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New laws will enable more disclosure of corrupt dealings – Attorney General

Nov 09, 2017 Sports,

– Whistleblowers assured State protection
The Government hopes to improve its fight against corruption very soon, with the passage of the Whistleblower and the Witness Protection Bills.

This is according to Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Basil Williams. He made this and other remarks yesterday morning at the Anti-Corruption Sensitization Seminar for Councilors and employees of Region Four. The four-hour session was held at the Georgetown Club.
Williams said that Region Four has the largest population of the 10 Regions and the largest number of Councilors and staff. He stressed that billions of dollars have been, and are being spent in this Region, as well as millions leaked, resulting in the stifling of ‘the good life’ for the people of the Region.
The Legal Affairs Minister said that the Government takes seriously, its international commitment under the conventions against corruption and it pledges to ensure that the state’s assets redound to the benefit of the Guyanese people.
In this regard, he noted that forensic audits have resulted in charges being laid against purloiners of state assets, who, while the criminal charges are pending, must stay off the job lest they tamper with, destroy evidence, and intimidate witnesses relevant to their charge or any future charges.
The Minister said, “It is against this backdrop that our government has provided a legislative framework in the fight against corruption – The State Assets Recovery Act of 2017 (SARA) has been passed to pursue Civil Recovery of State Assets; the Whistleblower and Witness Protection Bills have been laid in Parliament and will have their first reading on November 17, 2017.”
The Attorney General said that the latter two Bills are to enable employees to feel free and safe to disclose corrupt dealings, legally, and enjoy the protection of the State.

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