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New Amsterdam Hospital is going downhill

Dear Editor,

New Amsterdam Hospital is drastically going downhill: dogs and cats have become visitors since the stench is inviting; patients have to fork out monies to buy basic medications; some patients who cannot afford to buy will have to await the arrival of drugs; x-ray films have now become a luxury and the operating theatre also seems to be joining the show once in a while. Patients used to complain about the delay in receiving medications because of the long lines at the pharmacy; now they are complaining about the long list of drug shortages.

At the last Health Committee meeting it was explained that some of these shortages stem from the fact that they can only be single sourced while the Tender Board is demanding at least three quotations. Since this criterion cannot be met then no approval is given to purchase the drugs. However, while this may be so it is the Minister’s responsibility to ensure that this anomaly is rectified. Patients simply cannot wait on the tendering process.

Another problem which was raised is the malfunctioning or non-functioning of the Materials Management Unit (MMU). This has been the complaint for a long time now, and I have repeatedly made calls for the coalition government to recommend a commission of inquiry into the declining health sector.

While no one seems to have a clue how to stem this downward slide, the CEO of the New Amsterdam Hospital seems to becoming more adept at unprofessional conduct. Arrogance and aggression seem to be the only weapons in his arsenal of management skills. His management ‘style’ is bereft of any diplomacy and tact, as is evidenced by two of his most recent episodes.

On June 2, 2016, the Medical Superintendent, Dr V Sharma became his latest victim when she was verbally abused by the CEO, Mr Bynoe and was told to get out of his office. According to a letter of complaint written by Dr Sharma, such a tirade was “unprovoked, unnecessary, unwarranted and disrespectful”. She merely went to apprise the CEO of the non-functioning of the main theatre. She was very assertive in saying that it has become challenging to work along with the CEO whose unprofessional behaviour has become unbearable.

It was this same incident which caused the CEO to upbraid the REO, Dr Ramayya, for entering the NA Hospital without his permission.  It is unimaginable that the regional executive must now make an appointment to visit the hospital.

Yours faithfully,

Haseef Yusuf

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