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@Former Member posted:

What, are you having an orgasm just watching the young lady?  you old pervert!

I feelin good for you deh banna. Imagine you tracing dem tattoos with your tongue, yessss you da man. 


It's just come out idiot in chief borrowed 211 million $  from a Chinese bank and dem bannas gonna want their cash in a couple years. Oh ma lawd, here he was saying if Biden won China would own the US,. Dem Chinese gonna own his rass now, he'll be their secret sauce in fried rice.

Last edited by cain
@Former Member posted:

Perhaps, Trump was gobbling-up lots of disinfectant for quite a while.

There may be a case for injecting something directly into the lung.  It may slow the spread 

@Mars posted:

Well thanks for that bit of information. If you hadn't told me, I would have never known. 

I was being sarcastic. Why you said drink Marvex?  When you drink something, wet it guh, yuh stomach or lungs?

@Former Member posted:

I was being sarcastic. Why you said drink Marvex?  When you drink something, wet it guh, yuh stomach or lungs?

I was simply making a joke. Didn't you see the big grin smiley face in my post? I'm not like that Knucklehead president we have suggesting that injecting disinfectants would be good for treating Covid 19.

@Mitwah posted:

And you are living proof that it works. 

Well, I was being a bit off the wall. But they said to drink warm lemon to kill the virus in the throat so it don’t get to your lungs. So there is a topical approach.  I drink warm lemon every night.  My woman call every night to mek sure I do. She and me social distancing for now. 

@Mars posted:

I was simply making a joke. Didn't you see the big grin smiley face in my post? I'm not like that Knucklehead president we have suggesting that injecting disinfectants would be good for treating Covid 19.

Ok. He just likes to rattle people cage. I don’t think ingesting is good. But inhaling vapors might help. 


This crap is really getting out of hand. I just read up on Genesis11 they market a product named MMS, this is a friken religious cult that got idiotman's attn and put the bug in his ear about this bleach shit. The a-whole turns a blind ear to the professionals but listen to crazy mof's just like him. 

@Former Member posted:

Now, don’t you inhale weed vapors. I bet no Coronavirus come close to you.

Banna I have nothing against the erb but my lungs are clear from that a lil while now but I do use essential oils almost everyday. I use Olibanum (Frankensense) Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Basil and for the sensual feeling... Ylang Ylang. 

@cain posted:

This crap is really getting out of hand. I just read up on Genesis11 they market a product named MMS, this is a friken religious cult that got idiotman's attn and put the bug in his ear about this bleach shit. The a-whole turns a blind ear to the professionals but listen to crazy mof's just like him. 

He's getting desperate about the country's economy, the upcoming election, and that he should be campaigning for his 2nd term...

@Former Member posted:

He's getting desperate about the country's economy, the upcoming election, and that he should be campaigning for his 2nd term...

Why are the Democrats so antsy?  Are their supporters that stupid to go drink Clorox?  Lord!

However, I do believe a topical application of something might be worth a try. I drink a shot of warm lemon juice every night to kill off any virus. Seems to be working.  I ain’t even kech a cold since March!

@Former Member posted:

Why are the Democrats so antsy?  Are their supporters that stupid to go drink Clorox?  Lord!

Republicans are the fools who would listen to the idiot...Democrats listen to him to get a laugh. The idiot listened to some who were jailed for pushing that poison and he thought it was a great idea. My Lord man how much more of stupid can America handle?

@cain posted:

Republicans are the fools who would listen to the idiot...Democrats listen to him to get a laugh. The idiot listened to some who were jailed for pushing that poison and he thought it was a great idea. My Lord man how much more of stupid can America handle?

His people are not concerned with any of his supporters drinking Clorox.

@Former Member posted:

His people are not concerned with any of his supporters drinking Clorox.

Why would they, they are not smart enough to know better....they would be concerned if they were smart. So you are saying everything a President says should not be taken seriously correct?

@cain posted:

Why would they, they are not smart enough to know better....they would be concerned if they were smart. So you are saying everything a President says should not be taken seriously correct?

You are not acting like a true intelligent White Guyanese!  You behaving like Black Plague kech pun you!


Haul yo ass. If Presidents are not to be believed why hold briefings? You just afraid to choke while admitting trump is a dumbass fraud. His people finally ketch lil sense and grab hold of his rein..hold it jackass hold it deh


@cain posted:

Haul yo ass. If Presidents are not to be believed why hold briefings? You just afraid to choke while admitting trump is a dumbass fraud. His people finally ketch lil sense and grab hold of his rein..hold it jackass hold it deh


Banna. Shut yuh rass.  Trump 2020. 


Me and my sons have not had hair cuts for almost two months. This is a dilemma. We are looking like Amazonian Indians.

We are now contemplating hopping into the car and drive to  my brother in Georgia and get haircuts and return. It’s 14 hours and gas is cheap. The gas will costs slightly more than the haircuts.  And with free food from my brother, it’s a break even, if not a brake even!

Last edited by Former Member

Eh eh, you leffin back da 300lb bovine? She could be useful in one way but costly in another. You see... if you bruk down use her fo chock de car so it doan roll back and while at your brother getting haircut get her a Brazilian wax job (I not even gonna try and picture dah one). Now that could cost more in gas (hope ah doan need to explain about carryin extra weight) an if you rass think she eating fo free, you gonna get a surprise deh.


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