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Unconscious Qualfon employees rushed to Georgetown Hospital

Unconscious Qualfon employees rushed to Georgetown Hospital
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At least 10 employees of Qualfon Call Center, Goedverwagting/Plaisance were Tuesday afternoon rushed to the Georgetown Hospital in an unconscious condition after a problem developed with air conditionining unit at the Beterverwagting location collapsed, according to well-placed sources.

Another source said that the Call Centre was struck by a power failure because the generators stopped working, resulting in no air conditioning being supplied to the complex.

A number of the employees have been vomiting and fainting, while others were having asthma attacks.

Demerara Waves Online News was told that the Goedverwagting/Plaisance location has no windows and only one entrance/exit. Management also prevents call service agents from leaving the premises once they are on shift.

Efforts to obtain an official comment from a company representative were unsuccessful.

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Originally Posted by Jalil:

Unconscious Qualfon employees rushed to Georgetown Hospital

Unconscious Qualfon employees rushed to Georgetown Hospital
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

At least 10 employees of Qualfon Call Center, Goedverwagting/Plaisance were Tuesday afternoon rushed to the Georgetown Hospital in an unconscious condition after a problem developed with air conditionining unit at the Beterverwagting location collapsed, according to well-placed sources.

Another source said that the Call Centre was struck by a power failure because the generators stopped working, resulting in no air conditioning being supplied to the complex.

A number of the employees have been vomiting and fainting, while others were having asthma attacks.

Demerara Waves Online News was told that the Goedverwagting/Plaisance location has no windows and only one entrance/exit. Management also prevents call service agents from leaving the premises once they are on shift.

Efforts to obtain an official comment from a company representative were unsuccessful.

Why are you so proud that Guyana is so backward that power cuts threaten the lives of workers.  Look at how GPL forces companies to install generators.

Last edited by Former Member

Over 20 Qualfon employees are now hospitalised at the Georgetown Public Hospital after fainting on the job under unknown circumstances.

Around 5 PM call centre employees were rushed, unconscious and conscious to the hospital.

Hours later, several more were rushed in.

At the hospital, Qualfon supervisors refused to speak while the accident and emergency unit was barred access to all.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

Baseman, These are some of the WORST SLIMBALLS I have known. There characters are very questionable and I would not trust them with a penny.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

That tragic mess spanned two Presidencies. And you know what? It shouldn't have happened in the first place if Bush hadn't taken this country to a $2 billion unpaid adventure that killed hndreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and left the Shiite Maliki in control with blood-letting with the Sunnis.


So BaseBoard tek yuh own advice and shut yuh stink mouth.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

Baseman, These are some of the WORST SLIMBALLS I have known. There characters are very questionable and I would not trust them with a penny.

What de f0ck yuh know about anything?! Shut yuh pattacake, batty bwoi!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

Baseman, These are some of the WORST SLIMBALLS I have known. There characters are very questionable and I would not trust them with a penny.

What de f0ck yuh know about anything?! Shut yuh pattacake, batty bwoi!

Batty Boy Karhee you are nothing but a LEACH in the Community. You sailed from one shore to the next like the EMPTY vessel you are. You are always looking for ways to gain from the Community. You BLOODY PARASITE!!!

