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The head table: President David Granger is flanked by Commissioner of Police, Mr Seelall Persaud (left) and Assistant Commissioner, Mr David Ramnarine.

January 28, 2017 Source

PRESIDENT David Granger warned police officers on Friday that this country must not go through another period like the ‘decade of troubles,” when more than 1400 citizens,including several lawmen, were murdered. Speaking on the second day of the annual Police Officers’ Conference, President Granger explained that in order to combat crime, law enforcement must first determine and understand causation. Here he spoke of the secondary impact of criminal activities on communities. The President believes that the country is still reeling from the impact of the crime wave of the early 2000s, which is now referred to as ‘the troubles.’ That period spawned the emergence of drug cartels and phantom squads, who themselves, were involved in the murders of more than 1400 citizens between 2000 and 2009. “Police officers need to understand this period, because at no other time in the history of the Guyana Police Force were so many police officers killed on duty… It must not happen again… We know that there were problems, but let us not assume that those problems have gone away or that they cannot recur,” President Granger said.

Commander-in-Chief, President David Granger, receiving the presidential salute from ranks of the Guyana Police Force upon his arrival at the Police Officers’ Training Centre

Meanwhile, the President told the officers that education and training, high ethical standards and a strong sense of social responsibility are crucial requirements for members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) in the execution of their duty. He said the criteria he outlined must guide police officers and made it clear that when it is discovered officers have strayed away from these principles and are guilty of misconduct, then steps must be taken to separate those defaulters from the community of law enforcement. “We must separate them so they don’t do further mischief and damage to the reputation of this great Force and don’t jeopardise the lives of their colleagues through their greed or through their folly… I am sure that there are good officers and bad officers. I haven’t come here to accuse you. I’ve come here to encourage you to embrace security reforms,” he said.
The reforms the President referenced include those that will be realised through implementation of the United Kingdom-funded Security Sector Reform Programme (SSRP). Already, British Senior Security Sector Reform Advisor, Mr Russell Combe, has arrived in Guyana to assess and advise on security strategies.
“Change is continuous and change is compelling. What was good for 1996 may not have been good for 2006. What was good for 2006 definitely was not good for 2016 and what we need for 2017 may become obsolete in five or 10 years time. The nature of crime, particularly trans-national crime, demands new attitudes and techniques…We have to continuously reform the criminal justice system if we are to protect our citizens from violent crimes,” he said.
The President also lamented the high incidence of inter-personal violence, which often results in the commission of a serious crime. Against this background, he pointed out that the programme of reforms must address the need to professionalise the Force and strengthen its leadership, so that it is repositioned and ready to effectively deal with threats to public safety and security in all its forms. “Continuous reform is imperative to allow the Force to remain relevant, to rebuild public trust and, together with the government, citizens and civil society, to make our country safer and more secure. It is not to build big stations; it is to ensure that every citizen is safe. The ultimate objective of our policy is to ensure that every citizen is safe – safe from anti-social behaviour, from crime, from disorder and traffic accidents,” President Granger said.

Ranks of the Guyana Police Force pay rapt attention to the Commander-in-Chief’s presentation

He assured of his Government’s commitment to providing the support needed to ensure human safety for all citizens and the national security of the state, in order to create the framework for national development. According to the Head of State, the reforms will entail crime prevention through improved intelligence and pro-active deployment, protection of victims and vulnerable groups from criminal behaviour or disorder, the promotion of greater public confidence in officers through ethical conduct and the promulgation of measures aimed at building the Force’s capacity and capability.
Numerous attempts
He told the conference that over the last 20 years, numerous attempts were made at reforms in the GPF, but those plans were never conscientiously implemented and as a result, Guyanese paid a heavy price. The earliest attempts at initiating reforms started back in 1999,when the United Kingdom’s Regional Advisor, Mr Paul Matthias, visited to discuss security assistance from Britain. This was followed by the Symonds Report and the establishment of the National Security Strategy Organising Committee in 2000. In 2002, the Border and National Security committee, the National Consultation on Crime and the National Steering Committee on Crime, were established.
In subsequent years, legislation was passed, more crime-fighting bodies were established and the initial version of the SSRP was signed, but was later scrapped by the then Government. “This is not the time for coulda, woulda and shoulda. We know what we have to do. We now have in 2017 to move forward. It is a time for what we will do. It is a time to introduce real reforms that will transform the Force. The past should offer lessons for the future. Mistakes, which have been made, must be corrected and avoided in the future,” President Granger said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Typical PNC shyte.  Back in the day (60's) after they muscled their way to power and called off their dogs, Burnham claimed he brought peace.  The PNC sponsored terrorists created mayhem in the 2000's targeting Indians while the armed forces squatted.  PNC full of sh1t!!

