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Never again must any Government be permitted to do as it likes

August 15, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, Reading the news about the hundreds of millions that have been carted off by the PPP governments and their acolytes and recognising the squalor they have left behind, it is enough to incense this public and to react with indignation. This society is plagued with poor health services and inadequate material for education but has had to suffer not because the money wasn’t there, but because the money that should be channeled to improve these services was misused by the Jagdeo/Ramotar leadership, who treated the people’s money as though it is theirs. The haughtiness and intolerance with which the PPP governed had forced citizens into a world of fear. People were afraid to express a dissenting opinion just to avoid the wrath of the entire PPP machinery coming down on them or the communities they live in denied State resources. Many, in order to eat, felt forced to think it was better to live on their knees rather than die on their feet. People were afraid in their own country. In midst of this fear and forced silence, simple, avoidable acts like maternal deaths took control at our health institutions. Were the previous government open to listening to its people and allowing its people to speak, matters like these could have been ventilated and corrected through the supply of needed resources rather than squandering it. The ordinary citizen was left to the mercy of a healthcare system that was underfunded, mismanaged and became embroiled in corruption, while PPP officials were flying to Florida for treatment for ‘belly ache’ and getting millions of taxpayers’ money for dental work. The people and their communities were underserved by the Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar governments. We, the people, must now ensure that a relentless programme be pursued to make sure that the people’s money is returned to the Consolidated Fund to benefit the society in its entirety. As we speak about and condemn the losses and thievery, action must be taken within the laws to make sure that those responsible are brought to justice. The society needs to be vigilant that never again will any government be permitted to do this to us. It is the responsibility of the citizens to become vigilant and participate in decision-making in their communities and public institutions. Sharma Solomon

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The society needs to be vigilant that never again will any government be permitted to do this to us. It is the responsibility of the citizens to become vigilant and participate in decision-making in their communities and public institutions.


Sharma Solomon


Never again must any Government be permitted to do as it likes, August 15, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters

Whether the citizens become vigilant, the will not be involved in the decision-making process, since the PNC cum AFC will continue to do as it wishes similar to the 1964 to 1992 period under the PNC government.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The society needs to be vigilant that never again will any government be permitted to do this to us. It is the responsibility of the citizens to become vigilant and participate in decision-making in their communities and public institutions.


Sharma Solomon


Never again must any Government be permitted to do as it likes, August 15, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters

Whether the citizens become vigilant, the will not be involved in the decision-making process, since thePNC cum AFC will continue to do as it wishes similar to the 1964 to 1992 period under the PNC government.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Never again must any Government be permitted to do as it likes

August 15, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, Reading the news about the hundreds of millions that have been carted off by the PPP governments and their acolytes and recognising the squalor they have left behind, it is enough to incense this public and to react with indignation. This society is plagued with poor health services and inadequate material for education but has had to suffer not because the money wasn’t there, but because the money that should be channeled to improve these services was misused by the Jagdeo/Ramotar leadership, who treated the people’s money as though it is theirs. The haughtiness and intolerance with which the PPP governed had forced citizens into a world of fear. People were afraid to express a dissenting opinion just to avoid the wrath of the entire PPP machinery coming down on them or the communities they live in denied State resources. Many, in order to eat, felt forced to think it was better to live on their knees rather than die on their feet. People were afraid in their own country. In midst of this fear and forced silence, simple, avoidable acts like maternal deaths took control at our health institutions. Were the previous government open to listening to its people and allowing its people to speak, matters like these could have been ventilated and corrected through the supply of needed resources rather than squandering it. The ordinary citizen was left to the mercy of a healthcare system that was underfunded, mismanaged and became embroiled in corruption, while PPP officials were flying to Florida for treatment for ‘belly ache’ and getting millions of taxpayers’ money for dental work. The people and their communities were underserved by the Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar governments. We, the people, must now ensure that a relentless programme be pursued to make sure that the people’s money is returned to the Consolidated Fund to benefit the society in its entirety. As we speak about and condemn the losses and thievery, action must be taken within the laws to make sure that those responsible are brought to justice. The society needs to be vigilant that never again will any government be permitted to do this to us. It is the responsibility of the citizens to become vigilant and participate in decision-making in their communities and public institutions. Sharma Solomon

Nonsense and hyperbole. Never again should a Govt be allowed to rape the nation dry like what was inherited in 1992.  How could a leader just rip up that nation's rail system and ship it off to Zambia without any accountability to the people, still mind boggling what was tolerated under the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member

maternal deaths took control at our health institutions. Were the previous government open to listening to its people and allowing its people to speak, matters like these could have been ventilated and corrected through the supply of needed resources rather than squandering it. The ordinary citizen was left to the mercy of a healthcare system that was underfunded, mismanaged and became embroiled in corruption, while PPP officials were flying to Florida for treatment for ‘belly ache’ and getting millions of taxpayers’ money for dental work. The people and their communities were underserved by the Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar governments. We, the people, must now ensure that a relentless programme be pursued to make sure that the people’s money is returned to the Consolidated Fund to benefit the society in its entirety.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Nonsense and hyperbole. Never again should a Govt be allowed to rape the nation dry like what was inherited in 1992.  How could a leader just rip up that nation's rail system and ship it off to Zambia without any accountability to the people, still mind boggling what was tolerated under the PNC.

