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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apparently wants a regime change in the U.S. as well as Iran.


His attempts to inject Israeli desires for a first-strike against Iran into our presidential race, to unseat President Obama, is disgraceful. And Republicans, appearing more war-like than ever and counting on political gain, are calling attempts for a diplomatic solution “leadership from behind.” To Republicans, only global military supremacy is global leadership.

This appears to be an extension of “The American Century” espoused by Henry R. Luce, for the U.S. to “accept wholeheartedly our duty to exert upon the world the full impact of our influence for such purposes as we see fit and by such means as we see fit.” Unfortunately, this is the 21st Century. Eight other countries have nuclear weapons. George W. Bush and neocons in his administration pursued this very philosophy in invading Iraq and Afghanistan. This is the reason so many countries around the world fear the U.S. Keep negotiating for a peaceful outcome.


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