Last edited by Former Member

"That period spawned the emergence of drug cartels and phantom squads, who themselves, were involved in the murders of more than 1400 citizens between 2000 and 2009."

This was under the "Indian Savior" tenure,

more deaths than the early 1960 crisis.

Last edited by Django
ba$eman posted:

Typical PNC shyte.  Back in the day (60's) after they muscled their way to power and called off their dogs, Burnham claimed he brought peace.  The PNC sponsored terrorists created mayhem in the 2000's targeting Indians while the armed forces squatted.  PNC full of sh1t!!

Granger talking about "causation". He obviously ignoring that many of those criminals were supported by the PNC back then. Their boy, fineman was given a celebrity funeral after he was killed. Phantom squad may sound bad but it curbed the terrible crime wave back then. I used to read of cases where the bandits used to warn the police not to show up. Eve Leary had to hire security guards. I have no complaints against the methods used by Jagdeo to solve that crime wave back then.

ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Typical PNC shyte.  Back in the day (60's) after they muscled their way to power and called off their dogs, Burnham claimed he brought peace.  The PNC sponsored terrorists created mayhem in the 2000's targeting Indians while the armed forces squatted.  PNC full of sh1t!!

Granger talking about "causation". He obviously ignoring that many of those criminals were supported by the PNC back then. Their boy, fineman was given a celebrity funeral after he was killed. Phantom squad may sound bad but it curbed the terrible crime wave back then. I used to read of cases where the bandits used to warn the police not to show up. Eve Leary had to hire security guards.I have no complaints against the methods used by Jagdeo to solve that crime wave back then.

Kaz bhai,to each his own,

there are more than one way "to skin wan cyat",the one he choose is un acceptable in modern day.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Typical PNC shyte.  Back in the day (60's) after they muscled their way to power and called off their dogs, Burnham claimed he brought peace.  The PNC sponsored terrorists created mayhem in the 2000's targeting Indians while the armed forces squatted.  PNC full of sh1t!!

Granger talking about "causation". He obviously ignoring that many of those criminals were supported by the PNC back then. Their boy, fineman was given a celebrity funeral after he was killed. Phantom squad may sound bad but it curbed the terrible crime wave back then. I used to read of cases where the bandits used to warn the police not to show up. Eve Leary had to hire security guards.I have no complaints against the methods used by Jagdeo to solve that crime wave back then.

Kaz bhai,to each his own,

there are more than one way "to skin wan cyat",the one he choose is un acceptable in modern day.

In a conventional circumstance it would. But the crime situation back then was not conventional. I have never heard of a situation where criminals forewarn police not to show up where they plan to commit crimes or a police headquarter having to hire security guards.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Typical PNC shyte.  Back in the day (60's) after they muscled their way to power and called off their dogs, Burnham claimed he brought peace.  The PNC sponsored terrorists created mayhem in the 2000's targeting Indians while the armed forces squatted.  PNC full of sh1t!!

Granger talking about "causation". He obviously ignoring that many of those criminals were supported by the PNC back then. Their boy, fineman was given a celebrity funeral after he was killed. Phantom squad may sound bad but it curbed the terrible crime wave back then. I used to read of cases where the bandits used to warn the police not to show up. Eve Leary had to hire security guards.I have no complaints against the methods used by Jagdeo to solve that crime wave back then.

Kaz bhai,to each his own,

there are more than one way "to skin wan cyat",the one he choose is un acceptable in modern day.

In a conventional circumstance it would. But the crime situation back then was not conventional. I have never heard of a situation where criminals forewarn police not to show up where they plan to commit crimes or a police headquarter having to hire security guards.

