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New GPC lawyer in NY displays confusion, acts outside his lawsuit


…signals hatred for Glenn Lall, Adam Harris
A period of deposition that should have lasted three days lasted a mere 42 minutes. Sam Beckerman, the lawyer for the plaintiff, was unaware of the lawsuit his client filed.
New Guyana Pharmaceutical corporation (New GPC) is suing the New York edition of Kaieteur News for libel over the prices the pharmaceutical company charged the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital for drugs supplied to the two institutions.
On Tuesday, the first day of the deposition, Beckerman, in keeping with the action filed, had to depose Dominic Chandra, the circulation manager of the New York edition. But he came prepared to depose Adam Harris, Editor-in-Chief of Kaieteur News.
Lawyers for Kaieteur News, the defendants in the writ, had initially intended to present Adam Harris, Editor-in-Chief, to be deposed by Beckerman. However, after examining the requests Beckerman made, they recognized that he was seeking to prosecute the National Media and Publishing Company, the publishers of Kaieteur News, in New York.
“He has to do that in Guyana. There are no shortcuts to whatever he wants to do,” said James Sullivan, one of the lawyers for Kaieteur News.
His writ was directed at Kaieteur News Inc, the New York edition of the newspaper.
Beckerman turned up with clippings from Kaieteur News (Guyana) and not one clipping of the newspaper he was suing.
Attorney for Kaieteur News, James Sullivan, pointed out his error and this angered Beckerman to the point where he accused Sullivan and Kaieteur News’s other lawyer, John Corring, of prolonging the legal matter. He also accused them of hiding Adam Harris in some backroom. Needless to say, they invited him to conduct a search. Adam Harris, on the advice of the lawyers, was not there.
The Company Secretary for New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation travelled to New York on the same flight as Harris. He conveyed this information to Beckerman.
Sullivan and Corring said that even if Harris was in the room, Beckerman would not have been allowed to depose him because he was barking up the wrong tree.
So unprepared was Beckerman that he never even sought to ascertain the composition of the New York office. Both Sullivan and Corring could only conclude that somebody hates Glenn Lall, the publisher of Kaieteur News and Harris.
Corring said that if Beckerman wants to depose Harris he would have to get an order of court. However, Harris would be testifying in court if the matter ever reaches there.
Meanwhile, the lawyers for Kaieteur News are still awaiting some of their requests from New GPC. They have asked the company to produce invoices of its purchases and receipts of what it would have obtained from the Ministry of Health and GPHC.
They are also to depose the New GPC.

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Dem boys seh…Bobby and he lawyer confused


Bobby ain’t stupid because he now trying to get a court in Uncle Sam to try de Waterfalls paper. This is de paper that talking he story and he don’t really want people know wha he doing. De man hire a lawyer fuh sue de New York paper and that was good. Dem boys seh that he got a right.
But when he lawyer try fuh get de matter in court, he didn’t even have a copy of de New York paper fuh show wha he suing about.  He confused just like de man who hire he. Dem lawyers want see he invoice fuh de drugs he sell de government all dem years and he can’t show dem.
Dem boys seh that perhaps he get confuse like he lawyer since when he sue he didn’t believe that he had to show nutten and that all he got to do is go in court and cry how de New York Waterfalls paper hurt him. Well it don’t wuk so in Uncle Sam.
Imagine Bobby lawyer even begging de Waterfalls paper fuh give he some copy. This is a man who suing a paper and he ain’t got a record of what he suing about. Of course he always getting advice from Jagdeo but he shoulda tek a hint from wha happen to Jagdeo when he sue de Waterfalls paper.
Ah Kneel sue too. He get vex because de Waterfalls paper ain’t print he letter but he got to tek a hint. Dem boys gun ask he in court why he got to eat wid Cliffy every day and that ain’t gun be easy to answer. Even Bobby don’t eat every day wid Jagdeo.
Then he got to explain why he don’t like de Waterfalls boss man and if he tell Bibi not to give de Waterfalls radio licence. Of course, dem boys seh that he like publicity and he only sue de Waterfalls to get de publicity. But dem got bad publicity too.
Jagdeo don’t like de publicity he getting. He tell dem boys that he born in a sorry situation.  He mother was sorry and he father was sorry too. Dem boys believe that he whole family was sorry.
Talk half and don’t feel sorry fuh Bobby.


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