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New agents of Change - Join the AFC political change movement.

Demerara Waves
Written by realTalk

Sunday, 16 October 2011 08:13

As the Alliance for Change (AFC) moves on to the six-week electoral campaigning homestretch towards Elections 2011, it is gathering considerable traction and momentum with the new membership of Dr. Richard Van-West Charles and Mr. Rajendra Nauth Bissessar. And if the media speculation is correct about Mr. Moses Nagamootoo’s seeming intention to also join the AFC political change movement, then Guyanese are truly in for a historical election in which two very powerful opposition political machines will be vying to remove the PPP from office.

That the AFC is attracting such strong political support from former members of both political parties that have seen devastating power in Guyana, is testimony that it is the ultimate destination for politicians willing to see that unprecedented political change becomes a reality in Guyana. There is undoubtedly a political maturation taking place in the opposition, that if properly supported can see the end to the oppressive race-based politics that for five decades has achieved nothing but underdevelopment and divisiveness among the Guyanese people. For too long, Guyanese have been stagnated in arguably the longest political adolescence in the history of Caribbean politics.

In embarking on political maturity, Guyanese must learn to winnow the chaff from the grain when scrutinizing a party’s platform. Guyanese must continue to learn to be issue-based in their voting, instead of being personality based or race-based as has been so maliciously peddled for over five decades, and which sadly today still seems to be alive and well in some campaign rhetoric.

While election is essential to democracy, sadly in Guyana, campaigning seems to be about a highly divisive exercise that the electorate is enthused by, especially if the tactics employed are of the smear and licentious genre. This must stop immediately! Usually, elections in the Guyana are not considered the competition of the best minds and the massive display of public education, but rather an ostentatious menu of realignments, finance, racism and separation.

Judging from the perpetual ignorant diatribe and hate speeches that the PPP feels is its most effective campaigning tool, Guyanese can be assured that those politicians reaching out to the AFC and any other opposition parties will be vociferously labelled in the most derogatory manner at public meetings where the PPP stalwarts go to vent. Guyanese must ignore the useless cries of the PPP begging for another term in office after 19 years of rule, of which the last 15 has been nothing but a corrupt, contrived scheme to reward incompetence.

After almost two decades of being in charge of Guyana, Guyanese are realising that the PPP is at its lowest point and is unable to think and function objectively. The PPP has lost its focus over a decade ago and therefore it is time for it to take some time out to regroup and re-establish a sensible political vision.

It is indeed heartening to see the AFC engaging the attention of experienced and highly qualified politicians all in an effort to become the winning solution for Guyana. Critics, cynics and supporters of other political ideologies will rise up and find areas of the past and even present political garments of the new AFC recruits to criticise, but as mentioned earlier Guyanese must focus on issues and not race, personalities and past political affiliation.

Let the emerging political maturity prevail in Guyana. As campaigning intensifies, Guyanese must encourage a healthy political atmosphere where meaningful debate differentiates the party with the best policies and strategies for Guyana from the incompetent.

Political change is coming to Guyana. Embrace it. Vote for it!

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AFC Press Release

Berbicians want change - calls on Nagamootoo to join AFC

Oct. 15, 2011 – Berbicians are going to the polls confident that their desire for change is being realised by the Alliance for Change. More than 600 cane cutters, small farmers, civil servants, teachers and others marched from Port Mourant to Whim on the Corentyne Coast. At Whim, the marchers were joined by another 600 who had gathered for the planned public meeting.

Throughout the march there were shouts of β€œwe want change”, β€œwe want change now”, β€œNagamotoo coming… how about you”, β€œPPP must go” and other slogans. The march was led by Presidential Candidate Khemraj Ramjattan, Dr. Richard Van West Charles, Dr. Ramayya and other Regional executives. They were the featured speakers at the public meetings. Among the marchers were several relatives of Moses Nagamootoo.

Dr. Van West Charles reiterated that the change must come for the future of Guyana for the youth who are the affected by the PPP. The PPP administration is corrupt and destructive and they must not be given another five years. Khemraj Ramjattan reminded the large gathering that the beginning of the end of the PPP has come, his remarks was greeted with a loud celebration

The atmosphere was festive as persons danced, hugged and cheered for the anticipated change that will come on November 28.

The AFC is Guyana’s only multi-ethnic party contesting the 2011 General Elections with a strong message of economic transformation through job creation, safety and security, social Justice and tax cuts.

Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Van Charles has reminded the people of Burnham...

hamilton Join the PPP and ChaRLES JOIN THE afc..

Yet 1000+ people showed up. The AFC is the only multi ethnic party and it will form a legitimate multi ethnic government.

The AFC is not a ethnic party. People who attended parties are not necessary your supporters. Out of curiosity they went. Ravi dev made the same mistake of underestimting the people who attend his cultural rally.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Rama_cant: The AFC is not a ethnic party.

Uncle Rama...I know you too are making the right turn. flag gnirocks

What do you say about your commie friend, sase..?

Why are you calling Sase commie? The man is an investment banker. Don't tell me you already on that white rum? Smile

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