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New GECOM Chairman misled President on CV

Nov 03, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...led-president-on-cv/

UNDER PRESSURE: GECOM Chairman, Justice James Patterson, talking to reporters outside Parliament Buildings yesterday.

– Finally admits was never appointed Chief Justice of Grenada


Newly appointed Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), James Patterson, has finally admitted to the nation that he never held the substantive post of Chief Justice of Grenada in 1987 as stated in his official curriculum vitae (CV) which President David Granger presented to Opposition leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.

This new information gives rise to new questions about the integrity of Patterson’s appointment, since the President would have used the CV to make his decision on the appointment.


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New GECOM Chairman misled President on CV

Nov 03, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...led-president-on-cv/

– Finally admits was never appointed Chief Justice of Grenada

Newly appointed Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), James Patterson, has finally admitted to the nation that he never held the substantive post of Chief Justice of Grenada in 1987 as stated in his official curriculum vitae (CV) which President David Granger presented to Opposition leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.

This new information gives rise to new questions about the integrity of Patterson’s appointment, since the President would have used the CV to make his decision on the appointment.

Patterson was surrounded by a throng of reporters yesterday when he made the disclosure about his tenure in Grenada, which attracted widespread condemnation and among other things, has overshadowed his appointment.

Since President Granger made the appointment on October 19, Kaieteur News placed several calls to Patterson’s office at GECOM to clarify his Grenada appointment. None of the calls were returned.

Following the opening of the 71st Parliament yesterday, Patterson faced questions about his appointment. He could not recall how long he served as the β€œActing Chief Justice of Grenada”.

Kaieteur News spoke with several senior legal luminaries who are well known throughout the Caribbean. They confirmed that if one holds an acting position in the judiciary, that person must always include β€˜acting’ either before or after the position is stated.

It was further pointed out that it would be disingenuous for the person not to indicate clearly that they β€˜acted’ in the post.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo had said that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) was digging deeper into Patterson’s claims that he served as Chief Justice.

β€œThere have been some serious concerns raised about whether Justice Patterson was ever the Chief Justice of Grenada. Many people have called me about this matter and we are going to dig into it a bit more; we are going to try to confirm it, because that is on his CV that I have received,” Jagdeo had confirmed.

Granger had told the media at Patterson’s swearing-in that Patterson had served as Chief Justice in Grenada. When asked about the brewing controversy days later, President Granger did not repeat the claim, but instead said Justice Patterson was a judge of the High Court of Guyana.

β€œHis Curriculum Vitae is not a secret. You can examine it for yourself. He was a judge in Guyana; that’s important,” the President said.

Prior to Patterson’s disclosure yesterday, Kaieteur News was unable to verify Justice Patterson’s Grenada claim although there were suggestions that he may have acted briefly in the post.

Records shared with Kaieteur News suggested that Justice Robert

Archibald Nedd served as Chief Justice of Grenada from 1979 to 1986. He was succeeded by Sir Denis Byron who acted as Chief Justice until 1987 when Sir Samuel Horatio Graham was appointed substantive Chief Justice.

β€œAll that we are hearing from individuals who work in Grenada, who were lawyers in Grenada during that period said they don’t know about (Patterson),” Jagdeo had noted.

The former President had stated that if turns out to be untrue, then Justice Patterson would immediately be disqualified, as it would prevent him from acting impartially and with integrity at GECOM.


New GECOM Chairman misled President on CV

Nov 03, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...led-president-on-cv/

– Finally admits was never appointed Chief Justice of Grenada

Granger had told the media at Patterson’s swearing-in that Patterson had served as Chief Justice in Grenada. When asked about the brewing controversy days later, President Granger did not repeat the claim, but instead said Justice Patterson was a judge of the High Court of Guyana.

β€œHis Curriculum Vitae is not a secret. You can examine it for yourself. He was a judge in Guyana; that’s important,” the President said.

It is extremely important that a person's resume MUST be accurate for everyone clearly stating acting and permanent positions.

The issue of the resume is in regard to being Chief Justice in Grenada.


QUOTE: "Newly appointed Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), James Patterson, has finally admitted to the nation that he never held the substantive post of Chief Justice of Grenada in 1987 as stated in his official curriculum vitae (CV) which President David Granger presented to Opposition leader, Bharrat Jagdeo."