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Granger talking about "causation". He obviously ignoring that many of those criminals were supported by the PNC back then. Their boy, fineman was given a celebrity funeral after he was killed. Phantom squad may sound bad but it curbed the terrible crime wave back then. I used to read of cases where the bandits used to warn the police not to show up. Eve Leary had to hire security guards.I have no complaints against the methods used by Jagdeo to solve that crime wave back then.

Kaz bhai,to each his own,

there are more than one way "to skin wan cyat",the one he choose is un acceptable in modern day.

In a conventional circumstance it would. But the crime situation back then was not conventional. I have never heard of a situation where criminals forewarn police not to show up where they plan to commit crimes or a police headquarter having to hire security guards.

That happens when "Drug Lords" are allowed to ply their trade with impunity.

The crime situation was two fold Drug Lords fighting for turf,and politicians found a venue to destabilize the Government,what a tangled web that was weaved,That is Guyana.

ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

I don't agree. Django may have his preferences but he is not brainless.

Why worry with Baseman,that fella likes a room full of "yes" men.

ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

I don't agree. Django may have his preferences but he is not brainless.

The reason I say that, I have yet to see him one time acknowledge the PNC used nefarious means to destabilize the PPP and caused much of the mayhem targeting the PPP constituency!  And he acknowledge nothing positive of the PPP.  All the stuff you mentioned about the armed forces participation are old and known facts.

Now, he claim to be some sort of "coolie", so I cannot accuse him of racism, that leads to a state non-thinking, or low-thinking!

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

I don't agree. Django may have his preferences but he is not brainless.

Why worry with Baseman,that fella likes a room full of "yes" men.

Here you go again low-thinking!!  You have seen me being critical of the PPP and being attacked by people like Drugb, yet you call me a yes man.  Banna, you are truly a low-thinker!

YOU are a PNC YES man and a PPP NO man.  I am Yes and No to both when I see fit!  That takes inductive and deductive reasoning and an appreciation of the truth and facts as I see it, something lacking with low-thinkers.  So you hop on a track, squeeze your nose and run with it come hell or high-water!

ksazma posted:

Granger talking about "causation". He obviously ignoring that many of those criminals were supported by the PNC back then. Their boy, fineman was given a celebrity funeral after he was killed. Phantom squad may sound bad but it curbed the terrible crime wave back then. I used to read of cases where the bandits used to warn the police not to show up. Eve Leary had to hire security guards. I have no complaints against the methods used by Jagdeo to solve that crime wave back then.

This happens in every country if the security of the nation is at stake. Prezzy Jagdeo and Brother Gajraj did the right thing. You kill or be killed. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. Good riddance to the criminals.

ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

I don't agree. Django may have his preferences but he is not brainless.

Of course he is brainless.  Anyone with zero deductive reasoning capability whose purpose to life is to beat the PNC drum like a robot is brainless.  Cutting and pasting PNC propaganda all day is also a symptom of brainlessness.  There are many other attributes to his brainlessness which Nehru can fill in when he wakes up.  I am afraid to spend too much time in brainless robot's territory.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

I don't agree. Django may have his preferences but he is not brainless.

The reason I say that, I have yet to see him one time acknowledge the PNC used nefarious means to destabilize the PPP and caused much of the mayhem targeting the PPP constituency!  And he acknowledge nothing positive of the PPP.  All the stuff you mentioned about the armed forces participation are old and known facts.

Now, he claim to be some sort of "coolie", so I cannot accuse him of racism, that leads to a state non-thinking, or low-thinking!

Dude,I am not biased like you,and don't see myself as superior to any one.

I don't care what happened in 60' I was merely a kid and had no clue,and wouldn't believe here say,every one have their own tale to spin.I read a few documents and have concluded what was the cause of the that crisis.

I grow up and lived under Dictator Burham,Indians were allowed to move freely and carry their lives,there were no severe oppression and segregation as you want the world to believe,In that period i visited African Villages and were welcomed,everyone have their own tale to tell,mine may differ.

The best PPP government i experienced was from 1992 to 1996,although there were some favoritism i turned a blind eye.

