Michael B Joseph

Jan 2 2019


The Ministry of Finance has employed a new Finance Secretary in the person of Michael B Joseph.

Joseph, whose appointment took effect from November 1, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Accounting from the University of the West Indies (UWI), and a Master’s degree in Finance from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland.

According to the ministry, he also received specialised training in Public Finance from the Institute of the International Monetary Fund and Public Sector Investment Programming from the Caribbean Development Bank in conjunction with the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank.

“He is currently a candidate for Doctoral Degree in Business Administration (DBA) from the Cave Hill School of Business (CHSB) of the UWI,” the ministry said. It was also revealed that Joseph has served as Budget Director and Director of Finance with the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Saint Lucia.

Further, the ministry said that Joseph served as General Manager of the Saint Lucia Banana Corporation and as the Executive Finance Director on the Board of the Saint Lucia Banana Growers’ Association.

“In addition, Mr Joseph undertook project management consultancy assignments under the Caribbean Project for Economic Competitiveness (CPEC), designing projects for grant funding from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in several CARICOM countries including Guyana and was a Director on the Board of the Windward Islands Banana Development and Exporting Company (UK) Ltd now WINFRESH,” his resume indicates.

The Finance Ministry’s Public Relations Officer Wanita Huburn, in communicating with Stabroek News, indicated that “Joseph’s tripartite private sector, public sector and project management conditioning within a Caribbean space, makes him a proper fit for the challenges of the Office of Finance Secretary pursuant to the good life on the horizon.”

Stabroek News has reached out to Joseph’s office for an interview but was informed that he is currently out of the jurisdiction.