Better late than never. 

STRIKE 1: Patterson couldn't tell a ballpoint pen's head from its tail.

STRIKE 2: Patterson tendered a padded CV to Granger.

STRIKE 3 [pending]: From now onward, Mr Patterson, tread cautiously. Look before you leap. Look left, then right, then left again. Dem boys watching yuh, sah.


Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "Newly appointed Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), James Patterson, has finally admitted to the nation that he never held the substantive post of Chief Justice of Grenada in 1987 as stated in his official curriculum vitae (CV) which President David Granger presented to Opposition leader, Bharrat Jagdeo."

Better late than never. 

STRIKE 1: Patterson couldn't tell a ballpoint pen's head from its tail.

STRIKE 2: Patterson tendered a padded CV to Granger.

STRIKE 3 [pending]: From now onward, Mr Patterson, tread cautiously. Look before you leap. Look left, then right, then left again. Dem boys watching yuh, sah.


Will he mislead the Nation on the election results likewise? Granger needs to do the honorable thing and rescind the appointment and admit the great great great grandfather is not "fit and proper". But then it's all about the guaranty to retain power. 


Demerara_Guy posted:

New GECOM Chairman misled President on CV

Nov 03, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...led-president-on-cv/

UNDER PRESSURE: GECOM Chairman, Justice James Patterson, talking to reporters outside Parliament Buildings yesterday.

– Finally admits was never appointed Chief Justice of Grenada


Newly appointed Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), James Patterson, has finally admitted to the nation that he never held the substantive post of Chief Justice of Grenada in 1987 as stated in his official curriculum vitae (CV) which President David Granger presented to Opposition leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.

This new information gives rise to new questions about the integrity of Patterson’s appointment, since the President would have used the CV to make his decision on the appointment.


If Granger has any integrity at all, he'll fire this chap.


Patterson clearly has a problem with pens. First, he couldn't hold one properly to sign his "baptismal" GECOM doc. Now this:

The omission in my CV was a trifling slip of the pen

The headlines on the front page of the Friday edition of the Kaieteur News screamed: β€œNew GECOM Chairman misled President on CV.” That by itself and bereft of context carries an unsavory connotation. The use of the word β€˜misled’ connotes an evil intent on my part which, I am sure, is the result of misreporting by your reporter.
I did concede, at the press interview, that my Curriculum Vitae, hastily written for the first time in three decades, did not contain the word β€œacting”. I explained that the omission was a lapsus calami, a trifling slip of the pen, and unworthy of further discourse. This storm in a teacup could best be described as de minimis.
A publication of this letter with like or sufficient prominence would cure your publication of any evil intent inimical to my character. I abide by the old saying β€œa half-truth is a whole lie.”
Justice James Patterson
Guyana Elections Commission

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Patterson clearly has a problem with pens. First, he couldn't hold one properly to sign his "baptismal" GECOM doc. Now this:

The omission in my CV was a trifling slip of the pen

The headlines on the front page of the Friday edition of the Kaieteur News screamed: β€œNew GECOM Chairman misled President on CV.” That by itself and bereft of context carries an unsavory connotation. The use of the word β€˜misled’ connotes an evil intent on my part which, I am sure, is the result of misreporting by your reporter.
I did concede, at the press interview, that my Curriculum Vitae, hastily written for the first time in three decades, did not contain the word β€œacting”. I explained that the omission was a lapsus calami, a trifling slip of the pen, and unworthy of further discourse. This storm in a teacup could best be described as de minimis.
A publication of this letter with like or sufficient prominence would cure your publication of any evil intent inimical to my character. I abide by the old saying β€œa half-truth is a whole lie.”
Justice James Patterson
Guyana Elections Commission

Gilly you have to buy this man a Mont Blanc and a bottle of ink!