Under the "Indian Savior" Jagdeo it was the worst PPP government,he allowed "Drug Lords" to roam ruled like a dictator worse than Burnham.

Both the PPP and PNC are guilty of creating distrust,the PPP are more to blame,the reasons they drive fear on their Indian base[Country Majority] to continuously be in government.I don't take sides,just say as it is.

I rest my case.

Django posted:

That happens when "Drug Lords" are allowed to ply their trade with impunity.

The crime situation was two fold Drug Lords fighting for turf,and politicians found a venue to destabilize the Government,what a tangled web that was weaved,That is Guyana.

Under PNC today, the drug trade continue unabated, as they arrest a few low level couriers while the big boys continue to play their trade with protection from the upper echelon of the PNC.   Some people must be getting accustomed to stench from the slopcan as duties from the PNC news boy continues.  

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

I don't agree. Django may have his preferences but he is not brainless.

Why worry with Baseman,that fella likes a room full of "yes" men.

Here you go again low-thinking!!  You have seen me being critical of the PPP and being attacked by people like Drugb, yet you call me a yes man.  Banna, you are truly a low-thinker!

YOU are a PNC YES man and a PPP NO man.  I am Yes and No to both when I see fit!  That takes inductive and deductive reasoning and an appreciation of the truth and facts as I see it, something lacking with low-thinkers.  So you hop on a track, squeeze your nose and run with it come hell or high-water!

Well me thinks you are lacking judgement,am not a PPP nor PNC.


Let us remember that the PNC were the cause for the business community to create the phantoms.  The PNC were in charge of the criminals gangs in Guyana, giving critical financial and political support via the supply of arms, money for sporting and living expenses,  instructions on who to rob, street protests when the criminals were killed.  Don't fall for the propaganda from pnc news boy. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

I don't agree. Django may have his preferences but he is not brainless.

Of course he is brainless.  Anyone with zero deductive reasoning capability whose purpose to life is to beat the PNC drum like a robot is brainless.  Cutting and pasting PNC propaganda all day is also a symptom of brainlessness.  There are many other attributes to his brainlessness which Nehru can fill in when he wakes up.  I am afraid to spend too much time in brainless robot's territory.

Madam, you have the same right to post PPP propaganda,who is stopping you???

Your side kick is the "Brainless one" what doe one gather from his post,noting.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

I don't agree. Django may have his preferences but he is not brainless.

Of course he is brainless.  Anyone with zero deductive reasoning capability whose purpose to life is to beat the PNC drum like a robot is brainless.  Cutting and pasting PNC propaganda all day is also a symptom of brainlessness.  There are many other attributes to his brainlessness which Nehru can fill in when he wakes up.  I am afraid to spend too much time in brainless robot's territory.

He is as brainless as the make make them. Rught from the mould.

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

I don't agree. Django may have his preferences but he is not brainless.

Of course he is brainless.  Anyone with zero deductive reasoning capability whose purpose to life is to beat the PNC drum like a robot is brainless.  Cutting and pasting PNC propaganda all day is also a symptom of brainlessness.  There are many other attributes to his brainlessness which Nehru can fill in when he wakes up.  I am afraid to spend too much time in brainless robot's territory.

He is as brainless as the make make them. Rught from the mould.

Oh skites the petticoat thugger show up.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

He is as brainless as the make make them. Rught from the mould.

Oh skites the petticoat thugger show up.

Django, you let these guys bait you with this PNC thing and you start spinning like a top. All they are doing is trying to piss you off. Sometimes you need to join them and laugh together at what they write.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

He is as brainless as the make make them. Rught from the mould.

Oh skites the petticoat thugger show up.

Django, you let these guys bait you with this PNC thing and you start spinning like a top. All they are doing is trying to piss you off. Sometimes you need to join them and laugh together at what they write.

Bhai, i doan worry with the "Three Stooges" who gangs up on me,i would never write such nonsense[ Brainless,FILTH HEADS,etc] to belittle any one that,is for kindergartners.

Some times i does hold my piece and let it slide.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django is a brainless PNC mascot!!

I don't agree. Django may have his preferences but he is not brainless.

