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Dr Roopnaraine reassigned to Ministry of Presidency, Henry will function as Education Minister

15 mins ago
Minister of State Joseph Harmon this afternoon announced that Education Minister Dr Rupert Roopnaraine will be re-assigned to the Ministry of the Presidency with responsibility for the public service.

This appointment takes effect from June 15.

Harmon said that Granger this morning told Cabinet that he had a discussion yesterday morning with Dr Roopnaraine and out of that meeting it was agreed that he would be reassigned. Granger further briefed Cabinet that a department would be created in the Ministry of the Presidency to oversee innovation and reform in the education sector. Granger will have responsibility for this department.

Minister in the Ministry of Education, Nicolette Henry will function as the Minister of Education until further notice, Harmon said.

Dr Roopnaraine will continue to be a member of Cabinet and a Member of Parliament, Harmon said.

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......Education Minister Dr Rupert Roopnaraine will be re-assigned to the Ministry of the Presidency with responsibility for the public service............
Granger further briefed Cabinet that a department would be created in the Ministry of the Presidency to oversee innovation and reform in the education sector..........
Dr Roopnaraine will continue to be a member of Cabinet and a Member of Parliament, Harmon said.



In fact some might wonder why a man who has been sick for a long time, wasn't asked to retire.

But this isn't the PPP style.  I know people who are involved in educational projects in Guyana and Roopnarine has been missing in action for almost 2 years. He is sick.  A ministry of this in a land of semi literates is too important to leave to a sick man.


Why was the "sick man" appointed in the first place to be Minister of Education?  And worse yet, why was he replaced by the Minister of Phagwali?

This was the lady that screwed up logistical arrangements at the 50th Independence event (but then she might have been tasked to do that) and who also doesn't know the difference in ethnic/based holidays! How will she complete her scholarship tenure at a foreign university? On government's time?  She is collecting a full salary while studying abroad!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why was the "sick man" appointed in the first place to be Minister of Education?  


He wasn't sick when he was appointed.  You can scream to the moon about the new minister.  I don't think that being ignorant of a religion which isn't yours is a big crime.  Loads of you all cannot even sing the national anthem.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why was the "sick man" appointed in the first place to be Minister of Education?  


He wasn't sick when he was appointed.  You can scream to the moon about the new minister.  I don't think that being ignorant of a religion which isn't yours is a big crime.  Loads of you all cannot even sing the national anthem.

If he is sick, he should retire. Why ask a sick person to do a stressful job?  Ain't nobady gat time fuh Guyana national anthem when dey live in Amerika.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why was the "sick man" appointed in the first place to be Minister of Education?  


He wasn't sick when he was appointed.  You can scream to the moon about the new minister.  I don't think that being ignorant of a religion which isn't yours is a big crime.  Loads of you all cannot even sing the national anthem.

You think it was an inside hit job?  One cannot trust the PNC.  Old habits die hard!


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