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Turkey with new disgusting incest fatwa


Diyanet is the highest religious authority in Turkey and the final authority in interpretation of Islam. It controls the country’s 85,000 mosques.

Recently the authority issued a fatwa – an interpretation of Islamic rules – which created intense debate.

To a question from a believer, Diyanet replied that from an Islamic view it had no impact on a marriage “if a father kisses his daughter with lust.”

It was also, according to Diyanet, no sin “if the father looks at his daughter and feels lust.” The daughter must, however, “be over nine years old.”

This fatwa comes shortly after another fatwa from Diyanet, which said that engaged couples should not hold hands, because it could lead to other things, things that are haram (illegal) in Islam. In some countries it could even give grown men a reason to pick up stones and throw them at the couple until they are dead.

Put the two latest fatwas together and it gives a view of sexuality in Islam that is completely unreal and disgusting seen with Western eyes.
"Regrettable error in translations"

The fatwa naturally triggered a storm of outrage online, so much that the page where the fatwa had been was removed. But it is still in circulation, as people have saved it.
Now the head of Diyanet, Mehmet Görmez, tries to fix the scandal and run away from the original fatwa. To the Turkish broadcaster TRT, he says that the dramatic interpretation was due to a regrettable error in translation from Arabic!
The new answer to the question of father and daughter lust now reads, according Diyanet, that incest is a "pathological aberration".
There is only one problem - which everybody (at least in Turkey) knows. The religious experts at Diyanet are perfectly fluent in Arabic. They never make banal translation errors like this, ever. But of course, they had to come up with some lame excuse and this was probably the least lame they could come up with during the urgent cleric brainstorming meeting.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sick interpretations of Islame plagues the modern world everywhere. The habit of segregation, differential rights of women vs men, divorce laws, apostasy laws are all inherent abominations in the modern world and the reason we see idiots in the streets protesting disrespect to the koran or where they can flay to death a young woman in the streets on mere accusations of such.


I am get scared when I read these things and think of the innocence of a child at nine years of age. I see examples of changes from my blood cousins that were converted to Muslim early in their lives. Most of my chacha sons were married to Hindu wives. Up until recently, the third and last son divorce his Hindu wife and married to a younger Muslim girl after he came back from Hajj. That make a total of three faithful Hindu wives get kicked to the curb. If my cousins can make such drastic decision to dump their wives and marry Muslim women to fulfill their religious obligation, they can also have the tendency to appease radicalism after making that yearly pilgrimage. isn't it? 

Cobra posted:

I am get scared when I read these things and think of the innocence of a child at nine years of age. I see examples of changes from my blood cousins that were converted to Muslim early in their lives. Most of my chacha sons were married to Hindu wives. Up until recently, the third and last son divorce his Hindu wife and married to a younger Muslim girl after he came back from Hajj. That make a total of three faithful Hindu wives get kicked to the curb. If my cousins can make such drastic decision to dump their wives and marry Muslim women to fulfill their religious obligation, they can also have the tendency to appease radicalism after making that yearly pilgrimage. isn't it? 

Bai Cobra, why did you and your wife divorced?

ksazma posted:
Cobra posted:

I am get scared when I read these things and think of the innocence of a child at nine years of age. I see examples of changes from my blood cousins that were converted to Muslim early in their lives. Most of my chacha sons were married to Hindu wives. Up until recently, the third and last son divorce his Hindu wife and married to a younger Muslim girl after he came back from Hajj. That make a total of three faithful Hindu wives get kicked to the curb. If my cousins can make such drastic decision to dump their wives and marry Muslim women to fulfill their religious obligation, they can also have the tendency to appease radicalism after making that yearly pilgrimage. isn't it? 

Bai Cobra, why did you and your wife divorced?

And what has that got to do with this thread? Is there not a rule on GNI that posters should not refer to other members family? You are in breach of that rule by referring to his personal marital status, and his wife.
But just as damning: are you implying that he had a relationship with a minor, given the context of the thread? If you are, this you are a sick individual.

RiffRaff posted:

sick mudda f...ers

Is there a lawyer among us....What does American law state about such this question.  

I am not sure what is  the real issue since the original article posted sounds like its from a tabloid.


Mr.T posted:
ksazma posted:
Cobra posted:

I am get scared when I read these things and think of the innocence of a child at nine years of age. I see examples of changes from my blood cousins that were converted to Muslim early in their lives. Most of my chacha sons were married to Hindu wives. Up until recently, the third and last son divorce his Hindu wife and married to a younger Muslim girl after he came back from Hajj. That make a total of three faithful Hindu wives get kicked to the curb. If my cousins can make such drastic decision to dump their wives and marry Muslim women to fulfill their religious obligation, they can also have the tendency to appease radicalism after making that yearly pilgrimage. isn't it? 

Bai Cobra, why did you and your wife divorced?

And what has that got to do with this thread? Is there not a rule on GNI that posters should not refer to other members family? You are in breach of that rule by referring to his personal marital status, and his wife.
But just as damning: are you implying that he had a relationship with a minor, given the context of the thread? If you are, this you are a sick individual.

Actually Cobra has himself posted about his divorce here. My question has nothing to do with any minor circumstance (since I don't subscribe to anyone marrying a minor) but more to his sentiments about his relatives who got divorced. I wanted to see how his reason equates with theirs. Cobra opened the door himself when he dragged his relatives into the discussion.

Abu Jihad posted:
RiffRaff posted:

sick mudda f...ers

Is there a lawyer among us....What does American law state about such this question.  

I am not sure what is  the real issue since the original article posted sounds like its from a tabloid.


I didn't make that connection because I did care to dedicate the time to evaluating the source. However, Cobra was recently called out for posting a claim by Naik which was totally false. Another poster posted the video which was totally in opposite to what was posted on that Jewish website. Nonetheless, I will never defend anyone who marries a minor much less their own child.


The question is about the dissolution of the marriage (not having relations with minors).  

Having relations with your daughter is forbidden in the Quran so that is not up for debate.

I really dont know what the answer is from a current legal perspective.


Abu Jihad posted:

The question is about the dissolution of the marriage (not having relations with minors).  

Having relations with your daughter is forbidden in the Quran so that is not up for debate.

I really dont know what the answer is from a current legal perspective.


Even from a Qur'anic perspective, the condition for the dissolution of marriage is clearly explained. It is not the erroneous belief that someone can just say "talaq, talaq, talaq". The ahadith also solidify these conditions when the Prophet said that "of all the things that Allah has made permissible, divorce is the most detested of them". Divorce should not be a whim because in many cases, it affects more than just the two persons getting divorced especially children.


I disone my Muslim cousins a long time ago since they see their Hindus relatives as enemies. If this can happen to people who live like brothers in the past, it give me chills to know what can happen next to nine years old girl children or their next door neighbors who are not Muslims. 

Cobra posted:

I disone my Muslim cousins a long time ago since they see their Hindus relatives as enemies. If this can happen to people who live like brothers in the past, it give me chills to know what can happen next to nine years old girl children or their next door neighbors who are not Muslims. 

They doing that already in the UK.





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A few weeks ago, I got an opportunity to share my learnings at the annual TED conference in Vancouver. What I learned is that we are raising our girls to be perfect, and we raising our boys to be brave. 

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