The reason I say that, I have yet to see him one time acknowledge the PNC used nefarious means to destabilize the PPP and caused much of the mayhem targeting the PPP constituency!  And he acknowledge nothing positive of the PPP.  All the stuff you mentioned about the armed forces participation are old and known facts.

Now, he claim to be some sort of "coolie", so I cannot accuse him of racism, that leads to a state non-thinking, or low-thinking!

Dude,I am not biased like you,and don't see myself as superior to any one.

I don't care what happened in 60' I was merely a kid and had no clue,and wouldn't believe here say,every one have their own tale to spin.I read a few documents and have concluded what was the cause of the that crisis.

I grow up and lived under Dictator Burham,Indians were allowed to move freely and carry their lives,there were no severe oppression and segregation as you want the world to believe,In that period i visited African Villages and were welcomed,everyone have their own tale to tell,mine may differ.

The best PPP government i experienced was from 1992 to 1996,although there were some favoritism i turned a blind eye.

Under the "Indian Savior" Jagdeo it was the worst PPP government,he allowed "Drug Lords" to roam ruled like a dictator worse than Burnham.

Both the PPP and PNC are guilty of creating distrust,the PPP are more to blame,the reasons they drive fear on their Indian base[Country Majority] to continuously be in government.I don't take sides,just say as it is.

I rest my case.

You never made a case, so what are you resting?  I am biased, yet I am critical of the PPP over things I felt they could have done better!  You, on the contrary, run on your PNC track regardless where it leads.

You seem to lack the intellectual capability to decipher the good, the bad, and the ugly from each.  No one is all or nothing.  You run on the track that one is good and the other is bad, never looking right or left!

You are a non-to-low functioning thinker!

Drugb posted:

Let us remember that the PNC were the cause for the business community to create the phantoms.  The PNC were in charge of the criminals gangs in Guyana, giving critical financial and political support via the supply of arms, money for sporting and living expenses,  instructions on who to rob, street protests when the criminals were killed.  Don't fall for the propaganda from pnc news boy. 


Django posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Typical PNC shyte.  Back in the day (60's) after they muscled their way to power and called off their dogs, Burnham claimed he brought peace.  The PNC sponsored terrorists created mayhem in the 2000's targeting Indians while the armed forces squatted.  PNC full of sh1t!!

Granger talking about "causation". He obviously ignoring that many of those criminals were supported by the PNC back then. Their boy, fineman was given a celebrity funeral after he was killed. Phantom squad may sound bad but it curbed the terrible crime wave back then. I used to read of cases where the bandits used to warn the police not to show up. Eve Leary had to hire security guards.I have no complaints against the methods used by Jagdeo to solve that crime wave back then.

Kaz bhai,to each his own,

there are more than one way "to skin wan cyat",the one he choose is un acceptable in modern day.

Django would be speaking differently had you lived in Guyana during this period.



Imran posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Granger talking about "causation". He obviously ignoring that many of those criminals were supported by the PNC back then. Their boy, fineman was given a celebrity funeral after he was killed. Phantom squad may sound bad but it curbed the terrible crime wave back then. I used to read of cases where the bandits used to warn the police not to show up. Eve Leary had to hire security guards.I have no complaints against the methods used by Jagdeo to solve that crime wave back then.

Kaz bhai,to each his own,

there are more than one way "to skin wan cyat",the one he choose is un acceptable in modern day.

Django would be speaking differently had you lived in Guyana during this period.



If then President Jagdeo did not use "alternative" means to control the gangs, we might have seen worse like what Boko Haram is doing. Long Live Bharat Jagdeo. Fight fiah with fiah.



Using "Drug Lords" which was allowed to ply their trade,to curb criminal activities is out of line.

Jagdeo,created that mess and refused help from the British and US,his economic plan for development [Dirty Money] took many lives,even one of his minister of gov't got his life snuffed away.


By what I have read here it is too bad Granger is putting the brakes on Phantom Squads..he should add a few hundred more to the team..give cryababies something real to bitch about.


East Indians of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Guyanese East Indian Heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana will one day get their own independent sovereign country. It is not a matter of if but when. When that day comes there will be no need for Phantoms because we will have our own armed forces and intelligence.


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