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New fee for burying the dead

A section of Le Repentir burial ground, Georgetown

ADDED to the amount paid to have their deceased relatives interred, individuals must now pay a maintenance fee to the Mayor and City Council (M&CC), Chairman of the Finance Committee Oscar Clarke announced on Friday.

He was at the time presenting the 2017 budget estimates to the City Council, where he drew attention to the number of new fees that will have to be implemented to help the municipality with its expenses for the year.

Regarding the cemeteries, Clarke said, “These facilities are vital to our socio-cultural aspects, but more particularly, our public health. For generations, council has been subsidising the operational costs of this facility, because citizens only pay a meagre sum to inter their loved ones; the rest is left to the council.

“However, this year, 2017, council has instituted a maintenance fee to assist with the general good upkeep of the cemeteries managed by the municipality. As a result, in addition to the fee for the space, individuals must now pay a maintenance charge to the Georgetown City Council,” Clarke continued.
Asked how much the new fee will be, Clarke told this newspaper on Saturday that this is yet to be decided.

Meanwhile, to further rake in revenue, the M&CC has also considered a 10 percent increase across the board on property rates.
“It should be noted that there was no increase in the percentage assessment of property rates since 1998. This is against the background that there are a number of unassessed properties both in terms of construction, expansion and change of use,” observed Clarke.

Because Council is of the view that more revenue can be collected from municipal markets, the entire revenue-collection system for the markets will be computerised to capture all vendors and stallholders who are required to pay fees. In fact, as of this month, Council has decided to implement new fees which will affect salons, barber shops, and other forms of cosmetology.

The municipality has also decided to implement a commercial waste fee to all businesses within the first quarter of the year that is expected to generate approximately $53M for the year.
“Commercial waste-generation has become burdensome to our municipality, since we have seen a rapid increase of such wastes from the business community. The municipality is stretched very thin to remove some 38 tons of commercial waste daily at a cost of $1M per week,” stated Clarke.

Revenue will also be garnered from the controversial parking meter system that was implemented recently, from a hike in container fees to the council, and from efforts to have all court fines paid over to the M&CC as opposed to the Consolidated Fund, where they are being remitted currently.
Clarke reminded that Georgetown comprises an area of 22 square kilometres, or 15 square miles, with a population estimated at 200,000 people and another 50,000 who visit the city for business and other reasons.

It continues to be a city of 60 wards programmed into 15 constituencies, an estimated 40,000 properties on record, excluding squatter settlements and Sophia.
The City Council maintains 160 miles of roads, 800 miles of concrete and earthen drains, 12 outfall channels and sluices; all parapets, reserves and thoroughfares; bridges, footpaths and sidewalks; municipal markets and parks, maternal and child welfare day care services, the abattoir, among many other municipal services, he pointed out.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

It shows when a Namakaram Crabdaag Parasite in Govt, BLOOD SUCKING will be all over!!!!!

Guyana gone fuh goat channa. They will tax the people until nothing is left. Look for crime to spiral. Even the honest, hard working man might have to steal to feed his family. Aw gad, weh you deh? Help me peeple nah!!!!


When Guyanese cannot afford to bury their dead, then they should dump some in front of Granjaw home, then somemore in Oscar Clark home and then some more in the Mayor home..............only then these these politician will realize that they have sucked the blood of the poor and their are no more blood, for these vampires to feast on.


In cda a part of the burial is kept in a trust fund and that is used to maintain the cemetery  

I think I paid roughly 4K for plot and burial for my wife. After that i do not pay anything else. Pineridge keeps the cemetery well groomed


This is the way it is supposed to work. A maintenance cost is added to the price of the plot. The money is supposed to be put in a trust fund which generates an interest. The managers of the burial ground is supposed to use the interest to perform maintenance such as cutting the grass etc. However in PNC situation, they will steal the money for backballing, sport and drink instead of depositing it in a trust fund.  

Prince posted:

Image result for above ground cemetery

Guyana need above ground cemetery like this. Does the M&CC offer refunds when your love ones get drowned underneath when there is flood?

Just a little curious here. Can dead people drown? Also, "drowned underneath" as opposed to drowned above?

GTAngler posted:
Prince posted:

Image result for above ground cemetery

Guyana need above ground cemetery like this. Does the M&CC offer refunds when your love ones get drowned underneath when there is flood?

Just a little curious here. Can dead people drown? Also, "drowned underneath" as opposed to drowned above?

One of my dearest sister is a resident of Le Repentir. We, the living, must oversee that their stay is as comfortable as possible. The thought of knowing that water is dripping on her make me very mad.  


Good morning, first of all, my sincere condolence. Losing a loved one isn't easy and the pain stays with you forever. Now, there is no recognized religion that I know of which believes that a person stays within their earthly vessel after passing. Their soul resides somewhere else. I do understand though. My father is buried in the United States and sometimes I'd wonder if he was cold in winter until I remind myself his soul is safe somewhere else. By the way, you didn't answer either question but there are more important issues.

GTAngler posted:

Good morning, first of all, my sincere condolence. Losing a loved one isn't easy and the pain stays with you forever. Now, there is no recognized religion that I know of which believes that a person stays within their earthly vessel after passing. Their soul resides somewhere else. I do understand though. My father is buried in the United States and sometimes I'd wonder if he was cold in winter until I remind myself his soul is safe somewhere else. By the way, you didn't answer either question but there are more important issues.

I am fascinated with the after life. Sorry if I didn't answer your questions precisely, but be kind to share the important issues.


There is no life after death.  That is something that has been dreamed up by the religious people.  When you are dead you are kapoot. Living this life is enough for mankind. Man has destroyed the world, killed and ridicule his fellow man. Why should he be given a chance to born back only to mess the yonder up

Last edited by Amral

I do believe religion was created by man to control man but being also a child of science, something or some being created us no matter how far back you go.  Most of what was seen as visions and revelations can in modern times be better explained as some sort of mental defect. However, I am not going to turn my back on the religion of my father and his father before him.

GTAngler posted:

I do believe religion was created by man to control man but being also a child of science, something or some being created us no matter how far back you go.  Most of what was seen as visions and revelations can in modern times be better explained as some sort of mental defect. However, I am not going to turn my back on the religion of my father and his father before him.

Agree,I have the same thoughts,also to encourage those who fear death there is an after life.

As i advance in age i questions the theory of after live and have concluded there is none.Life is one track no return,I am not not afraid when expiration time comes,would leave happily,told my kids no crying,no anthar manthar,private funeral cremate my body throw my ashes in the waters of the Oceans or Lakes or whatever they want to do with it,I will not be around.

Amral posted:

There is no life after death.  That is something that has been dreamed up by the religious people.  When you are dead you are kapoot. Living this life is enough for mankind. Man has destroyed the world, killed and ridicule his fellow man. Why should he be given a chance to born back only to mess the yonder up

Brother Keith might beg to differ with you. What about Jesus, Amral?


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