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Maria Nagamootoo
New York, USA
Dear Dad,
Dad, as I watched you make your final appearance at Parade ground and uttered your final words to the people of Guyana, I could not help but think as your daughter that you have given it your all; you have made the choices and decisions you had to make to help secure a better Guyana for all.
You have given 50 years of service and sacrifice for our country and throughout all your struggles and sacrifices we have stood by your side, like any devoted children would. As your children, we want to let you know that whatever the outcome is now, as always, we will support you unconditionally like we did all our lives.
We know that whatever you are doing is for the people of Guyana and our country like any true patriot. We have accepted you for who you are and have, without question, accepted your political endeavors and your unwavering desire to secure a better Guyana not only for your four children but all the children of Guyana moreso, for the children of Guyana since we are now grown and built a life of our own.
We have watched you put your life in danger fighting injustices under PNC dictatorship and now under PPP Jagdeo misrule. We have lived in the fear of losing you as you struggled for the people of Guyana. This, my dad, is and will always be the most heart-wrenching fear that as your children, we will have to live with. We are content with who you are as our dad and would like to have you by our sides always and out of Guyana politics but we realize that this is your passion and your love for our country and our people run deeper than anyone could imagine and we respect you for never giving up at an opportunity to help improve the lives of the Guyanese people.
We are forever proud of you for being the dad that any child would be proud off. You are truly the dad of every Guyanese child for wanting to secure a better life for all of them.
I only hope that the Guyanese people can return that favor to your children and wife who stood relentlessly with you as you fought for a country that as Guyanese we can all be proud off, by taking the initiative and vote for change. You can take the horse to the water but you cannot make it drink.
As you call upon the people of Guyana to walk with you and share in the moment of reclaiming the country’s pride and unite all Guyanese and recreate a country that symbolizes honesty and not corruption, racial unity and not division, equality and not injustice, it is now all up to the people of Guyana to make the change.
The Guyanese people now have an opportunity to exercise their rights and make that choice and follow their good conscience and vote for change. The destiny of the Guyanese people now lies in their hands as they make their way to the polling booth tomorrow.
This is a critical and defining moment in the history of Guyana and when the defining moment is here to make a change, the people should define the moment by voting for AFC or that moment will forever defines them. The time is now for the people to seize the moment and become a part of history in Guyana when unity and togetherness become the order of the day.
Dad, you have defined not only the moment by your courage and determination to restore Guyana’s pride but the moment has defined you as well as being a son of Guyana who will do whatever it takes to protect the interest of the people and the nation. Like a true statesman you have placed country above self.
Time to sit back and rest, Dad. You have done all that you can. Now, it’s up to the people of Guyana to make the change.
Your loving Daughter

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sorry Bro Sheik but you know on election eve emotions do run high.
When men like the honorable Mr Nagamootoo can come clean and speak out against corruption and we still have a few comrades here in NY who are saying that they are with the PPP NY SUPPORT GROUP.

CHURCHY IS ONE OF THEM. I WONDER HOW MUCH MORE CORRUPTION HE WILL SUPPORT. It is time for men like Churchil to come clean and say why he is not supporting his friend and brother Mr Nagamootoo.
Originally posted by Chief:
CHURCHY IS ONE OF THEM. I WONDER HOW MUCH MORE CORRUPTION HE WILL SUPPORT. It is time for men like Churchil to come clean and say why he is not supporting his friend and brother Mr Nagamootoo.

I have never supported corruption !.....I do not have to come clean as I am not corrupt....

I have always supported Moses and remember when you used to throw the remarks about old communists....

Chief perhaps the time has come for you to stop being a hypocrit !
Originally posted by Chief:
Maria Nagamootoo
New York, USA
Dear Dad,
Dad, as I watched you make your final appearance at Parade ground and uttered your final words to the people of Guyana, I could not help but think as your daughter that you have given it your all; you have made the choices and decisions you had to make to help secure a better Guyana for all.
You have given 50 years of service and sacrifice for our country and throughout all your struggles and sacrifices we have stood by your side, like any devoted children would. As your children, we want to let you know that whatever the outcome is now, as always, we will support you unconditionally like we did all our lives.
We know that whatever you are doing is for the people of Guyana and our country like any true patriot. We have accepted you for who you are and have, without question, accepted your political endeavors and your unwavering desire to secure a better Guyana not only for your four children but all the children of Guyana moreso, for the children of Guyana since we are now grown and built a life of our own.
We have watched you put your life in danger fighting injustices under PNC dictatorship and now under PPP Jagdeo misrule. We have lived in the fear of losing you as you struggled for the people of Guyana. This, my dad, is and will always be the most heart-wrenching fear that as your children, we will have to live with. We are content with who you are as our dad and would like to have you by our sides always and out of Guyana politics but we realize that this is your passion and your love for our country and our people run deeper than anyone could imagine and we respect you for never giving up at an opportunity to help improve the lives of the Guyanese people.
We are forever proud of you for being the dad that any child would be proud off. You are truly the dad of every Guyanese child for wanting to secure a better life for all of them.
I only hope that the Guyanese people can return that favor to your children and wife who stood relentlessly with you as you fought for a country that as Guyanese we can all be proud off, by taking the initiative and vote for change. You can take the horse to the water but you cannot make it drink.
As you call upon the people of Guyana to walk with you and share in the moment of reclaiming the country’s pride and unite all Guyanese and recreate a country that symbolizes honesty and not corruption, racial unity and not division, equality and not injustice, it is now all up to the people of Guyana to make the change.
The Guyanese people now have an opportunity to exercise their rights and make that choice and follow their good conscience and vote for change. The destiny of the Guyanese people now lies in their hands as they make their way to the polling booth tomorrow.
This is a critical and defining moment in the history of Guyana and when the defining moment is here to make a change, the people should define the moment by voting for AFC or that moment will forever defines them. The time is now for the people to seize the moment and become a part of history in Guyana when unity and togetherness become the order of the day.
Dad, you have defined not only the moment by your courage and determination to restore Guyana’s pride but the moment has defined you as well as being a son of Guyana who will do whatever it takes to protect the interest of the people and the nation. Like a true statesman you have placed country above self.
Time to sit back and rest, Dad. You have done all that you can. Now, it’s up to the people of Guyana to make the change.
Your loving Daughter

