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Beharry Group secures KFC franchise

By Staff Writer On January 11, 2016 @ 5:10 am In Local News

The Beharry Group of Companies has obtained the franchise for Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and will be re-establishing the brand here soon.

Sources say the group plans to open soon at six locations across the country.

In August of last year, the KFC outlet near Stabroek Square and the KFC and Pizza Hut outlets on Vlissengen Road were forced to close for “maintenance” after regional representatives of Yum! Brands, the company that is responsible for both KFC and Pizza Hut brands, had visited and found poor hygiene practices. The franchise was then held by Friendship Hotel & Restaurant Holdings Limited headed by businessman Deo Singh.

Later last year, the Guyana Revenue Authority had also announced that it had instituted wind-up proceedings against Friendship Hotel & Restaurant Holdings over large outstanding taxes.

Friendship Hotel & Restaurant Holdings Limited is a sister company of DIDCO Trading Company Limited, which on its website said Singh, with his vision, was able to secure the KFC franchise. The first KFC outlet opened its doors in Guyana on April 26, 1994 at the busy downtown location at Stabroek. The other outlets and the Pizza Hut had followed soon after.

In December, the Pizza Hut franchise returned to Guyana under new management, the Corium Group, and its first location at Camp and Regent streets was launched.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I hope they open up one of the branches in Buxton. This troubled village needs an infusion of investments like KFC.

You are not serious. Every night the place gets robbed.

skeldon_man posted:

Wow technical employment for 5(cash register experience). Full employment for about 20 if you count the number of people downstream.

Funny you screamed that this was "progress" when the PPP was in power, and now suddenly don't find this impressive.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Wow technical employment for 5(cash register experience). Full employment for about 20 if you count the number of people downstream.

Funny you screamed that this was "progress" when the PPP was in power, and now suddenly don't find this impressive.

Nice investment to attract expats. Come back, kill, clean and fry chicken. These will be good paying jobs in Buxton, Wismar and Buxton. You might even a high tech job as a cash register operator.


this is not new business. apparently Georgie not doing his proper research. KFC has been in Guyana for a while. AT least 12 years back near demico house. I had some financial difficulties due to robberies by afc/apnu supporters. 


The KFC outlet on Water Street, Stabroek
The KFC outlet on Water Street, Stabroek

KFC, PIZZA HUT reopening delayed


CUSTOMERS of the four Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and lone PIZZA Hut outlets in the city were disappointed to find that the promised Thursday re-opening of the outlets had not materialised.

PIZZA Hut has been temporarily closed for business

PIZZA Hut has been temporarily closed for business

Managing Director of the local KFC franchise, Mr. Deo Singh, had told the Guyana Chronicle last Saturday that the five outlets had been closed in order to effect their maintenance and upgrading. On Thursday August 7, he assured that the services would have been restored by Thursday August 14, 2014.
The outlets found closed on Thursday morning are: KFC on Water Street Stabroek; Vlissengen Road; Mandela Avenue; Bagotstown, and PIZZA Hut on Vlissengen Road.
On Thursday last Singh apologised for the entity’s failure to meet this commitment, and explained that work has not been progressing as fast as he had anticipated. He added that the workers are working diligently, with a view to having the job expedited in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of management and customers.

Singh has assured that the 250 employees temporarily off the job will not be made to suffer financially, since the period will be treated as ‘leave with pay.’

About 30 employees who are not presently entitled to leave are currently assisting the cleansing workforce within the stores, and would be paid for their services, he said.
Management has reiterated its apologies to customers for any inconvenience caused as a result of the closure of the outlets, and has promised to keep the public updated on the issue of the franchise’s reopening.


Is KFC new?  I ate there several years ago, it was at that former bank building near Stabroek market!

Demico house sold chicken in the rough, KFC sole fried chicken.  There is a difference, think!

Mars posted:
ball posted:

Think! Demico house sold KFC way before since 1978 think back

Demico House never sold KFC. They sold their own chicken and were never affiliated with KFC.

Is like you sayin de banna talkin balls.

Last edited by cain
Drugb posted:

"this is not new business. apparently Georgie not doing his proper research. KFC has been in Guyana for a while. AT least 12 years back near demico house. I had some financial difficulties due to robberies by afc/apnu supporters."


So tell us more about this here made up robbery by these here made up supporters.

Last edited by cain

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