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Jagdeo resubmits 11 names for GECOM Chairman

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday submitted to the Ministry of the Presidency 11 names of persons who were originally nominated for Chairmanship of GECOM and who have agreed to have their names resubmitted.

The eleven are:

  • Annette Arjoon-Martins
  • B S Roy (retired Justice of Appeal)
  • Gerry Gouveia
  • Joseph Singh (Retired Major General and former GECOM  Chairman)
  • Kashir Khan (attorney)
  • Krisndatt Persaud (former Senior Magistrate)
  • Lawrence Lachmansingh
  • Norman McLean (Retired Major General)
  • Onesi La Fleur
  • Ramesh Dookhoo
  • William Ramlal

The submission of the names follows a meeting on Wednesday between President David Granger and Jagdeo on a new Chairman of GECOM following a ruling on June 18 by the Caribbean Court of Justice that the appointment of Justice (Retired) James Patterson was illicit.

Jagdeo had submitted three separate lists of six names for the consideration of the President Granger. The President had rejected them and then unilaterally appointed Justice Patterson.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

i will start the ball rolling with opening comments on the nominees:



Annette Arjoon-Martins


B S Roy (retired Justice of Appeal)


Gerry Gouveia


Joseph Singh (Retired Major General and former GECOM  Chairman)

Unfortunately disqualified because of his controversial son . . . yes, I am talking PPP β€œcompromat” noting the imminent return of tapeman Roger Khan

Kashir Khan (attorney)


Krisndatt Persaud (former Senior Magistrate)


Lawrence Lachmansingh


Norman McLean (Retired Major General)


Onesi La Fleur


Ramesh Dookhoo


William Ramlal


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

i will start the ball rolling with opening comments on the nominees:



Annette Arjoon-Martins


B S Roy (retired Justice of Appeal)


Gerry Gouveia


Joseph Singh (Retired Major General and former GECOM  Chairman)

Unfortunately disqualified because of his controversial son . . . yes, I am talking PPP β€œcompromat” noting the imminent return of tapeman Roger Khan

Kashir Khan (attorney)


Krisndatt Persaud (former Senior Magistrate)


Lawrence Lachmansingh


Norman McLean (Retired Major General)


Onesi La Fleur


Ramesh Dookhoo


William Ramlal


Are you Granger? Who are you to render judgement? I bet you won't hesitate to recommend PNC dunce Basil Williams.


Snowy, guyana is a small country bai, dem run out of names already. How many judge dem gat? Surujbally was not even a judge and he was accepted by pnc to be legitimate chairman. Now pnc calling fuh former judge, who fit and prappa. Very subjective criteria interpreted by jackass granger. Now snowster, why don't you put forward a list of names who will qualify?

Baseman posted:

They will come to an agreement. Granger kaking di wuk with all these shenanigans buying time and pushing elections into 2020. 

Sheer kak passing!!

the only "kak passing" is y'all heavy lifting to shift attention from the guts of the issue with illogical, silly talk of PNC risking all for literally a few more months in office

when everybody sane knows that Granger would agree to elections 'tomorrow' with a clean list!


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

Jagdeo resubmits 11 names for GECOM Chairman

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday submitted to the Ministry of the Presidency 11 names of persons who were originally nominated for Chairmanship of GECOM and who have agreed to have their names resubmitted.

The eleven are:

  • Annette Arjoon-Martins
  • B S Roy (retired Justice of Appeal)
  • Gerry Gouveia
  • Joseph Singh (Retired Major General and former GECOM  Chairman)
  • Kashir Khan (attorney)
  • Krisndatt Persaud (former Senior Magistrate)
  • Lawrence Lachmansingh
  • Norman McLean (Retired Major General)
  • Onesi La Fleur
  • Ramesh Dookhoo
  • William Ramlal

The submission of the names follows a meeting on Wednesday between President David Granger and Jagdeo on a new Chairman of GECOM following a ruling on June 18 by the Caribbean Court of Justice that the appointment of Justice (Retired) James Patterson was illicit.

Jagdeo had submitted three separate lists of six names for the consideration of the President Granger. The President had rejected them and then unilaterally appointed Justice Patterson.