bray some more.
Originally posted by Chief:
Churchy tonight is not a time to worry with you and your communist nonsense. That is dead and Jagan the jackass is dead, what is alive is Mr Moses NAGAMOOTOO WHO LINKED ARMS WITH BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.

Vote for change Vote AFC!!!

Are you aware that Moses is a disciple of the late and great Cheddi Jagan ?
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Churchill:

Are you aware that Moses is a disciple of the late and great Cheddi Jagan ?

Its only time before Mr Nagamooto come clean and admit that Jagan and his wife screwed him without vaseline.
In the mean time we need all the help that we can get to remove Jagan PPP from out of office.

When are you going to get it in your thick head that the present PPP is not Jagan's PPP ? the present cabal does not follow Jagan's example of integrity and transparancy.....

BTW....when are you going to come clean with reference to your PNC membership ?.....
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Chief:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Churchill:

Are you aware that Moses is a disciple of the late and great Cheddi Jagan ?

Its only time before Mr Nagamooto come clean and admit that Jagan and his wife screwed him without vaseline.
In the mean time we need all the help that we can get to remove Jagan PPP from out of office.

When are you going to get it in your thick head that the present PPP is not Jagan's PPP ? the present cabal does not follow Jagan's example of integrity and transparancy.....


Thank you, the people of Guyana are waiting patiently to hear what Jagan PPP is, and Moses needs to speak now or hold his peace forever. Big Grin
Originally posted by Chief:
Ok Churchy.

Chief I'll be honest, I believe Nehru is really hurting deep down inside on the state of affairs of the PPP.

I know he has a lot of respect and admiration for Moses who give 50 years of his life to Jagan and the PPP.

Last elections many PPP supporters (like Nehru) quietly held back their support of the PPP.
I believe this elections all those who did not vote will be voting AFC.....and many who went along for de free ride, rum and food at those PPP rallies will be putting the X next to the AFC.....they will be following Moses.

So Chief dont worry about that, we will see the results in the counting....Coolie man na stupid, Dem tek de free Ride, Food & Drinks, Wear the PPP T Shirt but will vote with Moses for Decency and an end to Corruption.

This is how many guyanese feel, Including some big ones in the PPP....TIME FOR CHANGE

The winds of change
Dear Editor,
We are living in exciting times. Unlike two decades ago when the United States and other western countries were prepared to turn a blind eye to dictatorial regimes, we now are witnessing a situation where the United States is throwing its full weight behind the struggle for democratic reforms as manifested in countries which hitherto were allies of the United States but now engulfed in the vortex of democratic waves.
Egypt, Yemen and Tunisia are the more recent examples. The Ivory Coast and support for the outcome of the referendum in Sudan are also indicative of US support for democratic reforms.
A similar situation obtains in Haiti where the United States administration is weighing in on democratic reforms.
It is now evident that the winds of democracy are blowing across the globe thanks to the end of the Cold War and concomitant superpower politics.
Hydar Ally
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Mose has destroyed his Political Career because of a FEW ASSES called KFC!!!

Buddy Nehru, how come Sheik said you gone and suck rum?

Dem PPP bai have to suck rum tonight fa lass two days, because dem rum shop close tomarraw.
Oh rass, de PPP kok duck wid plans to buy rum fe vote PPP. Big Grin
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Churchill:

Are you aware that Moses is a disciple of the late and great Cheddi Jagan ?

Its only time before Mr Nagamooto come clean and admit that Jagan and his wife screwed him without vaseline.
In the mean time we need all the help that we can get to remove Jagan PPP from out of office.

When are you going to get it in your thick head that the present PPP is not Jagan's PPP ? the present cabal does not follow Jagan's example of integrity and transparancy.....

BTW....when are you going to come clean with reference to your PNC membership ?.....

Good morning and on this election morning LETS BE POSITIVE and vote the PPP out of office .
Today is not the day to go into foolish accusations.

Iam happy that you decide to join Moses and pee in Jagan PPP Cup.
Good morning and on this election morning LETS BE POSITIVE and vote the PPP out of office .
Today is not the day to go into foolish accusations.

Iam happy that you decide to join Moses and pee in Jagan PPP Cup.

Chief where have I ever stated that I have joined Moses ?.....I have stated on many occasions that I do support his position...

Please free your mind from the basement school of thought....and come clean soon so that the AFC boys you are now encamp with will know who you really are.....a closet PNC !
Originally posted by Chief:
So Churchy lets get this straight , you are still with the PPP. Frown

What does it matter to you if I am still with the PPP or not ?.....the fact is that I support Moses's position....many in and out of the PPP also support him.....

FYI information I have always privately and publically critised Jagdeo and Ramouthar and the vultures who have hijacked the PPP....I have always opposed the selection of Ramouthar and the sidelining of long serving comrades.....

I am for change...would like to see many changes, would like to see an end to corruption.....would like the corrupt parties be brought to justice, etc.....

So Chief take a long hike and go pray .....

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