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New Frontiers Agriculture prepares to reap 100 acres of corn

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A view of the New Frontier Agriculture’s corn field

…from Ebini farm

ACCORDING to New Frontier Agriculture, approximately 100 acres of corn are set to be harvested from their Ebini farm, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Upper Berbice).

The crop, which was planted in July of 2018 as a test run, has the potential of paving the way for the cultivation of two other crops in 2019. Projections show the first crop being 600 acres with the possibility of a larger second crop.

NF Agriculture spokesperson Fabiana Buckley stated that the company is gratified with the results of the test crop, since it confirms the potential of the agricultural lands in the intermediate savannahs.

Buckley added, “We are going to continue to invest in this area as Guyana makes advances in agriculture and other areas.”

With the aim of NF Agriculture being to provide all of Guyana’s local stock market needs by 2020, the company has already sold the first 100 acres of corn to local stockfeed producers.

In a press release, NF stated that they expect to be able to supply the CARICOM market with corn for their stockfeed industry in the near future and as a long-term plan to export beyond the Caribbean.

Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder, on a visit to the farm in September expressed satisfaction with the progress being made at Ebini by NF Agriculture.
Holder further said, “I am impressed with the organisation of this farm and this product of high quality.”

According to Buckley, NF Agriculture is committed to providing employment for residents of the Ebini community, adding, “As we grow we are committed to supporting the local community and making direct contributions to substance farmers operating in the area.”
While focusing on high yields, NF Agriculture is also focusing sharply on sustainability, techniques and products that are environmentally friendly. The seeds being used at the Ebini farm are produced using a seed technology that allows the crop to be pest-resistant. This in turn reduces the need for use of harmful pesticides.

The press release also noted that earlier this year, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between NF Agriculture Inc and investors of Lucas do Rio Verde, which will see the commencement of an Agricultural Village in Guyana’s Intermediate Savannahs.

This advancement will see the construction of a state-of-the-art research institute; bioethanol stations; large-scale agricultural production of corn and soybean; and a banking institution, amongst other profitable opportunities for Guyana.

In addition, students from across the different regions of Guyana will gain many opportunities in becoming knowledgeable about the agricultural industry, enabling Guyana to better compete in the agriculture sector on the world stage.

The company, which began work here in Guyana in 2016, has had a positive impact thus far on the surrounding communities and intends to have an even greater impact in the coming months and years.

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I’m surprised the PPP did not progress on these fronts with diversification.  I remember my dad running experiments for USAID in support of FCH.  They planted acres of different varieties.   

If the PNC does it right this time, they can put the PPP to shame.  But they on their race bandwagon already!  

Baseman posted:

I’m surprised the PPP did not progress on these fronts with diversification.  I remember my dad running experiments for USAID in support of FCH.  They planted acres of different varieties.   

If the PNC does it right this time, they can put the PPP to shame.  But they on their race bandwagon already!  

Hey hey hey...yea...dem black bai KKKs in de PNC seh how Mr Dr Jagdoe dem tief 5 USD billion. And dem gat dat unoriginal professa Thamas a lead de charge wid fake estimate of de money tiefin. Suh dey gat ACDA and dem army bais claimin dem reparation now. Dey usin de PPP tiefin...nothing near USD 5 billion...foh justify dem reparation which will come wid control of de aile money. Dem will give dem coolie contracta lil wuk...and beat dem chest look abie fair. Look how abie gee dem coolies Hindu holiday...ayoo look how abie gat had Ramphal and Shahab...hey hey hey...PPP is wan anti coolie demon and PNC is wan anti coolie demon. Hey hey hey...

WeLabba posted:
Baseman posted:

I’m surprised the PPP did not progress on these fronts with diversification.  I remember my dad running experiments for USAID in support of FCH.  They planted acres of different varieties.   

If the PNC does it right this time, they can put the PPP to shame.  But they on their race bandwagon already!  

Hey hey hey...yea...dem black bai KKKs in de PNC seh how Mr Dr Jagdoe dem tief 5 USD billion. And dem gat dat unoriginal professa Thamas a lead de charge wid fake estimate of de money tiefin. Suh dey gat ACDA and dem army bais claimin dem reparation now. Dey usin de PPP tiefin...nothing near USD 5 billion...foh justify dem reparation which will come wid control of de aile money. Dem will give dem coolie contracta lil wuk...and beat dem chest look abie fair. Look how abie gee dem coolies Hindu holiday...ayoo look how abie gat had Ramphal and Shahab...hey hey hey...PPP is wan anti coolie demon and PNC is wan anti coolie demon. Hey hey hey...

Well, the PPP left that low hanging fruit!


This is great news for Guyana and its agricultural future. The PPP was too busy fixing the PNC mess that it forgot to see the big picture on diversification. They dropped the ball. 

Anyway, the PNC will sport out and waste the aile money and bankrupt Guyana. The PPP will came back again and patch up the PNC mess.

The race issue and tit for tat destroyed what was supposed to be a flourishing country. Jagan and Burnham allowed their big fat egos to get the better of them and scarred the nation. 

Indos have to flee at every opportunity. We are already seeing how the PNC is “rescuing” Indos by throwing scraps at them and filling top postings with Blacks reminiscent of what Burnham did.

Abbie Indos have been screwed by People like Gil and Mitwah who worked very hard in installing the same people who were hell bent on crushing Indos. 



Nah, they were out of the PNC mess for a while.  The problem, if BJ say so is so.  He was lacking in many areas.  This was a big missed opportunity with the EU sugar money!


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