Nehru ....Kari and Others are hammering you are pig-headed in your support of corruption, wrong doing, Buggery and lawlessness in Guyana.....all of which has caused the Guyanese mainly Indians to suffer. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We do not understand why you refuse to acknowledge House of Israel Thugs Lamumba, Hamilton, Witicker, McClean, Nascimento, Bynoe, Kwame are enemies of the Indians, Working Class, Grass Root, Poor, Honest, Hard Working and Decent Guyanese. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Preident's Wife ..... will tell the world the Black House of Israel thugs took advantage and molested any and all Guyanese who were opposed to the PNC........ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Who in their right senses or mind...... would accommodate and encourage these "Dutty Crab Louse" Infest, contaminate ..... survive and grow in the "Crutch of the PPP" ...... and today operate with protection and immunity ......inside Freedom House and the Office of the President..... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THUGS CONTROLING THE PARTY OR OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT........... This could never happen under Burnham or Jagan ........Hoyte Jailed these Black thug.......Why you Turn over?.......Because you is a Batty -Poke???
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Nehru ....Kari and Others are hammering you are pig-headed in your support of corruption, wrong doing, Buggery and lawlessness in Guyana.....all of which has caused the Guyanese mainly Indians to suffer. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We do not understand why you refuse to acknowledge House of Israel Thugs Lamumba, Hamilton, Witicker, McClean, Nascimento, Bynoe, Kwame are enemies of the Indians, Working Class, Grass Root, Poor, Honest, Hard Working and Decent Guyanese. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Preident's Wife ..... will tell the world the Black House of Israel thugs took advantage and molested any and all Guyanese who were opposed to the PNC........ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Who in their right senses or mind...... would accommodate and encourage these "Dutty Crab Louse" Infest, contaminate ..... survive and grow in the "Crutch of the PPP" ...... and today operate with protection and immunity ......inside Freedom House and the Office of the President..... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THUGS CONTROLING THE PARTY OR OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT........... This could never happen under Burnham or Jagan ........Hoyte Jailed these Black thug.......Why you Turn over?.......Because you is a Batty -Poke???

Karhee like to take hammer how the hell he gun hammer anyone. Why Al YUh two dont get married to each other.

Originally Posted by Kari:

CaribJ, when you report tragic news to point out working conditions that are clearly lacking that is not being proud of a backward situation.

We have different rules you need to understand.  You coulod have cussed out Guyana when there were black outs in the 80s, and even denied that you were Guyanese.


Now that the great PPP is in power no criticisms are allowed.  EDven though we still have black outs and companies are still forced spend massive amounts on generators.


I think I need to clarify.


If one were to speak of tragic news in Guyana to highlight conditions that feed such tragedy, one is not being proud of a backward situation. One is only doing what the media would do and that is highlight situations and solutions to such situations.


When blackouts were happening in the Burnham era, everyone already were resigned to the fact that that was a backward situation - Guyana was bankrupt, couldn't pay sovereign debt or bilateral loans, and couldn't buy medicine and food let alone fuel.. Some reacted by going about their business, some emigrated, etc.


When the "great" PPP governs over blackout situation the people know that it doesn't have to be so. So they would pro-actively rail against it.


so I'm lost as to your point, CaribJ

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Karhee like to take hammer how the hell he gun hammer anyone. Why Al YUh two dont get married to each other.


Bhai, go suck Yugi lolo or D_G lolo or Snakeman lolo or basement lolo......

Dat is for Batty Boy like you. No wonder yuh wife RUN like hell from you!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Karhee like to take hammer how the hell he gun hammer anyone. Why Al YUh two dont get married to each other.


Bhai, go suck Yugi lolo or D_G lolo or Snakeman lolo or basement lolo......

Dat is for Batty Boy like you. No wonder yuh wife RUN like hell from you!!!!!!!!!

Pandit not because you love Kwame who practice means others will Support that type of Lifestyle..... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx While Kari will tell you "Carry yuh Patacake Da side".......... xxxxxxxxxxxx I will say....."Haul yuh Batty-Poke back to Kwame"
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

That tragic mess spanned two Presidencies. And you know what? It shouldn't have happened in the first place if Bush hadn't taken this country to a $2 billion unpaid adventure that killed hndreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and left the Shiite Maliki in control with blood-letting with the Sunnis.


So BaseBoard tek yuh own advice and shut yuh stink mouth.

Of course clown, it was first uncovered in 2005 and Bush asked for an investigation which takes time.  It was not know to be as pervasive until sometime later, under your boy's watch.  What did he do, wait till it exploded to initiate a "fact-finding" mission.  By the time Mr do-little figure it out, many more will die and he will be living large on his pension.  That banna seem not te be able to get anything right, what a waste of eight years.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

That tragic mess spanned two Presidencies. And you know what? It shouldn't have happened in the first place if Bush hadn't taken this country to a $2 billion unpaid adventure that killed hndreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and left the Shiite Maliki in control with blood-letting with the Sunnis.