OK...I am not following your logic...

i thought Jagdeo told Granger he will submit people from the same rejected lists if they were available and willing to serve?

What is the problem with JOE SINGH? Did he not serve that position before and he  and Granger are squaddies?

VishMahabir posted:

What is the problem with JOE SINGH? Did he not serve that position before and he  and Granger are squaddies?

what is it about

"Unfortunately disqualified because of his controversial son . . . yes, I am talking PPP β€œcompromat” noting the imminent return of tapeman Roger Khan"

that you find so hard to understand?

can't you read?

i am convinced that you post sh!t on this board simply because you can


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

What is the problem with JOE SINGH? Did he not serve that position before and he  and Granger are squaddies?

what is it about

"Unfortunately disqualified because of his controversial son . . . yes, I am talking PPP β€œcompromat” noting the imminent return of tapeman Roger Khan"

that you find so hard to understand?

can't you read?

i am convinced that you post sh!t on this board simply because you can


Dude...i have no clue what you referring to here...

care to break it down for us "slow to catch on person"?

ronan posted:

i will start the ball rolling with opening comments on the nominees:



Annette Arjoon-Martins


B S Roy (retired Justice of Appeal)


Gerry Gouveia


Joseph Singh (Retired Major General and former GECOM  Chairman)

Unfortunately disqualified because of his controversial son . . . yes, I am talking PPP β€œcompromat” noting the imminent return of tapeman Roger Khan

Kashir Khan (attorney)


Krisndatt Persaud (former Senior Magistrate)


Lawrence Lachmansingh


Norman McLean (Retired Major General)


Onesi La Fleur


Ramesh Dookhoo


William Ramlal


That still leaves a lot to be deliberated over. I must admit I agree with your comments to t he rest.

ronan posted:

i will start the ball rolling with opening comments on the nominees:



Annette Arjoon-Martins


B S Roy (retired Justice of Appeal)


Gerry Gouveia


Joseph Singh (Retired Major General and former GECOM  Chairman)

Unfortunately disqualified because of his controversial son . . . yes, I am talking PPP β€œcompromat” noting the imminent return of tapeman Roger Khan

Kashir Khan (attorney)


Krisndatt Persaud (former Senior Magistrate)


Lawrence Lachmansingh


Norman McLean (Retired Major General)


Onesi La Fleur


Ramesh Dookhoo


William Ramlal


What do you mean by β€œProvocation”? I don’t know much about Joe Singh’s son,  but why should that make him unqualified? His son is an adult, isn’t he? What happened to β€œyou make your children, but you do not make their minds β€œ.

ronan posted:

i will start the ball rolling with opening comments on the nominees:



Annette Arjoon-Martins


B S Roy (retired Justice of Appeal)


Gerry Gouveia


Joseph Singh (Retired Major General and former GECOM  Chairman)

Unfortunately disqualified because of his controversial son . . . yes, I am talking PPP β€œcompromat” noting the imminent return of tapeman Roger Khan

Kashir Khan (attorney)


Krisndatt Persaud (former Senior Magistrate)


Lawrence Lachmansingh


Norman McLean (Retired Major General)


Onesi La Fleur


Ramesh Dookhoo


William Ramlal


Looking at your comment....

...what makes the "unqualifieds" unqualified?

I can see Goveia and Norman Maclean as being rejected, but that still leave 5 others with no comment (Ramlall, Latchmansingh, Persaud, Khan, Roy)

...Is your objection because they are "Indians"?



I noticed that Jagdeo submitted the names of Norman McLean, a known criminal and dead PNC racist while he was in uniform and Gerry Gouviea the man who transported Walter Rodney’s assassin to the interior where he escaped into French Guiana. Two corrupt individuals. I don’t know anything about Onesi Le Fleur, so I wouldn’t comment? I don’t know much about Mr. Ramesh Dookhoo, again I wouldn’t comment.

I would like to know the reasons why these two have been placed on the list. Would you do this Mr. Opposition Leader? 



