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Former Member

The 1964 general elections showed that more than 97 percent East Indians voted for Cheddi Jagan and the PPP.

I joined the PPP in August 1969, less than 5 years after it was removed from office. When I turned up for my first group meeting at Marimootoo's home in Leonora, there were only 4 others. Marimootoo and Pariag Sukhai, paid PPP functionaries, and two young men from Stewartville, Bholan Boodhoo and Sohan Datt. Not a single Leonora resident. Mind you, Leonora was a PPP stronghold up to the 1964 elections.

In 1974, I was chairman of the Uitvlugt Pasture PYO group which had 10 members. On meeting nights I had to round up most of them house to house, cajoling and begging them. They saw little point in staying with Jagan who couldn't give them jobs.

From the time I joined the PPP and volunteered as an activist, I watched helplessly as Indians gravitated to the PNC in droves. Some said: "If yuh cyaant beat dem, join dem." Some told me bluntly that I had no ambition as a young man, sticking with Jagan.

From 1984 to 1990, I was Secretary of the Georgetown PPP Group. The average attendance at meetings was 6-10 persons. Of that number, only 3 were Indians.

The point I am making is that a PPP in government attracted Indians en masse, but out of government lost Indians en massetoo.

Mark my words, in the coming months and years, Indians will drift away from the PPP.

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I agree. Especially now that the dynamics of the game will be fundamentally altered.


The PPP will contract as a party. Their membership alone in Government was never more than a small insignificant amount of the Indian population. They deliberately kept the party membership small so as to better control it.


Most of these untalented unintelligent buffoons failed in government where the IQ requirement was already pretty low for success. Imagine how they will fail in Opposition where one actually has to be competent and talented. Even 1 person in the PPP's leadership must be capable. They have no one. And Indians are not a people into "struggle." They will join the PNC en masse. I'm not even sure the AFC will benefit from this. Guyanese people tend to gravitate to the party of the Presidency as we have a monarchial system.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

They will drift away if the PPP remains in opposition. If the coalition can provide them with economic benefits then they will switch. What is so new about what you are saying? 

True, for us Indians it all about the individual pocket book, i mean just listen to Tk.


Meanwhile, for blacks, its about the "race."  C00lies will be the last slaves on Earth before we all are consumed by the wrath of the sun.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

They will drift away if the PPP remains in opposition. If the coalition can provide them with economic benefits then they will switch. What is so new about what you are saying? 

True, for us Indians it all about the individual pocket book, i mean just listen to Tk.


Meanwhile, for blacks, its about the "race."  C00lies will be the last slaves on Earth before we all are consumed by the wrath of the sun.

I am confused here.  For the last 40 years we heard all about how racist Burnham was and now we are hearing that Indos thought that they had career opportunities with them, so they deserted the PPP.


How so if Burnham hated Indians? Confused!!!!


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