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Former Member
It is absolutely pellucid the opposition parties intent on killing this year budget in an attempt to appeal to their base voters to gain petty political points by demonizing government policies and initiatives. What they fail to acknowledge is that by doing this it would result in the political suicide of these two flaccid non entities (APNU/ AFC) since it is the government of the day that was responsible for propelling our economy out of fiscal despair, and providing a rather predictable economic policy which is more pragmatic since it possess the rudiments that offers macroeconomic stability.
It comes has no surprise that the political oppositions (APNU/ AFC)  who are now perceptibly indistinguishable would engage in misleading the Guyanese people by misrepresenting the details composed in the national budget, “the people’s budget”.
It is a decade of diabolical distortions that can be traced from as far back as the presentation of 2002 national budget, and includes every other budget leading up to 2012 that has been tabled by the PPP government. Please don’t take my word for it just do the research and the consistency of the oppositions’ fallacious arguments would become evident, the most popular being and I quote “this budget is a disgrace and it lacks vision”. For the past umpteen years this has been the opposition description of every national budget presented in the National Assembly by the PPP government.
Believe it or not this has been the budgetary rhetoric of the oppositions’ position crafted to deceive the general public in order to stimulate public outrage leading up to and during the budget debate. But the biggest piece of oratory feces excreted by the opposition stooges, thus far, was malignantly suggesting that any continuity of government economic policy as it relates to our national development prospects which were made possible by the previous administration would somehow negatively impact the state of our economy, implying that it would be a burden on the people of Guyana.
As the story unfolds so does the hilarity of Burnham Bohemians who are more than deserving of a standing ovation, or probably even an Oscar for their comical and unrealistic proposals in parliament during the budget debate.
Never mind that in 2012 budget income tax threshold will increase to $600,000 annually or $50, 000 monthly ensuring that Public Servants receives $3 Billion of additional disposable income, never mind 21,000 Guyanese will not be taxed or that there is NO new tax introduced, never mind the 8% increase to Old Age pension directed to 42, 000 senior citizens, or the 7% increase in Public Assistance to 9000 Guyanese. Never mind $4 Billion was allocated to the Sugar industry where 20,000 workers and their families would benefit from the government subvention, or what about the $6 Billion allocated towards GPL intended to alleviate the burden off thousands of consumers on its grid.
Lost in translation are these instrumental projects and initiatives that are not for PPP, APNU or AFC supporters, but these project initiatives are intended for all people of Guyana. But the people must understand that these proposals require vision, patience, financial investments, and optimism in the government of day to facilitate these developments.
It is true that every service the government provides could be improved and extended. Of course we need a cheaper, cleaner electricity supplies (Amaila Fall Hydro-electric Project). Of course we need more hospitals including a specialty hospital and personnel to man it. Of course there are many antiquated schools, school drop outs and few teachers. Of course there are insufficient home buildings regrettably some still live in poverty. Of course the road is inadequate to meet modern requirements and is need of expanding and pretty soon even by- passes especially at the rate in which vehicles are being afforded by people, selling like Cross buns on Good Friday! Of course we need an international hotel to boost the image of our country (Marriot) and of course we need a modernized international airport.
Contrary to what is being peddled by the APNU/ AFC officials, the Greenidges’ and the Nagamootoos’, this is not the time for political grandstanding or partisan politics not when so much is at stake, the elections has long escaped us, let’s stay focus and get the work done for the probity of all Guyanese because the fact of the matter is that these developments whether social, infrastructural, or economical cost money and lots of it and would required government support whether it act as key stakeholder or providing a conducive environment that would be fair and favorably for potential investors to come on board.

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