Gov’t, Opposition to meet this afternoon on nominees for GECOM Chair

July 8 2019


Representatives of President David Granger and Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, will meet at 5pm today at Castellani House to discuss nominations for the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

A release from the Ministry of the Presidency today said that this meeting follows last Thursday’s meeting between President Granger and Jagdeo at the Ministry of the Presidency where the means of selecting a new Chairman of the Elections Commission was discussed.

Today’s meeting, the release said, is in keeping with the Caribbean Court of Justice’s ruling which said the two sides should work together to produce a list of persons to be considered for the post.

President Granger will be represented by Vice President and Minister of Public Security,  Khemraj Ramjattan; Minister of Public Health, Volda Lawrence and Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency,  Joseph Harmon.

Jagdeo will be represented by Gail Teixeira and Anil Nandlall. The release said that the two teams will meet regularly to β€˜hammer out’ the names of persons to arrive at a list of six which the Leader of the Opposition will present to President Granger and from which the President would choose one person to be named as GECOM Chair.

On Saturday, Jagdeo submitted a list of 11 names drawn from the 18 he had previously submitted but which had been rejected by Granger. The eleven are  Annette Arjoon-Martins, B S Roy (retired Justice of Appeal), Gerry Gouveia, Joseph Singh (Retired Major General and former GECOM  Chairman), Kashir Khan (attorney), Krisndatt Persaud (former Senior Magistrate), Lawrence Lachmansingh, Norman McLean (Retired Major General), Onesi La Fleur, Ramesh Dookhoo,” said a letter, dated July 6th,  from PPP/C executive Gail Teixeira to Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency Joseph Harmon.

The release noted that Granger had said at a press briefing on Thursday that the Leader of the Opposition is free to submit the names that have already been submitted on the past three lists and he has also agreed to confirm that those persons are still willing to have their names forwarded.

β€œSo, the names that have been submitted before are not eliminated…the process which has been identified by the CCJ allows the President to make submissions in the form of this `hammering out’ that the CCJ has enjoined us to adopt. So that is as much as we have achieved. I think it is a move forward towards the appointment of a Chairman of the Commission and I am confident that once there is a Chairman of the Commission, who enjoys the confidence of both the Opposition and the Government, the Commission itself will start to function much more smoothly. So, I hope …that we can move forward now and Guyanese can look forward to credible elections in as shortest time as possible,” the Head of State said.


SHould there not be equal representation at these meetings? Why are there three people negotiating on the Government side and two people on the Opposition side? Did the Opposition not raise this unequal representation to the Governmemnt or add another person to their side? If my memory serves me well, I recall Gail Texeira being a rat in the PPP administration running to the US Embassy complaining about the how the PPP phantom squad were engaged in unprofessional conduct. I don’t trust this woman. She should be kicked out of the PPP.

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you Granger? Who are you to render judgement? I bet you won't hesitate to recommend PNC dunce Basil Williams.

He is allowed just as you do to post his opinions. Do you have anything to say of the list?

Yes. Put a coolie in. Why the hell do you care? I don't see ANUG making any comments. Are they in bed with this corrupted dictatorship?

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you Granger? Who are you to render judgement? I bet you won't hesitate to recommend PNC dunce Basil Williams.

He is allowed just as you do to post his opinions. Do you have anything to say of the list?

Yes. Put a coolie in. Why the hell do you care? I don't see ANUG making any comments. Are they in bed with this corrupted dictatorship?

Skeldon_man, everyone's opinion is valid on GNI. Even the Prince and Blackmen opinions are valid. You must listen rather than judging. It's not coolie time yet you know. 

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you Granger? Who are you to render judgement? I bet you won't hesitate to recommend PNC dunce Basil Williams.

He is allowed just as you do to post his opinions. Do you have anything to say of the list?

Yes. Put a coolie in. Why the hell do you care? I don't see ANUG making any comments. Are they in bed with this corrupted dictatorship?

Guyana is my country as well. I also have ancestors whose bones are interred there dating back to the last ice age!

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you Granger? Who are you to render judgement? I bet you won't hesitate to recommend PNC dunce Basil Williams.

He is allowed just as you do to post his opinions. Do you have anything to say of the list?