shameless fabricator


the multiple sins of the PNC regime(s) do not include economic rape.


i challenge u to show which individuals profited from ripping up the "nation's rail system and ship[ing] it off to Zambia"


as a low-rent propagandist for PPP gangsters who friken jail, you're not very good . . . does BJ know he's getting pennies on the dollar (value) for the risible tripe u post here?


next, tell us about the phantom Ebony Magazine article and the billions Burnham salted away in Swiss Bank accounts that neither the Swiss nor Viola could ever find



Last edited by Former Member

Reading the news about the hundreds of millions that have been carted off by the PPP governments and their acolytes and recognising the squalor they have left behind, it is enough to incense this public and to react with indignation. This society is plagued with poor health services and inadequate material for education but has had to suffer not because the money wasn’t there, but because the money that should be channeled to improve these services was misused by the Jagdeo/Ramotar leadership, who treated the people’s money as though it is theirs. The haughtiness and intolerance with which the PPP governed had forced citizens into a world of fear.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I wouldn't worry about rape from the previous government. I would worry about the buggering y'all will get in one year from the installed regime that knows no wrong.

You do understand (I know .... far-fetched) that it's because of the current government that the extent of the PPP thievery has been exposed.


The sad part is that Guyana lost so much - it could have been tons ahead ....rather we took major steps backward because of PPP corruption. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I wouldn't worry about rape from the previous government. I would worry about the buggering y'all will get in one year from the installed regime that knows no wrong.

HAHAHA FUnny but so TRUE!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
I wouldn't worry about rape from the previous government. I would worry about the buggering y'all will get in one year from the installed regime that knows no wrong.

HAHAHA FUnny but so TRUE!!

Coming from the guy who believes that you can charge your cell phone in the microwave ..... I'm convinced this is not true and yes I care about the blatant thievery perpetrated by the PPP. At least you're no longer denying that!

Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
I wouldn't worry about rape from the previous government. I would worry about the buggering y'all will get in one year from the installed regime that knows no wrong.

HAHAHA FUnny but so TRUE!!

Coming from the guy who believes that you can charge your cell phone in the microwave ..... I'm convinced this is not true and yes I care about the blatant thievery perpetrated by the PPP. At least you're no longer denying that!

You are a DUMB ASS and you dont mind showing it. It is the SHIT in your head!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
I wouldn't worry about rape from the previous government. I would worry about the buggering y'all will get in one year from the installed regime that knows no wrong.

HAHAHA FUnny but so TRUE!!

Coming from the guy who believes that you can charge your cell phone in the microwave ..... I'm convinced this is not true and yes I care about the blatant thievery perpetrated by the PPP. At least you're no longer denying that!

You are a DUMB ASS and you dont mind showing it. It is the SHIT in your head!!!!!!!!!!!

Unlike you, my ass and my head do not occupy the same orifice. It's pellucidly clear (or brown in your case) why you can't see the light & would believe that ignoring the crimes of the previous government is in the best interest of the populace. You just gave sh!thead a whole new meaning.

Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
I wouldn't worry about rape from the previous government. I would worry about the buggering y'all will get in one year from the installed regime that knows no wrong.

HAHAHA FUnny but so TRUE!!

Coming from the guy who believes that you can charge your cell phone in the microwave ..... I'm convinced this is not true and yes I care about the blatant thievery perpetrated by the PPP. At least you're no longer denying that!

You are a DUMB ASS and you dont mind showing it. It is the SHIT in your head!!!!!!!!!!!

Unlike you, my ass and my head do not occupy the same orifice. It's pellucidly clear (or brown in your case) why you can't see the light & would believe that ignoring the crimes of the previous government is in the best interest of the populace. You just gave sh!thead a whole new meaning.

left hook nehru is down  

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I wouldn't worry about rape from the previous government. I would worry about the buggering y'all will get in one year from the installed regime that knows no wrong.

Clearly, based on your night time activities with certain well endowed PNC men, who douglarize you thoroughly, though cannot impregnate you, these are topics that you are quite expert on.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

PPP Ka-Ka Belly

Dr. Jennifer Westford

Dr. Jennifer Westford

What kind of tief?

Is that what alyuh forensic audits found.  Rass bai, couple used car they lady most amateurishly try to scamper off with.  Now that is some BIG TIME tiefing for lil time bais!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

PPP Ka-Ka Belly

Dr. Jennifer Westford

Dr. Jennifer Westford

What kind of tief?

Is that what alyuh forensic audits found.  Rass bai, couple used car they lady most amateurishly try to scamper off with.  Now that is some BIG TIME tiefing for lil time bais!!

She is just a small fish.


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