in R\H.
Change yuh handle. Like Cobra Snake, this wan crashing and burning with record speed.


Pharoh is Pavi fren. Dem bais does drink likka and corona pon liberty. Dem bais does eat dem banga and poke cuttahs. Glad meh hear Pavi okay. De man musse shell shack dat dem PNC blackman tek de eleckshun like dat. Labba tell dem when de odda side control army anything possible. Dem Jagdoe bais doan like hear dat...hey hey hey. 


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