Yes. Put a coolie in. Why the hell do you care? I don't see ANUG making any comments. Are they in bed with this corrupted dictatorship?

Skeldon_man, everyone's opinion is valid on GNI. Even the Prince and Blackmen opinions are valid. You must listen rather than judging. It's not coolie time yet you know. 

It has always been negro bully time.

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you Granger? Who are you to render judgement? I bet you won't hesitate to recommend PNC dunce Basil Williams.

He is allowed just as you do to post his opinions. Do you have anything to say of the list?

Yes. Put a coolie in. Why the hell do you care? I don't see ANUG making any comments. Are they in bed with this corrupted dictatorship?

Guyana is my country as well. I also have ancestors whose bones are interred there dating back to the last ice age!

Prove it! You have DNA proof.

Dondadda posted:

SHould there not be equal representation at these meetings? Why are there three people negotiating on the Government side and two people on the Opposition side? Did the Opposition not raise this unequal representation to the Governmemnt or add another person to their side?

Not a problem Don. Texeira and Nandlall is far more superior to the entire hapless Coalition put together. Ramjattan is the only one of the three Coalition representative who is bright but he is nowhere near Nandlall. 


Granger nominates eight for GECOM Chair including Justice Patterson

July 8 2019


President David Granger has nominated eight persons for position of Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) including the former controversial holder of the post, Justice James Patterson.

The other nominees are 

Stanley Ming,

Kesaundra Alves,

Dr Aubrey Armstrong,

Kadim Khan,

Kim Kyte-Thomas,

Justice Claudette La Bennett

Justice Stanley Moore.

The President made nominations after Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said that in keeping with the CCJ ruling of June 18 he would be prepared to consider nominees though he will have the final say on the list to be submitted.

Representatives of President  Granger and Leader of the Opposition,  Jagdeo, will met this afternoon at Castellani House to discuss nominations for the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

A release from the Ministry of the Presidency today said that this meeting follows last Thursday’s meeting between President Granger and Jagdeo at the Ministry of the Presidency where the means of selecting a new Chairman of the Elections Commission was discussed.

Today’s meeting, the release said, is in keeping with the Caribbean Court of Justice’s ruling which said the two sides should work together to produce a list of persons to be considered for the post.

The two sides meeting this afternoon (Ministry of the Presidency photo)

President Granger was represented by Vice President and Minister of Public Security,  Khemraj Ramjattan; Minister of Public Health, Volda Lawrence and Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency,  Joseph Harmon.

Jagdeo was represented by Gail Teixeira, Juan Edghill  and Anil Nandlall. The release said that the two teams will meet regularly to β€˜hammer out’ the names of persons to arrive at a list of six which the Leader of the Opposition will present to President Granger and from which the President would choose one person to be named as GECOM Chair.

On Saturday, Jagdeo submitted a list of 11 names drawn from the 18 he had previously submitted but which had been rejected by Granger. The eleven are

Annette Arjoon-Martins,

B S Roy (retired Justice of Appeal),

Gerry Gouveia,

Joseph Singh (Retired Major General and former GECOM  Chairman),

Kashir Khan (attorney),

Krisndatt Persaud (former Senior Magistrate),

Lawrence Lachmansingh,

Norman McLean (Retired Major General),

Onesi La Fleur,

Ramesh Dookhoo

said a letter, dated July 6th,  from PPP/C executive Gail Teixeira to Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency Joseph Harmon.

The release noted that Granger had said at a press briefing on Thursday that the Leader of the Opposition is free to submit the names that have already been submitted on the past three lists and he has also agreed to confirm that those persons are still willing to have their names forwarded.

β€œSo, the names that have been submitted before are not eliminated…the process which has been identified by the CCJ allows the President to make submissions in the form of this `hammering out’ that the CCJ has enjoined us to adopt. So that is as much as we have achieved. I think it is a move forward towards the appointment of a Chairman of the Commission and I am confident that once there is a Chairman of the Commission, who enjoys the confidence of both the Opposition and the Government, the Commission itself will start to function much more smoothly. So, I hope …that we can move forward now and Guyanese can look forward to credible elections in as shortest time as possible,” the Head of State said.



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