Bibi Haniffa

So when Patterson got the job as advisor to Williams, he did not present a resume to Williams. Or, did he present one that was three decades old? After 1987, he seemed to have worked for himself except the stint in Guyana as advisor because he never updated his resume.

their story about 2 hrs before he was told is not plausible. Granger was just jerking Jagdeo around and knew that he was going to make a unilateral appointment. Why wait for the last minute?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Patterson clearly has a problem with pens. First, he couldn't hold one properly to sign his "baptismal" GECOM doc. Now this:

The omission in my CV was a trifling slip of the pen

The headlines on the front page of the Friday edition of the Kaieteur News screamed: β€œNew GECOM Chairman misled President on CV.” That by itself and bereft of context carries an unsavory connotation. The use of the word β€˜misled’ connotes an evil intent on my part which, I am sure, is the result of misreporting by your reporter.
I did concede, at the press interview, that my Curriculum Vitae, hastily written for the first time in three decades, did not contain the word β€œacting”. I explained that the omission was a lapsus calami, a trifling slip of the pen, and unworthy of further discourse. This storm in a teacup could best be described as de minimis.
A publication of this letter with like or sufficient prominence would cure your publication of any evil intent inimical to my character. I abide by the old saying β€œa half-truth is a whole lie.”
Justice James Patterson
Guyana Elections Commission

Gilly you have to buy this mana Mont Blanc and a bottle of ink!

That will cause lapsi calamis. To bruk am up in a simple term: janjhat. Big slips of a big Mont Blanc. He better stick wid Bic.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Whether a short notice or not for an appointment, a person MUST present an accurate resume for consideration for the position.

Given the time from the said Acting and Permanent positions, a person would be prudent to update her/his resume.

Maybe Patterson did not have to apply for the job ,he was rewarded the job for being a loyal PNC.



Nov 05, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...t-sunday-november-5/

Justice (retired) James Patterson should be asked to step down as Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission. Not only is his appointment non-consensual, but the misrepresentation that he was the Chief Justice of Grenada adds fuel to the raging controversy over his appointment.

The Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Justice Patterson which was handed over by President Granger to the Leader of the Opposition indicated that Justice Patterson was a former Chief Justice of Grenada. Justice Patterson this past week confirmed that he was never the Chief Justice of Grenada but had acted as Chief Justice of that country. He attributed the mistake to a slip of the pen.

Yet, when pressed by reporters he could not remember the year in which he served as Chief Justice. If it was a β€˜slip of the pen’ that the wold β€œacting” was left off the CV, how does one account for the lapse in memory in not recalling the when he acted as Cheif Justice? Would the CV not have stated a date when Justice Patterson would have acted in the position he says that he acted?. How come that year cannot now be recalled? And hoes does one explain why it took so long for a simple β€˜slip of the pen’ mistake to be corrected.

This nation cannot accept such a mistake or the explanations given especially by someone who will have a decisve say in the outcome of any election in Guyana. What is more disconcerting is the long time that it took for the alleged mistake to be corrected. .

It also means that the President could have been misled into believing that Justice Patterson was a former Chief Justice and therefore based his decision on this untruth. The President had an obligation to undertake the necessary due diligence on someone he was appointing. It is clear that he did not do proper due diligence. The appointment should be revoked.


CV controversy …Pressure mounts for GECOM Chair’s resignation

Nov 05, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-chairs-resignation/

A section of Justice James Patterson’s CV which indicates that he served as Chief Justice of Grenada in 1987.

[[Section of Nov 05, 2017 article]]

Justice James Patterson is being called upon to do the decent thing and tender his resignation as the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) in the wake of revelations that he was never appointed Chief Justice of Grenada as indicated in his Curriculum Vitae (CV).

The CV was presented and acted upon by President David Granger who appointed Justice Patterson on October 19, last. Justice Patterson admitted in a letter published by Kaieteur News that it was β€˜a slip of the pen’ when he excluded that he β€˜acted’ as Chief Justice of Grenada on the CV.

In his letter, Justice Patterson did not indicate what year he β€˜acted’ as Chief Justice although his CV indicated that he served as Chief Justice in 1987. The 84-year-old could not recall what year he served as CJ when he was confronted by reporters following the sitting of the National Assembly last Thursday, nearly two weeks after the controversy first broke.


Source --

CV controversy …Pressure mounts for GECOM Chair’s resignation

Nov 05, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-chairs-resignation/

Last edited by Former Member

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