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@Former Member posted:

New Gov’t must be installed, will of the people must be respected – Sir Shridath Ramphal

Respected Guyanese diplomat, Sir Shridath Ramphal has released a statement calling for the new government to be installed, and the will of the people to be respected, in the wake of the recent Caribbean Court of Justice decision.

Guyanese diplomat, Sir Shridath Ramphal

β€œGuyana’s highest Court” Ramphal said, β€œhas spoken on the March elections, and the air of all of CARICOM is purer for the CCJ’s Judgment.  The rule of law has prevailed, and a darkening cloud has been dissipated by the CCJ’s unanimous jurisprudence. The whole region must be grateful for the Court’s authority and the calm and courageous manner of its exercise.”
Sir Shridath’s statement came in wake of an impasse at the Guyana Elections (GECOM) on the elections declaration following the ruling of Guyana’s highest court, the CCJ. The ruling of the CCJ essentially confirmed the victory of the People’s Progressive Party over the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity +Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) government.
The CCJ on Wednesday also made a pronouncement for the GECOM to ensure that the election results are swiftly declared in accordance with the Laws of Guyana. The Court’s President Justice Adrian Saunders had noted in that decision, β€œit is now for GECOM to ensure that the CEO submits a report in accordance with its directive of 16th of June in order to proceed along a path directed by the laws of Guyana.”
In his writing, Sir Shridath emphasized that, β€œOur country, our region, our hemisphere, our world – will not allow less. Guyana’s Elections Commission, fortified by the Court’s judgment and the people’s demonstrated will, must make democracy prevail. That is its constitutional duty.”
Sir Shridath noted that with the exercise of that duty, the process of healing must begin. In this regard, the diplomat also reflected on the speech he made at the inauguration of the Granger administration in 2015:
β€œAt moments of transition like this, it is the duty of all to work hard at destroying the myth of otherness and at cultivating by conscious effort the reality of oneness that is our historical birth right.”
He stated that those words are as urgent now, at the current moment of transition, as they were urgent then.
β€œLet us follow them and save ourselves,” Sir Shridath said


I do not believe the electorate is intelligent enough to take the decision in selecting a politcal party to govern their country. Ethnically challenged, it is only about Afro-Guyanese, they have everything in Guyana. The vote is merely about their racial group. And the PNC has more that 50% of their support. That is the way it is viewed as of now.

@seignet posted:

I do not believe the electorate is intelligent enough to take the decision in selecting a politcal party to govern their country. Ethnically challenged, it is only about Afro-Guyanese, they have everything in Guyana. The vote is merely about their racial group. And the PNC has more that 50% of their support. That is the way it is viewed as of now.

But you can, Dougla girl. You called Indians and African stupid so you must be a National Service baby.EH!

@Ramakant-P posted:

It looks like Sir Sridatt has a different interpretation of the ruling than his former PNC boys. This is the man who helped Burham rigged the 1968 election is now talking fairness.

The post-1992 PPP/C government sought legal help from Shridath Ramphal in a maritime dispute with Suriname. He cooperated and won Guyana's case. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

That is irrelevant.

The implicit point I tried to make is that the PPP/C knew from Day 1 that Ramphal as Attorney General drafted laws that facilitated PNC rigging of the 1968 election. However, rightly so the PPP/C set that blemish aside and recruited Ramphal to head the government's legal team in that maritime dispute. And Ramphal responded graciously. He held no grudge against the PPP/C for attacking him opening about 1968. Likewise, right now he didn't have to issue two statements firstly calling on Granger to concede a PPP/C victory and to call for respect of the CCJ ruling that GECOM can declare the winner based on the recount results. He could have remained silent but he chose to speak up for justice.


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