So BaseBoard tek yuh own advice and shut yuh stink mouth.

Of course clown, it was first uncovered in 2005 and Bush asked for an investigation which takes time.  It was not know to be as pervasive until sometime later, under your boy's watch.  What did he do, wait till it exploded to initiate a "fact-finding" mission.  By the time Mr do-little figure it out, many more will die and he will be living large on his pension.  That banna seem not te be able to get anything right, what a waste of eight years.

Like yuh nah notice how we nah have all dem drama dat we had when Bushie was around. Things getting back to normal and not continuing its downward slide when Bushie was president.

Originally Posted by Kari:

I think I need to clarify.


If one were to speak of tragic news in Guyana to highlight conditions that feed such tragedy, one is not being proud of a backward situation. One is only doing what the media would do and that is highlight situations and solutions to such situations.


When blackouts were happening in the Burnham era, everyone already were resigned to the fact that that was a backward situation - Guyana was bankrupt, couldn't pay sovereign debt or bilateral loans, and couldn't buy medicine and food let alone fuel.. Some reacted by going about their business, some emigrated, etc.


When the "great" PPP governs over blackout situation the people know that it doesn't have to be so. So they would pro-actively rail against it.


so I'm lost as to your point, CaribJ

CaribJ has no point. He is too preoccupied with his black/coolie obsession.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

There is a fire storm here on the matter and one head already hit the mat. The comparison with the PPP who can do no wrong is spurious.


What the hell makes you a winner...your support of crooks?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

There is a fire storm here on the matter and one head already hit the mat. The comparison with the PPP who can do no wrong is spurious.


What the hell makes you a winner...your support of crooks?

The issue was the malfunction of an AC unit in a private facility in Guyana where you loser katahar try to make it a GoG issue.  How many work-place accidents happen all around the world every day, do you just blame the Govt?  People need to be more reasonable and practical.  That building was no pig-pen, it seems modern with a modern AC which malfunctioned.  No one to blame, not even the owners, much less the Govt.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

There is a fire storm here on the matter and one head already hit the mat. The comparison with the PPP who can do no wrong is spurious.


What the hell makes you a winner...your support of crooks?

The issue was the malfunction of an AC unit in a private facility in Guyana where you loser katahar try to make it a GoG issue.  How many work-place accidents happen all around the world every day, do you just blame the Govt?  People need to be more reasonable and practical.  That building was no pig-pen, it seems modern with a modern AC which malfunctioned.  No one to blame, not even the owners, much less the Govt.

Dont you think some one should know the workers would be in danger and move them out? How about a back up generator if the  task the perform is time critical?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

There is a fire storm here on the matter and one head already hit the mat. The comparison with the PPP who can do no wrong is spurious.


What the hell makes you a winner...your support of crooks?

The issue was the malfunction of an AC unit in a private facility in Guyana where you loser katahar try to make it a GoG issue.  How many work-place accidents happen all around the world every day, do you just blame the Govt?  People need to be more reasonable and practical.  That building was no pig-pen, it seems modern with a modern AC which malfunctioned.  No one to blame, not even the owners, much less the Govt.

Dont you think some one should know the workers would be in danger and move them out? How about a back up generator if the  task the perform is time critical?

Is that a GoG issue?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

That tragic mess spanned two Presidencies. And you know what? It shouldn't have happened in the first place if Bush hadn't taken this country to a $2 billion unpaid adventure that killed hndreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and left the Shiite Maliki in control with blood-letting with the Sunnis.


So BaseBoard tek yuh own advice and shut yuh stink mouth.

