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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Yeah they haven't gotten the memo yet, similar to NCN.

Bhai yuh think so.....Moses mek one call....

Say Jump Ship.......and everyone say How High


Brigadier (rtd) David Arthur Granger, duly elected Executive President â€Ķpledges to work with ousted PPP/C administration


Brigadier (rtd) David Arthur Granger, has been duly elected and sworn in as the 8th Executive President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.


Granger was administered the Oath of Office earlier today by Chancellor of the Judiciary, Carl Singh, in the presence of thousands at the Public Buildings. Head of State, Granger has since pledged to work together with the ousted Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) and its leader former President Donald Ramotar, towards building a brighter future and achieve the promise of a “good life for all.”


Lieutenant Colonel (rtd) Joseph Harmon, has been appointed temporarily as the Head of the Presidential Secretariat and will head the transition team in putting in place a new government.

Last edited by Former Member

Bhai them get it right.....Mr Donald Ramotar.....Check it out



Donald Ramotar
Donald Ramotar




Mr Donald Ramotar, minutes after the declaration of the final results of the 2015 General and Regional elections by the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Mr Keith Lowenfield, and the announcement from GECOM Chairman, Dr Steve Surujbally, that Brigadier (rtd) David Granger is the new Guyanese leader, addressed the nation.


Below is the full text of his address:


My fellow Guyanese, the results of the 2015 general and regional elections have been declared by the Guyana elections commission. Unfortunately these results have been shrouded in controversy.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the members and supporters of the people’s progressive party/civic for your unwavering commitment and support and for the confidence which you reposed in us.


I want to acknowledge all the hard work and sacrifices made by you in the campaign, particularly those supporters who toiled, sometimes unnoticed, to keep our machinery going. While we are disappointed, hurt and aggrieved, i urge you to remain calm in the face of widespread provocation associated with triumphalism. We should be proud of our unstinting commitment and ceaseless efforts to preserve our country’s democracy.


We should also be justifiably proud of our record of success in restoring our economy and dramatically transforming our country over these difficult years of struggle.


Let us not be daunted but redouble our efforts to keep our party strong and resilient. As we look to the future we will stand with our people to continue the struggle for freedom and democracy as we did decades before.


As you are aware, the people’s progressive party/civic had requested the commission to conduct a recount of the ballots cast in view of the several irregularities and discrepancies found during and after the day of the elections.


We believe that the electoral processes were severely compromised. That is why we requested a recount of the ballots.


Regrettably, our repeated requests were denied by GECOM.


The right to universal adult suffrage and its exercise of “one person, one vote” which the ppp won for the Guyanese people in 1953 is again under threat.


GECOM by its constitutional mandate and the observer missions have made their pronouncements on the elections without taking into account the real concerns that have been brought to their attention by our party.


My party remains convinced that a recount would have proven beyond any shadow of doubt that the electoral processes had been compromised and the PPP/C would have won.


We have agreed to pursue options for redress under the constitution and the law including an elections petition.


Once again we are being removed from office, not through the will of our people, but by electoral manipulations.


Yet we will remain steadfast in our commitment to the principles of freedom and democracy.


My fellow Guyanese, it has been my humble honour to serve you as president of our dear land over these past three years. I have upheld my sworn duty to carry out my mandate without fear or favour.


My party is proud of our record in nurturing and building a free and democratic country.

Clearly these elections demonstrate that the freedom we have can still be compromised but we have always acted in the interests of all of our people.

We will continue to do so and will remain steadfast in our commitment to serve all Guyanese and to work for the unity, stability and progress of our country.


I am urging the new president

and the APNU+AFC leadership

to take urgent responsibility

for the preservation of peace,

the respect for all our citizens

regardless of race,

colour or creed and the

protection of all Guyanese

irrespective of political affiliation.


As we enter into a new phase of our country’s political life, the PPP/C will continue to strive for a strong democracy, a cohesive society and a better Guyana. May god continue to bless the republic of Guyana. The struggle continues!



Stabroek News

Granger sworn in as President11206889


News, Local News


Granger sworn in as President

  <noscript>&amp;lt;a href=';amp;amp;cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE' target='_blank'&amp;gt;&amp;lt;img src=';amp;amp;cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE&amp;amp;amp;n=ac07a9ac' border='0' alt='' /&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;</noscript>

David Granger was sworn in as President of Guyana on the balcony of Parliament Building at 2.19 pm today in the presence of a large, jubilant crowd.

In his speech he referred to the symbolism behind holding the swearing in ceremony at Parliament.

The oath was administered to him by the acting Chancellor the Judiciary, Carl Singh after the proclamation was read by Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, Dr Steve Surujbally.

He lauded candidates who acceded to the 11th Prliament saying that he would never prorogue it. A reference to the controversial proroguing of Parliament last year by former President Donald Ramotar.

He called for all sides to work for unity and to put aside the electoral period. He pledged to be a president for all the people.

Granger said his government will refashion society so that women, old folk and young people can have better lives.

He extended the arm of friendship to Ramotar and the PPP to join with the unity movement.

Granger announced that APNU+AFC and the former government has set up a transition team to pave the way for the change in government and to ensure the stability of the state.

Joseph Harmon has been appointed as the temporary Head of the Presidential Secretariat.

Granger led the gathering in singing lines  from the patriotic song ‘Let us cooperate for Guyana’ and invited all Guyanese to the formal inauguration ceremony at the National Stadium on May 26, Independence Day.

Granger also announced that Moses Nagamootoo will be sworn in as Prime Minister when he is formally made a Member of Parliament.


