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VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

We have to hope and pray this happen in 2020. I am not making a prediction or putting all my eggs in the PPP basket. Our political system has been reset to favor the PNC. 

The current PPP will take the Indians down with them. Indos need new leadership.

Who do you have in mind? The PNC had 23 years to study the weakness of the PPP. The PPP would have 10 years by 2020 to correct their mistakes. 

VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

We have to hope and pray this happen in 2020. I am not making a prediction or putting all my eggs in the PPP basket. Our political system has been reset to favor the PNC. 

The current PPP will take the Indians down with them. Indos need new leadership.

I will suggest that GUYANESE need new leadership.  The APNU/AFC set as well as the PPP are purely pathetic.  I no longer have any confidence that Guyana will get better.

All one needs to do is to compare the rate of reduction of our infant mortality rates for the 1990/5 period compared to the 2010/15 period of Guyana with the rest of CARICOM and one can see we go no where. Even Haiti has seen its rates decline faster than ours, though still remaining higher.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

We have to hope and pray this happen in 2020. I am not making a prediction or putting all my eggs in the PPP basket. Our political system has been reset to favor the PNC. 

The current PPP will take the Indians down with them. Indos need new leadership.

I will suggest that GUYANESE need new leadership.  The APNU/AFC set as well as the PPP are purely pathetic.  I no longer have any confidence that Guyana will get better.

All one needs to do is to compare the rate of reduction of our infant mortality rates for the 1990/5 period compared to the 2010/15 period of Guyana with the rest of CARICOM and one can see we go no where. Even Haiti has seen its rates decline faster than ours, though still remaining higher.

Likewise, I dont see anyone in Guyana today who can demonstrate that they represent a break from the past. They all claim to want to bring change, they are different, and the shame of it all is they all claim to be non-racial. The current crop of leaders are mediocre and Guyana will be mired in muck for a long time.

Granger is a Burnhamite to the core. Jagdeo represent a recycled leader who remains tainted from the past.

VishMahabir posted:

Likewise, I dont see anyone in Guyana today who can demonstrate that they represent a break from the past.

All they want to do is to get to hell out of Guyana. Especially those with more ambition.  The rest focus on basic survival, often off the backs of those who migrated.  The elites do well and don't want any changes.  We can see that Harmon isn't any different from the worst of the PPP corrupt, and Granger is just as pathetic as was Jagan in not getting rid of the corrupt.

You give Granger credit by claiming that he is like Burnham. Burnham was at least a genius, albeit an evil one.

Granger is as dumb as they come. I have heard him speak many times and I realize that he hasn't a thought in his head and I think plans to coast along until 2020 and then collect his huge pension. He might even thank Jagdeo for negotiating such packages which are totally out of step for a nation as poor as Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member

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