Of course clown, it was first uncovered in 2005 and Bush asked for an investigation which takes time.  It was not know to be as pervasive until sometime later, under your boy's watch.  What did he do, wait till it exploded to initiate a "fact-finding" mission.  By the time Mr do-little figure it out, many more will die and he will be living large on his pension.  That banna seem not te be able to get anything right, what a waste of eight years.

The Indian Tech Guru Aneesh who was the first government IT Czar in 2009 at the advent of Obama's Presidency explains it best about Obama's approach to digitize the records of the Veterans. You must watch him online on Jon Stewart's Daily Show. You will see the lengths that Obama has gone to, to get the veterans claims records (legacy databases and data structures) from several agencies integrated so that claims can be processd without error in medication, etc.


You're just an idiot who would like to call this vetGazi. You haven't even explained why your hero -that stupid face you wear - took us to Iraq. Explain, Shithead!

Originally Posted by Kari:


so I'm lost as to your point, CaribJ

Whats so hard to understand.  We had blacks outs in the 80s and people complained, and among them would be the PPP clowns, here.  Many no dou8bt told people that they came from Trinidad.


Yet the same people think that we ought to praise the PPP because THIRTY years LATER we still have blackouts.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

CaribJ has no point. He is too preoccupied with his black/coolie obsession.

I see.  So it was OK to discuss racism under the PNC because you NEVER have anything to say to those who bring that up.


But of course today's racism against blacks is par for the course.  Who cares!  So I am wrong if I bring it up to those who brought up PNC racism.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The issue was the malfunction of an AC unit in a private facility in Guyana

Because of problems with a generator.  In most civilized countries, including much of the Caribbean generators are for OCCASIONAL use.


It Guyana electricity off the grid is occasionally used.  Generators are routine.  Why?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It sounds that it is a poorly maintained airconditioning system. I hope it is not the legionnaires bug that hit these folks. Otherwise they are doomed.

I wander what these kankawa katahers have to say about the mess at the US VA hospital which seems to have been known since 2005.


Stink mouth kari-mullah kahahar must blow some fart out.


You all bunch of losers.

That tragic mess spanned two Presidencies. And you know what? It shouldn't have happened in the first place if Bush hadn't taken this country to a $2 billion unpaid adventure that killed hndreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and left the Shiite Maliki in control with blood-letting with the Sunnis.


So BaseBoard tek yuh own advice and shut yuh stink mouth.

Of course clown, it was first uncovered in 2005 and Bush asked for an investigation which takes time.  It was not know to be as pervasive until sometime later, under your boy's watch.  What did he do, wait till it exploded to initiate a "fact-finding" mission.  By the time Mr do-little figure it out, many more will die and he will be living large on his pension.  That banna seem not te be able to get anything right, what a waste of eight years.

The Indian Tech Guru Aneesh who was the first government IT Czar in 2009 at the advent of Obama's Presidency explains it best about Obama's approach to digitize the records of the Veterans. You must watch him online on Jon Stewart's Daily Show. You will see the lengths that Obama has gone to, to get the veterans claims records (legacy databases and data structures) from several agencies integrated so that claims can be processd without error in medication, etc.


You're just an idiot who would like to call this vetGazi. You haven't even explained why your hero -that stupid face you wear - took us to Iraq. Explain, Shithead!

Obama is a non-performing technocrat.  What does it mean to have all this an you die waiting for treatment and the man in charge knows but prefers not to know, to play stupid.  Go tel the people who lost loved ones that all is well, Obama has goob technology.  This banna Obama is a good talk man.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The issue was the malfunction of an AC unit in a private facility in Guyana

Because of problems with a generator.  In most civilized countries, including much of the Caribbean generators are for OCCASIONAL use.


It Guyana electricity off the grid is occasionally used.  Generators are routine.  Why?

Generators are common when the national grid failed or when growth in demand has outstripped supply, likely due to unprecedented growth which Guyana has seen.  BTW, not only quantitative, but also qualitative growth.  The amount of AC'd offices and homes and electrical appliances such as washers, etc have never been so high before.


Nations like India and China saw a lot of supplemental power supply due to growth, Guyana is no different.


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