Kaieteur News    


Breaking News!!! David Granger sworn in as the 8th President of Guyana

May 16, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

extends olive branch to PPP/C

David Arthur Granger has been sworn in as Guyana’s 8th Executive President, minutes after the Guyana Elections Commission Chairman Dr. Steve Surujbally formally announced that his Coalition party had won the 2015 General and Regional Elections. In his swearing in speech, President Granger extended an olive branch to his predecessor Donald Ramotar to work together to take the country forward.

swearing in 2015 - page 1




swearing in 2015 - page 2

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses should have called their backsides this morning and tell them to get their shit together.


They totally screwed up the swearing in ceremony today. The Live stream started after people were complaining. They were still stuck in dictatorship mode until after the ceremony started.

Bhai Ramotar mek he self a Poke

He waited until America, Britain & Canada

Haul he ass out

before he mek a move....


He did not release his statement until after President Granger was sworn in...and Guyana Cant get 2 President...

that is when the fool beg pardon.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses should have called their backsides this morning and tell them to get their shit together.


They totally screwed up the swearing in ceremony today. The Live stream started after people were complaining. They were still stuck in dictatorship mode until after the ceremony started.

Bhai Ramotar mek he self a Poke

He waited until America, Britain & Canada

Haul he ass out

before he mek a move....


He did not release his statement until after President Granger was sworn in...and Guyana Cant get 2 President...

that is when the fool beg pardon.

I still cannot believe that the PPP managed this whole situation so poorly. They did not even have a few representatives at parliament nothing........To the end they made themselves morons. The country and the diplomatic community all must be laughing at these fools.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Poor Mr. Granger he is inheriting a donkey cart economy.

A Donkey obviously will know what a Donkey Cart Economy is

Well, Horse Sh1t will, for sure.

Wha happen wid your predictions of the PPP massive win there Baseboard?


You are a great scientist you are........hehehehhhe


Such refined substance, great depth and wisdom - Basement wisdom


BTW it seems like the Guyanese people have spoken loudly, Your lawyer friend may have to flee..........

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Poor Mr. Granger he is inheriting a donkey cart economy.

A Donkey obviously will know what a Donkey Cart Economy is

Well, Horse Sh1t will, for sure.

Wha happen wid your predictions of the PPP massive win there Baseboard?


You are a great scientist you are........hehehehhhe


Such refined substance, great depth and wisdom - Basement wisdom


BTW it seems like the Guyanese people have spoken loudly, Your lawyer friend may have to flee..........

Hey, baseman raised a caution indicating a 50/50 outcome.  It was clear the PPP was on the skids.  But I kept the mantra into the finish line.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Poor Mr. Granger he is inheriting a donkey cart economy.

A Donkey obviously will know what a Donkey Cart Economy is

Well, Horse Sh1t will, for sure.

Wha happen wid your predictions of the PPP massive win there Baseboard?


You are a great scientist you are........hehehehhhe


Such refined substance, great depth and wisdom - Basement wisdom


BTW it seems like the Guyanese people have spoken loudly, Your lawyer friend may have to flee..........

Hey, baseman raised a caution indicating a 50/50 outcome.  It was clear the PPP was on the skids.  But I kept the mantra into the finish line.

Oh yes give yourself a cookie for that.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Poor Mr. Granger he is inheriting a donkey cart economy.

A Donkey obviously will know what a Donkey Cart Economy is

Well, Horse Sh1t will, for sure.

Wha happen wid your predictions of the PPP massive win there Baseboard?


You are a great scientist you are........hehehehhhe


Such refined substance, great depth and wisdom - Basement wisdom


BTW it seems like the Guyanese people have spoken loudly, Your lawyer friend may have to flee..........

What loudly FOOL????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Poor Mr. Granger he is inheriting a donkey cart economy.

A Donkey obviously will know what a Donkey Cart Economy is

Well, Horse Sh1t will, for sure.

Wha happen wid your predictions of the PPP massive win there Baseboard?


You are a great scientist you are........hehehehhhe


Such refined substance, great depth and wisdom - Basement wisdom


BTW it seems like the Guyanese people have spoken loudly, Your lawyer friend may have to flee..........

What loudly FOOL????



They change them tune these days - CHEAT BUT NOT DEFEATED, yet we cannot find One organisation who will stand with them.  EVEN the CIOG, their muslim arm and IAC, their Cultural arm have accepted the 8th President - Cde Granger.


Every single one of the Observer mission including the COMMONWEALTH has accepted the results and said it was a free and fair elections.


What I can tell you is Bharat will never be invited again by the Commonwelath because of his anti-man performance on the campaign.


Militarization ?  HUH!

Last edited by Former Member

Nehru look how Chronicle Drop PPP more garbage about Rohee, Ramsammy, Brassington, Nandalall, Ashni, Irfan or Jagdeo.....


Could you Imagine this is the Chronicle......


Bhai this paper looking good today.


Look the Minority News pon page 5.....Full Page....Full Coverage

Look them give the Minority a next Half page on Page 10....

The rest of the Paper is Real News.....No APNU, PNC or AFC Propoganda or lies.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Every single one of the Observer mission including the COMMONWEALTH has accepted the results and said it was a free and fair elections.


What I can tell you is Bharat will never be invited again by the Commonwelath because of his anti-man performance on the campaign.


Militarization ?  HUH!

Basemen has no sympathy for BJ.  It's his "base" politics over the years which, in part, led to May 11.  The PPP always was a one-man power structure, CBJ, JJ, BJ.  The mistake, BJ was just too young to move off the scene and let new idea take hold.


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